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12109  (

Hartman, 1980


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  1. Family Actinostromarianinidae Wood, 1987 †
  2. Family Actinostromariidae Hudson, 1955 †
  3. Family Agelasidae Verrill, 1907
  4. Family Aphrosalpingidae Myagkova, 1955 †
  5. Family Astroscleridae Lister, 1900
  6. Family Auriculospongiidae Termier & Termier, 1977 †
  7. Genus Blastoporella Cuif & Ezzoubair, 1991 †
  8. Family Catenispongiidae Finks, 1995 †
  9. Family Cryptocoeliidae Steinmann, 1882
  10. Family Exotubispongiidae Rigby & Senowbari-Daryan, 1996 †
  11. Family Girtyocoeliidae Finks et al., 2004 †
  12. Family Globucatenulaiidae Senowbari-Daryan, di Stefano & Abate, 2015 †
  13. Family Glomocystospongiidae Rigby et al., 1989 †
  14. Family Guadalupiidae Girty, 1909 †
  15. Family Hymerhabdiidae Morrow, Picton, Erpenbeck, Boury-Esnault, Maggs & Allcock, 2012
  16. Genus Incertuspongia Senowbari-Daryan, di Stefano & Abate, 2015 †
  17. Family Intrasporeocoeliidae Fan & Zhang, 1985 †
  18. Genus Kemeria Cuif & Ezzoubair, 1991 †
  19. Genus Keriocoelia Cuif, 1974 †
  20. Genus Leiospongia d'Orbigny, 1849 †
  21. Family Maeandrostiidae Finks, 1971 †
  22. Family Milleporellidae Yabe & Sugiyama, 1935 †
  23. Family Noritubispongiidae Senowbari-Daryan, di Stefano & Abate, 2015 †
  24. Family Olangocoeliidae Bechstädt & Brandner, 1970 †
  25. Family Palermocoeliidae Senowbari-Daryan, 1990 †
  26. Family Pharetrospongiidae De Laubenfels, 1955 †
  27. Family Preperonidellidae Finks & Rigby, 2004 †
  28. Family Radiotrabeculoporidae †
  29. Genus Sclerocoelia Cuif, 1974 †
  30. Genus Sobralispongia Schmid & Werner, 2005 †
  31. Family Sphaeropontiidae Finks et al., 2004 †
  32. Family Stellispongiellidae Wu, 1991 †
  33. Genus Subsphaerospongia Baldanza, 2019 †
  34. Family Tabasiidae Senowbari-Daryan, 2005 †
  35. Genus Tenuipariespongia Senowbari-Daryan, di Stefano & Abate, 2015 †
  36. Family Virgolidae Termier & Termier, 1977 †
  37. Family Chalinopsididae Schmidt, 1870 accepted as Agelasidae Verrill, 1907
  38. Family Ectyonidae Carter, 1875 accepted as Agelasidae Verrill, 1907
  39. Genus Leiofungia de Fromentel, 1860 † accepted as Leiospongia d'Orbigny, 1849 †
  40. Genus Leiosponpia Laube, 1865 † accepted as Leiospongia d'Orbigny, 1849 †
  41. Genus Hartmanina Dieci, Russo & Russo, 1975 † accepted as Leiospongia d'Orbigny, 1849 † (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
marine, fresh, terrestrial
recent + fossil
Not documented
Taxonomic remark Authority given as Verrill, 1907 in the PaleoBiology DB and some literature sources, however this is an incorrect usage...  
Taxonomic remark Authority given as Verrill, 1907 in the PaleoBiology DB and some literature sources, however this is an incorrect usage (family names i.e. in this instance, Agelasidae Verrill, 1907 cannot be re-used at higher ranks without a change of authorship), refer West et al., 2013. [details]
IRMNG (2023). Agelasida. Accessed at: on 2025-03-09
2010-05-31 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2023-10-21 17:53:54Z
2023-10-24 05:10:31Z

taxonomy source West, R. R.; Vacelet, J.; Wood, R. A.; Willenz, P.; Hartman, W. D. (2013). Part E, Revised, Volume 4, Chapter 4A–B: Hypercalcified extant and fossil chaetetid-type and Post-Devonian stromatoporoid-type Demospongiae: Systematic descriptions. <em>Treatise Online.</em> 58:1-95., available online at [details] 

name verified source West, R. R.; Vacelet, J.; Wood, R. A.; Willenz, P.; Hartman, W. D. (2013). Part E, Revised, Volume 4, Chapter 4A–B: Hypercalcified extant and fossil chaetetid-type and Post-Devonian stromatoporoid-type Demospongiae: Systematic descriptions. <em>Treatise Online.</em> 58:1-95., available online at [details] 

current name source The Paleobiology Database (2023 version). , available online at
note: authority given as Verrill, 1907, however refer note [details] 
Taxonomic remark Authority given as Verrill, 1907 in the PaleoBiology DB and some literature sources, however this is an incorrect usage (family names i.e. in this instance, Agelasidae Verrill, 1907 cannot be re-used at higher ranks without a change of authorship), refer West et al., 2013. [details]

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