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IRMNG name details

Leptotheca Thélohan, 1895

1278011  (



  • Alphabetically
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  1. Species Leptotheca acanthopagri Zhao & Song, 2003
  2. Species Leptotheca adeli Bakay & Grudnev, 1998
  3. Species Leptotheca agilis (Thélohan, 1892)
  4. Species Leptotheca amatea Aseeva, 2001
  5. Species Leptotheca ampla Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudnev, 2002
  6. Species Leptotheca annulata Meglitsch, 1960
  7. Species Leptotheca beveridgei Moser, Kent & Dennis, 1989
  8. Species Leptotheca chromis Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix, 1989
  9. Species Leptotheca coelorhyncha Yoshino & Noble, 1973
  10. Species Leptotheca elongata Thélohan, 1895
  11. Species Leptotheca faba (Meglitsch, 1960)
  12. Species Leptotheca fugu Tun, Yokoyama, Ogawa & Wakabayashi, 2000
  13. Species Leptotheca fusciformis Davis, 1917
  14. Species Leptotheca glomerosa Davis, 1917
  15. Species Leptotheca hepseti Thélohan, 1895
  16. Species Leptotheca informis Auerbach, 1910
  17. Species Leptotheca koreana Cho & Kim, 2001
  18. Species Leptotheca kovaljovae Bakay & Grudnev, 1998
  19. Species Leptotheca lobosa Davis, 1917
  20. Species Leptotheca longipes Auerbach, 1910
  21. Species Leptotheca lutjani Kpatcha, Diebakate & Toguebaye, 1996
  22. Species Leptotheca mackenzii Kalavati & Narayana-Rao, 2005
  23. Species Leptotheca macroformis Gaevskaya & Kovaljova, 1984
  24. Species Leptotheca minima Meglitsch, 1960
  25. Species Leptotheca nebulifera Zhao & Song, 2003
  26. Species Leptotheca ohlmacheri (Gurley, 1893)
  27. Species Leptotheca ovale Kovaljova & Gaevskaya, 1983
  28. Species Leptotheca parva Thélohan, 1895
  29. Species Leptotheca pegusae (Kpatcha, Diebakate & Toguebaye, 1996)
  30. Species Leptotheca perlata Gurley, 1893
  31. Species Leptotheca pinguis Meglitsch, 1960
  32. Species Leptotheca polymorpha Labbé, 1899
  33. Species Leptotheca polymorpha (Thélohan, 1895)
  34. Species Leptotheca quadritaenia Kovaljova & Zubchenko, 1984
  35. Species Leptotheca ranae Thélohan, 1895
  36. Species Leptotheca renicola Thélohan, 1895
  37. Species Leptotheca schulmani Rumyantsev, 1997
  38. Species Leptotheca scissura Davis, 1917
  39. Species Leptotheca scombri Pogoreltzeva, 1964
  40. Species Leptotheca simplex Kovaljova & Zubchenko, 1984
  41. Species Leptotheca sparidarum Sitjá-Bobadilla & Alvarez-Pellitero, 2001
  42. Species Leptotheca subelegans Laird, 1953
  43. Species Leptotheca vikrami Tripathi, 1948
  44. Species Leptotheca abbreviata Davis, 1917 accepted as Ceratomyxa abbreviata (Davis, 1917)
  45. Species Leptotheca acheilognathi Fujita, 1927 accepted as Myxobolus acheilognathi (Fujita, 1927)
  46. Species Leptotheca apogoni Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy, 1990 accepted as Ceratomyxa apogoni (Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy, 1990)
  47. Species Leptotheca armatura Yoshino & Moser, 1974 accepted as Sphaerospora armatura (Yoshino & Moser, 1974)
  48. Species Leptotheca asymmetrica Lalitha Kumari, 1969 accepted as Myxobolus lalithakumarii Gunter & Adlard, 2010
  49. Species Leptotheca brevis (Polyanskii, 1955) accepted as Sphaerospora brevis (Polyanskii, 1955)
  50. Species Leptotheca brevoides Zhao & Song, 2009 accepted as Sphaerospora brevoides (Zhao & Song, 2009)
  51. Species Leptotheca compressa Noble, 1939 accepted as Sphaerospora compressa (Noble, 1939)
  52. Species Leptotheca constricta Fujita, 1923 accepted as Ceratomyxa constricta (Fujita, 1923)
  53. Species Leptotheca coris Stempell, 1918 accepted as Ceratomyxa coris Georgévitch, 1916
  54. Species Leptotheca elegans Noble, 1938 accepted as Ceratomyxa noblei Gunter & Adlard, 2010
  55. Species Leptotheca etrumuci Dogiel, 1948 accepted as Ceratomyxa etrumuci (Dogiel, 1948)
  56. Species Leptotheca fisheri (Jameson, 1929) accepted as Ceratomyxa fisheri Jameson, 1929
  57. Species Leptotheca fusiformis Davis, 1917 accepted as Ellipsomyxa fusiformis (Davis, 1917)
  58. Species Leptotheca galeata (Jameson, 1929) accepted as Ceratomyxa galeata Jameson, 1929
  59. Species Leptotheca inconstans (Jameson, 1929) accepted as Ceratomyxa inconstans Jameson, 1929
  60. Species Leptotheca latesi Chakravarty, 1943 accepted as Ceratomyxa latesi (Chakravarty, 1943)
  61. Species Leptotheca limandae Fujita, 1923 accepted as Ceratomyxa fujitai Gunter & Adlard, 2010
  62. Species Leptotheca macronesi Chakravarty, 1943 accepted as Ceratomyxa macronesi (Chakravarty, 1943)
  63. Species Leptotheca macrospora Auerbach, 1909 accepted as Ceratomyxa coris Georgévitch, 1916
  64. Species Leptotheca minuta Moser & Noble, 1976 accepted as Ceratomyxa macrouridonum Gunter & Adlard, 2010
  65. Species Leptotheca mylionis Ishizaki, 1960 accepted as Ceratomyxa mylionis (Ishizaki, 1960)
  66. Species Leptotheca opisthocornata Evdokimova, 1977 accepted as Ceratomyxa opisthocornata (Evdokimova, 1977)
  67. Species Leptotheca sebasta Moser, Love & Jensen, 1976 accepted as Ceratomyxa lovei Gunter & Adlard, 2010
  68. Species Leptotheca sebastici Zhao & Song, 2003 accepted as Ceratomyxa sebastici (Zhao & Song, 2003)
  69. Species Leptotheca sphaerula Noble, 1939 accepted as Sphaerospora sphaerula (Noble, 1939)
recent only
Bull. Sci. France Belgique, 26
page(s): 331 [details] 
Taxonomic remark Author given as Doflein, 1892 in Hallan, 2000-, other sources have Thélohan, 1895 (apparently correct).  
Taxonomic remark Author given as Doflein, 1892 in Hallan, 2000-, other sources have Thélohan, 1895 (apparently correct). [details]
IRMNG (2021). Leptotheca Thélohan, 1895. Accessed at: on 2024-12-25
2009-04-13 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

original description Bull. Sci. France Belgique, 26
page(s): 331 [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

basis of record SN2000 unverified/Lom, 1990 [details] 

source of synonymy WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

verified source for family WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

extant flag source SN2000 unverified/Lom, 1990 [details] 

habitat flag source Aphia 2006 [details] 
Taxonomic remark Author given as Doflein, 1892 in Hallan, 2000-, other sources have Thélohan, 1895 (apparently correct). [details]

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