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Schizothrix Kützing ex Gomont, 1892

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  1. Species Schizothrix acuminata (N.L. Gardner) Drouet
  2. Species Schizothrix acutissima Drouet
  3. Species Schizothrix adunca Schwabe, 1960
  4. Species Schizothrix affinis Lemmermann, 1904
  5. Species Schizothrix aikenensis Wolle ex Philson
  6. Species Schizothrix antarctica F.E. Fritsch, 1917
  7. Species Schizothrix arenaria Gomont, 1892
  8. Species Schizothrix arnottii Frémy, 1923
  9. Species Schizothrix atacamensis Schwabe
  10. Species Schizothrix beccarii Gomont, 1892
  11. Species Schizothrix bioretii Frémy, 1924
  12. Species Schizothrix bosniaca (Hansgirg) Forti ex Geitler, 1932
  13. Species Schizothrix braunii Gomont, 1892
  14. Species Schizothrix calcarea Gardner, 1927
  15. Species Schizothrix calcicola (C. Agardh) Gomont ex Gomont, 1892
  16. Species Schizothrix calida De Wildeman, 1897
  17. Species Schizothrix californica Drouet
  18. Species Schizothrix cavanillesii P. González, 1945
  19. Species Schizothrix chalybea (Kützing) Gomont, 1892
  20. Species Schizothrix codiiformis (Giaccone) Giaccone
  21. Species Schizothrix confervae (Kützing) Desikachary, 1959
  22. Species Schizothrix constricta Copeland, 1936
  23. Species Schizothrix coriacea (Kützing) Gomont, 1892
  24. Species Schizothrix cresswellii Harvey, 1846
  25. Species Schizothrix creswellii (Harvey) Harvey, 1847
  26. Species Schizothrix cuspidata (W. West & G.S. West) W. West & G.S. West, 1896
  27. Species Schizothrix cyanea Nägeli ex Geitler, 1925
  28. Species Schizothrix dailyi Drouet
  29. Species Schizothrix delicatissima W. West & G.S. West, 1897
  30. Species Schizothrix diplosiphon (Woronichin) Anagnostidis, 2001
  31. Species Schizothrix ecalcarea Gardner ex Geitler, 1932
  32. Species Schizothrix elongata W. West & G.S. West, 1897
  33. Species Schizothrix epilithica (Ercegovic) Anagnostidis, 2001
  34. Species Schizothrix epiphytica F.E. Fritsch
  35. Species Schizothrix ericetorum Lemmermann, 1910
  36. Species Schizothrix facilis (Skuja) Anagnostidis, 2001
  37. Species Schizothrix fasciculata Nägeli ex Gomont, 1892
  38. Species Schizothrix flammea Komárek & M. Watanabe
  39. Species Schizothrix fragilis (Kützing) Gomont, 1892
  40. Species Schizothrix friesii (C. Agardh) Gomont, 1890
  41. Species Schizothrix fritschii Anand, 1937
  42. Species Schizothrix funalis W. West & G.S. West, 1896
  43. Species Schizothrix funicilus Voronichin
  44. Species Schizothrix furcata Rabenhorst ex Gomont
  45. Species Schizothrix fuscescens Kützing, 1843
  46. Species Schizothrix gebeleinii Golubic & Browne, 1996
  47. Species Schizothrix giuseppei Drouet, 1942
  48. Species Schizothrix gomontii Weber van Bosse, 1913
  49. Species Schizothrix gracilis Golubic, 1973
  50. Species Schizothrix guiseppei Drouet
  51. Species Schizothrix hawaiensis Lemmermann
  52. Species Schizothrix helva Frémy, 1938
  53. Species Schizothrix heufleri Grunow, 1865
  54. Species Schizothrix hirschii Drouet, 1959
  55. Species Schizothrix hyalina Kützing ex Hansgirg
  56. Species Schizothrix incrustans (Ercegovic) Anagnostidis, 2001
  57. Species Schizothrix kerguelensis Wille, 1901
  58. Species Schizothrix kialingensis Jao, 1944
  59. Species Schizothrix kwangsiensis Jao, 1944
  60. Species Schizothrix lacustris (A. Braun) Gomont, 1892
  61. Species Schizothrix lamyi Gomont, 1891
  62. Species Schizothrix lardacea (Cesati) Gomont, 1892
  63. Species Schizothrix lateritia (Kützing) Gomont, 1892
  64. Species Schizothrix lenormandiana Gomont, 1892
  65. Species Schizothrix litoralis Hansgirg ex Geitler, 1932
  66. Species Schizothrix longearticulata (Geitler) Anagnostidis, 2001
  67. Species Schizothrix longiarticulata Gardner, 1927
  68. Species Schizothrix lutea Frémy, 1930
  69. Species Schizothrix luteola C. Sarthou, Y. Thérézien & A. Couté
  70. Species Schizothrix macbridei Drouet
  71. Species Schizothrix martima Yoneda
  72. Species Schizothrix mascarenica Gomont, 1893
  73. Species Schizothrix mellea N.L. Gardner, 1927
  74. Species Schizothrix mexicana Gomont, 1892
  75. Species Schizothrix minor (Gardner) Anagnostidis, 2001
  76. Species Schizothrix minuta (Hansgirg ex Gomont) Forti ex Geitler, 1932
  77. Species Schizothrix muelleri Nägeli ex Gomont, 1892
  78. Species Schizothrix nasri Frémy, 1938
  79. Species Schizothrix nasrii Frémy
  80. Species Schizothrix natans W. West & G.S. West, 1897
  81. Species Schizothrix nigrovaginata Hansgirg ex Forti, 1907
  82. Species Schizothrix nullipora (Grun.) Geitler, 1925
  83. Species Schizothrix pallida (Kützing) Geitler, 1932
  84. Species Schizothrix panniformis Rabenhorst
  85. Species Schizothrix parciramosa (Gardner) Geitler, 1932
  86. Species Schizothrix perforans Geitler, 1927
  87. Species Schizothrix polythrichoides Fritsch
  88. Species Schizothrix polytrichoides F.E. Fritsch
  89. Species Schizothrix porphyromelana (Brühl & Biswas) Geitler, 1925
  90. Species Schizothrix pseudofriesii Duvigneaud & Symoens
  91. Species Schizothrix pulvinata (Kützing) Gomont, 1892
  92. Species Schizothrix purcellii Taylor, 1928
  93. Species Schizothrix radiussolis M. Watanabe & Komárek
  94. Species Schizothrix regeliana (Nägeli ex Gomont) Geitler, 1925
  95. Species Schizothrix richardsii Drouet
  96. Species Schizothrix rivulariarum Voronichin
  97. Species Schizothrix rivularioides (Hansgirg) Forti, 1907
  98. Species Schizothrix rivularis (Wolle ex Forti) Drouet
  99. Species Schizothrix rivulis (Wolle) F.E. Drouet
  100. Species Schizothrix rosea Gardner, 1927
  101. Species Schizothrix rubella Gomont, 1892
  102. Species Schizothrix rubra (Meneghini) Gomont, 1892
  103. Species Schizothrix rupicola Tilden, 1896
  104. Species Schizothrix sauteriana Grunow, 1865
  105. Species Schizothrix semiglobosa Geilter
  106. Species Schizothrix septentrionalis Gomont, 1899
  107. Species Schizothrix simplicior Skuja
  108. Species Schizothrix splendida Golubic, 1973
  109. Species Schizothrix stigonemae Jao, 1939
  110. Species Schizothrix stockmayerii Skuja
  111. Species Schizothrix stricklandii Drouet
  112. Species Schizothrix sublutea C.-C. Jao, 1939
  113. Species Schizothrix subundulata (Martens) Desikachary, 1959
  114. Species Schizothrix symplocoides (Gardner) Geitler, 1932
  115. Species Schizothrix taylori Drouet
  116. Species Schizothrix telephoroides (Montagne) Gomont, 1890
  117. Species Schizothrix tenax (Wolle) Desikachary, 1959
  118. Species Schizothrix tenebrosa Turicchia, Ventura, Komárková & Komárek
  119. Species Schizothrix tenerrima (Gomont) F.E. Drouet, 1968
  120. Species Schizothrix tenerrina (Gomont) Drouet
  121. Species Schizothrix tenuis Woronichin, 1923
  122. Species Schizothrix thelephoroides Gomont
  123. Species Schizothrix thermophila Copeland, 1936
  124. Species Schizothrix tinctoria Gomont, 1890
  125. Species Schizothrix tinctoria (C. Agardh) ex Gomont, 1892
  126. Species Schizothrix tornata Kützing ex Hansgirg
  127. Species Schizothrix turicensis (Nägeli) Geitler, 1932
  128. Species Schizothrix undulata Virieux, 1916
  129. Species Schizothrix vaginata Gomont, 1892
  130. Species Schizothrix variecolor Rabenhorst
  131. Species Schizothrix viguieri Frémy, 1930
  132. Species Schizothrix violacea Gardner, 1927
  133. Species Schizothrix viridula (Zeller) Desikachary, 1959
  134. Species Schizothrix willei (Gardner) Geitler, 1932
  135. Species Schizothrix wollei Drouet
  136. Species Schizothrix yellowstonensis (Copeland) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 2001
  137. Species Schizothrix aeruginea (Rabenhorst) Desikachary, 1959 accepted as Leptolyngbya aeruginea (Kützing ex Hansgirg) Komárek, 2001
  138. Species Schizothrix albaniensis Drouet, 1960 accepted as Symplocastrum albaniense (Drouet) Anagnostidis, 2001
  139. Species Schizothrix aurantiaca Kützing, 1849 accepted as Symplocastrum aurantiacum (Hansgirg ex Hansgirg) Anagnostidis, 2001
  140. Species Schizothrix calcicola (C. Agardh) Gomont, 1890 accepted as Schizothrix calcicola (C. Agardh) Gomont ex Gomont, 1892
  141. Species Schizothrix cresswellii (Harvey) Gomont accepted as Schizothrix creswellii (Harvey) Harvey, 1847
  142. Species Schizothrix friesii Gomont ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Symplocastrum friesii (Gomont ex Gomont) Kirchner, 1898
  143. Species Schizothrix grunoviana Elenkin, 1949 accepted as Symplocastrum grunovianum (Elenkin) Anagnostidis, 2001
  144. Species Schizothrix hancockii Drouet, 1936 accepted as Phormidium hancockii (Drouet) Drouet, 1942
  145. Species Schizothrix hawaiiensis Lemmermann, 1905 accepted as Inactis hawaiiensis (Lemmermann) Forti, 1907
  146. Species Schizothrix muelleri Nägeli, 1849 accepted as Symplocastrum muelleri (Nägeli ex Gomont) Anagnostidis, 2001
  147. Species Schizothrix naegelii (Kützing) Geitler, 1925 accepted as Symplocastrum naegelii (Kützing ex Gomont) Anagnostidis, 2001
  148. Species Schizothrix nigrovaginata (Hansgirg) Geitler, 1932 accepted as Schizothrix nigrovaginata Hansgirg ex Forti, 1907
  149. Species Schizothrix notarisii (Meneghini) Sampaio, 1964 accepted as Porphyrosiphon notarisii Kützing ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Planktothrix perornata (Skuja) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988
  150. Species Schizothrix penicillata (Kützing) Gomont, 1892 accepted as Heteroleibleinia penicillata (Kützing ex Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988
  151. Species Schizothrix purpurascens (Kützing) Gomont, 1890 accepted as Symplocastrum purpurascens (Gomont ex Gomont) Anagnostidis, 2001
  152. Species Schizothrix purpurascens (Kützing) Gomont ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Symplocastrum purpurascens (Gomont ex Gomont) Anagnostidis, 2001
  153. Species Schizothrix purpurascens Gomont ex Gomont, 1892 accepted as Symplocastrum purpurascens (Gomont ex Gomont) Anagnostidis, 2001
  154. Species Schizothrix regeliana (Nägeli) Geitler, 1925 accepted as Schizothrix regeliana (Nägeli ex Gomont) Geitler, 1925
  155. Species Schizothrix rubra P.L. Crouan & H.M. Crouan, 1867 accepted as Homoeothrix rubra (P.L. Crouan & H.M. Crouan) Frémy, 1926
  156. Species Schizothrix sauteriana Grunow ex Geitler, 1932 accepted as Symplocastrum sauterianum (Grunow ex Gomont) Anagnostidis, 2001
  157. Species Schizothrix simmonsiae Collins, 1900 accepted as Lyngbya simmonsiae (Collins) Drouet, 1939
recent only
Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 15
page(s): 292 [details] 
IRMNG (2024). Schizothrix Kützing ex Gomont, 1892. Accessed at: on 2025-01-30
2007-03-19 23:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
Morgan, Helen

original description Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 15
page(s): 292 [details] 

basis of record SN2000/Komárek & Hauer, 2004 [details] 

basis of record Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

verified source for family CyanoDB (May 2011) [details] 

verified source for family WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

name verified source Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

current name source WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

extant flag source SN2000/Komárek & Hauer, 2004 [details] 

habitat flag source Whitton et al., 2003 (FW species) [details] 

habitat flag source Aphia 2006 [details] 

original description (of Entothrix Kützing, 1843) Phycol Gener., p
page(s): 224 [details] 

original description (of Dictyothrix Kützing, 1843 ex Forti, 1907) Syll. Myxoph., p
page(s): 308 [details] 

original description (of Hypheothrix Kützing, 1843) Phycol. Gener., p
page(s): 229 [details] 

original description (of Inactis Kützing, 1843) Phycol. Gener., p
page(s): 202 [details] 

original description (of Inactis Thuret, 1875) Ann. Sci. Nar.-Bot. 6, 1
page(s): 375 [details] 

original description (of Inomeria Kützing, 1845) Phycol. german., p
page(s): 191 [details] 

original description (of Heterochroa J.E. Areschoug, 1866) Alg. Scand. Exs., ser. 2, 6
page(s): 289 [details] 
Descriptive info Includes marine species (Aphia 2006). Includes FW species (Whitton et al., 2003) [details]

Habitat Marine and nonmarine [details]

Type species as cited Schizothrix fuscescens Kützing ex Gomont 1892 [details]

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