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Prasiola Meneghini, 1838

1275632  (



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  1. Species Prasiola anziana Rabenhorst, 1864
  2. Species Prasiola borealis M. Reed, 1902
  3. Species Prasiola calophylla (Carmichael ex Greville) Kützing, 1845
  4. Species Prasiola crispa (Lightfoot) Kützing, 1843
  5. Species Prasiola cristata (J.D. Hooker & Harvey) J.G. Agardh, 1883
  6. Species Prasiola delicata Setchell & N.L. Gardner, 1920
  7. Species Prasiola delicatula V.J. Chapman, 1951
  8. Species Prasiola elongata Hu, 1984
  9. Species Prasiola fangschngensis Luan & Ding, 2009
  10. Species Prasiola filiformis Reinsch, 1890
  11. Species Prasiola flotowii Kützing, 1845
  12. Species Prasiola fluviatilis (Sommerfelt) Areschoug ex Lagerstedt, 1869
  13. Species Prasiola formosana Okada, 1936
  14. Species Prasiola furfuracea (Mertens ex Hornemann) Kützing, 1843
  15. Species Prasiola glacialis M.B.J. Moniz, Rindi, Novis, Broady & Guiry, 2012
  16. Species Prasiola hubeica Bi Lie-Jiu, 1986
  17. Species Prasiola japonica Yatabe, 1891
  18. Species Prasiola johanseni F.S. Collins, 1927
  19. Species Prasiola lanpingensis C. Qian & R.-N. Wang, 1997
  20. Species Prasiola linearis C.-C. Jao, 1937
  21. Species Prasiola mauritiana Børgesen, 1946
  22. Species Prasiola meridionalis Setchell & N.L. Gardner, 1920
  23. Species Prasiola mexicana J.G. Agardh, 1847
  24. Species Prasiola minuta Dickie
  25. Species Prasiola nevadensis Setchell & N.L. Gardner, 1920
  26. Species Prasiola novaezelandiae S. Heesch & W.A. Nelson, 2012
  27. Species Prasiola sinica C.-C. Jao, 1940
  28. Species Prasiola skottsbergii Hylmö, 1938
  29. Species Prasiola snareana V.J. Chapman, 1956
  30. Species Prasiola sneareana V.J. Chapman, 1956
  31. Species Prasiola stipitata Suhr ex Jessen, 1848
  32. Species Prasiola subareolata Skuja, 1937
  33. Species Prasiola tessellata (J.D. Hooker & Harvey) Kützing, 1849
  34. Species Prasiola tibetica C.-C. Jao, 1967
  35. Species Prasiola velutina (Lyngbye) Trevisan, 1845
  36. Species Prasiola volcanica Luan & Ding, 2009
  37. Species Prasiola yunnanica C.-C. Jao, 1947
  38. Species Prasiola antarctica Kützing, 1849 accepted as Prasiola crispa (Lightfoot) Kützing, 1843
  39. Species Prasiola aureola (C. Agardh) Trevisan, 1842 accepted as Capsosiphon fulvescens (C. Agardh) Setchell & N.L. Gardner, 1920
  40. Species Prasiola cornucopiae J.G. Agardh, 1883 accepted as Prasiola stipitata Suhr ex Jessen, 1848
  41. Species Prasiola falklandica (Kützing) Kützing, 1855 accepted as Prasiola crispa (Lightfoot) Kützing, 1843
  42. Species Prasiola fulvescens (C. Agardh) Trevisan, 1842 accepted as Capsosiphon fulvescens (C. Agardh) Setchell & N.L. Gardner, 1920
  43. Species Prasiola georgica Reinsch, 1890 accepted as Prasiola crispa (Lightfoot) Kützing, 1843
  44. Species Prasiola leprosa Kützing, 1845 accepted as Prasiola furfuracea (Mertens ex Hornemann) Kützing, 1843
  45. Species Prasiola orbicularis Kützing, 1845 accepted as Prasiola crispa (Lightfoot) Kützing, 1843
  46. Species Prasiola parietina (Vaucher) Wille accepted as Prasiola calophylla (Carmichael ex Greville) Kützing, 1845
  47. Species Prasiola polyrhiza (Rosenvinge) Jónsson, 1903 accepted as Rosenvingiella polyrhiza (Rosenvinge) P.C. Silva, 1957
  48. Species Prasiola rothii Kützing, 1845 accepted as Prasiola crispa (Lightfoot) Kützing, 1843
  49. Species Prasiola sauteri Meneghini, 1845 accepted as Prasiola fluviatilis (Sommerfelt) Areschoug ex Lagerstedt, 1869
recent only
Not documented
Taxonomic remark Nom. cons.  
Taxonomic remark Nom. cons. [details]
IRMNG (2024). Prasiola Meneghini, 1838. Accessed at: on 2025-03-06
2007-03-05 23:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
Povey, Anna
2016-11-22 08:30:58Z

basis of record Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

basis of record SN2000/Guiry, 2001 [details] 

basis of record Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

verified source for family WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

verified source for family Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

name verified source Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

current name source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

extant flag source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

habitat flag source Aphia2006, Parker 82, Bourelly 1972 [details] 

original description (of Humida S.F. Gray, 1821) New Arr. Brit. Pl. 1
page(s): 281 [details] 
Descriptive info Includes marine and non-marine species (Bourelly 1972, Aphia 2006) [details]

Habitat Marine and nonmarine [details]

Nomenclatural status nomen conservandum [details]

Taxonomic remark Nom. cons. [details]

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