Between brackets is the number of accepted species
1 Click on "-" to collapse/hide all child taxa
2 Shows the number of accepted species within the taxon
3 The last expanded taxon is highlighted
4 Click on "+" to expand/show all child taxa
5 Click to see the taxon details page
- Biota
- Kingdom Animalia
- Kingdom Archaea
- Kingdom Bacteria
- Kingdom Chromista
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae
- Phylum Acritarcha †
- Phylum Algae (awaiting allocation)
- Phylum Algae incertae sedis
- Phylum Anthocerotophyta
- Phylum Bryophyta
- Phylum Calcitarcha †
- Phylum Charophyta
- Phylum Chlorophyta
- Phylum Eophyta †
- Phylum Glaucophyta
- Phylum Gymnospermophyta accepted as Tracheophyta
- Phylum Horneophyta †
- Phylum Magnoliophyta accepted as Tracheophyta
- Phylum Marchantiophyta
- Phylum Picozoa
- Phylum Plantae (awaiting allocation)
- Phylum Prasinodermatophyta
- Phylum Pteridophyta accepted as Tracheophyta
- Phylum Rhodelphidia
- Phylum Rhodophyta
- Subdivision Cyanidiophytina
- Subdivision Eurhodophytina
- Class Bangiophyceae
- Class Florideophyceae
- Order Acrochaetiales
- Order Acrosymphytales
- Order Ahnfeltiales
- Order Atractophorales
- Order Balbianiales
- Order Balliales
- Order Batrachospermales
- Order Bonnemaisoniales
- Order Catenellopsidales
- Order Ceramiales
- Order Colaconematales
- Order Corallinales
- Order Corynodactylales
- Order Cryptonemiales accepted as Halymeniales
- Order Entwisleiales
- Order Florideophyceae (awaiting allocation)
- Order Gelidiales
- Order Gigartinales
- Order Gracilariales
- Order Halymeniales
- Order Hapalidiales
- Order Hildenbrandiales
- Order Inkyuleeales
- Order Nemaliales
- Order Nemastomatales
- Family Nemastomataceae Schmitz, 1892
- Genus Adelophycus Kraft, 1994
- Genus Adelophyton Kraft, 1975 accepted as Adelophycus Kraft, 1994
- Genus Clarionea Setchell & Gardner, 1930 accepted as Predaea G. De Toni, 1936
- Genus Gymnophlaea Kützing, 1843
- Genus Itonoa Masuda & Guiry, 1995
- Genus Nemastoma J.G. Agardh, 1842
- Genus Nemostoma J.G. Agardh, 1842 accepted as Nemastoma J.G. Agardh, 1842
- Genus Predaea G. De Toni, 1936
- Genus Predaeopsis Kajimura, 1981 accepted as Predaea G. De Toni, 1936
- Species Predaeopsis japonica Kajimura, 1981
- Genus Yadranella Ercegovic, 1949 accepted as Predaea G. De Toni, 1936
- Family Schizymeniaceae M. Masuda & M.D. Guiry, 1995
- Family Yadranellaceae accepted as Nemastomataceae Schmitz, 1892
- Order Palmariales
- Order Peyssonneliales
- Order Pihiellales
- Order Plocamiales
- Order Rhodachlyales
- Order Rhodogorgonales
- Order Rhodymeniales
- Order Sebdeniales
- Order Sporolithales
- Order Thoreales
- Family Pterocladiophilaceae Fan & Papenfuss, 1959
- Genus Corallinapetra T.J. Farr, W.A. Nelson & J.E. Sutherland in Nelson et al., 2015
- Genus Entocolax P.F. Reinsch, 1875
- Genus Gremiphyca Y. Zhang, L. Yin, S. Xiao & A.H. Knoll, 1998 †
- Genus Herpophyllum J.G. Agardh, 1894
- Genus Lobocolax M.A. Howe, 1914
- Genus Qingjiangthallus R. Li & X. Zhang, 2022 †
- Genus Ramathallus T. Sallstedt in Bengtson et al., 2017 †
- Genus Thallophycoides Y. Zhang & X.-L. Yuan, 1992 †
- Genus Corticina Y. Zhang & X.-L. Yuan, 1992 † accepted as Thallophycoides Y. Zhang & X.-L. Yuan, 1992 †
- Genus Wengania Y. Zhang, 1989 †
- Subdivision Metarhodophytina
- Subdivision Rhodellophytina
- Class Rhodophyceae accepted as Rhodophyta
- Order Archaeolithophyllales †
- Order Rhodophyta (awaiting allocation)
- Family Demidellaceae †
- Family Dzhulfanellaceae † accepted as Gymnocodiaceae Elliot, 1955 †
- Family Gymnocodiaceae Elliot, 1955 †
- Family Katavellaceae †
- Family Moniliporellaceae Gnilovskaya, 1972 †
- Genus Desmia J.G. Agardh, 1852
- Phylum Sporae dispersae †
- Phylum Tracheophyta
- Phylum Vendophyta † accepted as Algae incertae sedis
- Class Nematophyceae † accepted as Nematophyta †
- Kingdom Protista accepted as Protozoa
- Kingdom Protozoa
- Kingdom Viruses
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