IRMNG name details
Nomenclatural status unavailable (except homonymy) [details]
Subfamily Agoninae [details]
Taxonomic remark Authority given in Nomen. Zool. as Lacepède, 1802. Name suppressed for priority but not for homonymy, refer ICZN Opinion 1862.Aspidephorus Minding 1832, Asphedophorus and Aspihidophorus (Swainson 1839 181, 272) and Aspidiphori and Aspidiphorus (Griffith & Smith 1834, Pl. 53) are incorrect subsequent spellings not in prevailing usage and unavailable. Suppressed and placed on Official Index in Opinion 1855 to conserve Agonus. Also appeared in Sonnini 1803 (vol. 8). (Eschmeyer). [details]
Type species as cited Cottus cataphractus Linnaeus 1758 [details]
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