IRMNG taxon details
basis of record
Index Nominum Genericorum (orthography adjusted) [details]
additional source
Lee, J.; Riding, R. (2020). The 'classic stromatolite' <i>Cryptozoön</i> is a keratose sponge‐microbial consortium. <em>Geobiology.</em> 19(2): 189-198., available online at note: discusses nature of Cryptozoon associations, refer note [details]
verified source for family
Semikhatov, M. A.; Raaben, M. E. (2000). Proterozoic stromatolite taxonomy and biostratigraphy. Pp. 295-306 in Riding, R. E. & Awramik, S. M. (eds.): Microbial Sediments. Springer-Verlag, Berlin & Heidelberg. <em>Microbial Sediments.</em> , available online at [details]
current name source
Semikhatov, M. A.; Raaben, M. E. (2000). Proterozoic stromatolite taxonomy and biostratigraphy. Pp. 295-306 in Riding, R. E. & Awramik, S. M. (eds.): Microbial Sediments. Springer-Verlag, Berlin & Heidelberg. <em>Microbial Sediments.</em> , available online at note: as "Cryptozoon (sensu Pia)" [details]
habitat flag source
Semikhatov, M. A.; Raaben, M. E. (2000). Proterozoic stromatolite taxonomy and biostratigraphy. Pp. 295-306 in Riding, R. E. & Awramik, S. M. (eds.): Microbial Sediments. Springer-Verlag, Berlin & Heidelberg. <em>Microbial Sediments.</em> , available online at [details]
Descriptive info Fossil stromatolite, Precambrian; originally described as an animal. [details]
Taxonomic remark Original / permitted alternative spelling = Cryptozoön. Lee & Riding, 2020 re-analyse Cryptozoon and conclude that it represents an "interlayered consortium of keratose ('horny') sponge and microbial carbonate in roughly equal proportions" (elsewhere: "only partly stromatolitic"), the taxonomic implications of which are unclear. [details]