IRMNG name details
source of synonymy
Taxon 25: 174-176 (1976). [details]
verified source for family
as per Bobartia L. [details]
habitat flag source
as per family [details]
Nomenclatural status illegitimate [details]
Taxonomic remark Not a new name. See Bobartia Linnaeus 1753 (nom. cons.). (Index Nominum Genericorum). Originally (1959) conserved against Bobartia L. on the basis that the type of the latter was believed to refer to a species of Cyperus (Cyperaceae), however subsequently it has been shown that the type of Bobartia L. is in accord with Ker-Gawler's usage in Iridaceae, refer Taxon 25: 174-176 (1976); thus Bobartia Ker-Gawler is effectively a later usage. [details]