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IRMNG source details

SN2000 unverified/Nielsen, 1995
2011-10-06 22:00:00Z

Alalcomenaeus Simonetta, 1970 † (extant flag source)
Alalcomenaeus Simonetta, 1970 † (basis of record)
Burgessia Walcott, 1912 † (basis of record)
Chamaesipho Darwin, 1854 (basis of record)
Corticum accepted as Corticium Schmidt, 1862 (basis of record)
Cyathocormus Oka, 1913 accepted as Sycozoa Lesson, 1832 (basis of record)
Cyathocormus Oka, 1913 accepted as Sycozoa Lesson, 1832 (extant flag source)
Cynthia Savigny, 1816 accepted as Halocynthia Verrill, 1879 (basis of record)
Cynthia Savigny, 1816 accepted as Halocynthia Verrill, 1879 (extant flag source)
Dinomiscus † (basis of record)
Dinomiscus † (extant flag source)
Habelia Walcott, 1912 † (basis of record)
Hydroctena Dawydoff, 1904 (extant flag source)
Hydroctena Dawydoff, 1904 (basis of record)
Kowalevskaia accepted as Kowalevskia Fol, 1872 (basis of record)
Kowalevskaia accepted as Kowalevskia Fol, 1872 (extant flag source)
Leanchoilia Walcott, 1912 † (basis of record)
Marrella Walcott, 1912 † (basis of record)
Melicerta Schrank, 1803 accepted as Floscularia Cuvier, 1798 (basis of record)
Melicerta Schrank, 1803 accepted as Floscularia Cuvier, 1798 (extant flag source)
Molaria Walcott, 1912 † (basis of record)
Odaraia Walcott, 1912 † (basis of record)
Oxychomatus (basis of record)
Oxychomatus (extant flag source)
Paucijaculum Schram, 1973 † (basis of record)
Perspicaris Briggs, 1977 † (basis of record)
Plenocaris Whittington, 1974 † (extant flag source)
Plenocaris Whittington, 1974 † (basis of record)
Rhyncoscolex accepted as Rhynchoscolex Leidy, 1851 (extant flag source)
Rhyncoscolex accepted as Rhynchoscolex Leidy, 1851 (basis of record)
Sanctacaris Briggs & Collins, 1988 † (extant flag source)
Sanctacaris Briggs & Collins, 1988 † (basis of record)
Sarotrocercus Whittington, 1981 † (extant flag source)
Sarotrocercus Whittington, 1981 † (basis of record)
Sidneyia Walcott, 1911 † (basis of record)
Siniopelta Levinsen, 1909 accepted as Celleporina Gray, 1848 (extant flag source)
Siniopelta Levinsen, 1909 accepted as Celleporina Gray, 1848 (basis of record)
Yohoia Walcott, 1912 † (basis of record)

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