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IRMNG name details

Ristella Prévot, 1938

1292104  (



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  1. Species Ristella capillosa (Tissier, 1908) Prévot, 1938 accepted as Bacteroides capillosus (Tissier 1908) Kelly, 1957
  2. Species Ristella clostridiiformis (Burri & Ankersmit, 1906) Prévot, 1938 accepted as Clostridium clostridioforme corrig. (Burri & Ankersmit, 1906) Kaneuchi et al., 1976
  3. Species Ristella corrodens (Eiken, 1958) Prévot, 1966 accepted as Eikenella corrodens (Eiken 1958) Jackson & Goodman, 1972
  4. Species Ristella cylindroides (Rocchi, 1908) Prévot, 1938 accepted as Eubacterium cylindroides (Rocchi 1908) Holdeman & Moore, 1970
  5. Species Ristella distasonis (Eggerth & Gagnon, 1933) Prévot, 1938 accepted as Bacteroides distasonis Eggerth & Gagnon, 1933
  6. Species Ristella fragilis Prévot, 1938 accepted as Bacteroides fragilis (Veillon & Zuber, 1898) Castellani & Chalmers, 1919
  7. Species Ristella furcosa (Veillon & Zuber, 1898) Prévot, 1938 accepted as Bacteroides furcosus (Veillon & Zuber, 1898) Hauduroy et al., 1937
  8. Species Ristella furcosa (Veillon & Zuber, 1898) Prévot, 1938 accepted as Anaerorhabdus furcosa corrig. (Veillon & Zuber, 1898) Shah & Collins, 1986
  9. Species Ristella incommunis (Eggerth & Gagnon, 1933) Prévot, 1938 accepted as Bacteroides fragilis (Veillon & Zuber, 1898) Castellani & Chalmers, 1919
  10. Species Ristella melaninogenica (Oliver & Wherry, 1921) Prévot, 1938 accepted as Prevotella melaninogenica (Oliver & Wherry 1921) Shah & Collins, 1990
  11. Species Ristella melaninogenica (Oliver & Wherry, 1921) Prévot, 1938 accepted as Bacteroides melaninogenicus (Oliver & Wherry 1921) Roy & Kelly, 1939
  12. Species Ristella naviformis (Jungano, 1909) Prévot, 1938 accepted as Fusobacterium naviforme (Jungano 1909) Moore & Holdeman, 1970
  13. Species Ristella nodosa (Beveridge, 1941) Prévot, 1948 accepted as Bacteroides nodosus (Beveridge 1941) Mraz, 1963
  14. Species Ristella nodosa (Beveridge, 1941) Prévot, 1948 accepted as Dichelobacter nodosus (Beveridge 1941) Dewhirst et al., 1990
  15. Species Ristella ochraceus (Prévot, 1956) Sebald, 1962 accepted as Capnocytophaga ochracea (Prévot et al., 1956) Leadbetter et al., 1982
  16. Species Ristella ochraceus (Prévot, 1956) Sebald, 1962 accepted as Bacteroides ochraceus (Prévot et al., 1956) Holdeman & Moore, 1972
  17. Species Ristella oralis (Loesche et al., 1964) Prévot et al., 1967 accepted as Prevotella oralis (Loesche et al. 1964) Shah & Collins, 1990
  18. Species Ristella oralis (Loesche et al., 1964) Prévot et al., 1967 accepted as Bacteroides oralis Loesche et al., 1964
  19. Species Ristella perfoetens (Tissier, 1905) Prévot, 1938 accepted as Fusobacterium perfoetens (Tissier 1905) Moore & Holdeman, 1973
  20. Species Ristella putredinis (Weinberg et al., 1937) Prévot, 1938 accepted as Alistipes putredinis (Weinberg et al., 1937) Rautio et al., 2003
  21. Species Ristella putredinis (Weinberg et al., 1937) Prévot, 1938 accepted as Bacteroides putredinis (Weinberg et al. 1937) Kelly, 1957
  22. Species Ristella uncata (Eggerth & Gagnon, 1933) Prévot, 1938 accepted as Bacteroides fragilis (Veillon & Zuber, 1898) Castellani & Chalmers, 1919
recent only
Not documented
Taxonomic remark Unaccepted name (no current standing in Prokaryotic nomenclature).  
Taxonomic remark Unaccepted name (no current standing in Prokaryotic nomenclature). [details]
IRMNG (2021). Ristella Prévot, 1938. Accessed at: on 2024-11-18
2006-11-13 23:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record Euzéby, J.P. (2010). List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN): (2010 version). [details] 

basis of record CoL2006/BIOS [details] 

verified source for family Euzéby, J.P. (2010). List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN): (2010 version). [details] 

name verified source Euzéby, J.P. (2010). List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN): (2010 version). [details] 

extant flag source Catalogue of Life 2006 [details] 

habitat flag source as per synonymized taxon [details] 
Nomenclatural status invalid [details]

Taxonomic remark Unaccepted name (no current standing in Prokaryotic nomenclature). [details]

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