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Tomentella Persoon ex Patouillard, 1887

1297170  (



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  1. Species Tomentella angulospora M.J. Larsen, 1975
  2. Species Tomentella asperula (P. Karst.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1906
  3. Species Tomentella atroarenicolor Nikol., 1970
  4. Species Tomentella atrocyanea Wakef., 1966
  5. Species Tomentella atrovirens (Bres.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1908
  6. Species Tomentella aurantiaca Pat., 1908
  7. Species Tomentella badia (Link) Stalpers, 1975
  8. Species Tomentella brevispina (Bourdot & Galzin) M.J. Larsen, 1970
  9. Species Tomentella brunneorufa M.J. Larsen, 1974
  10. Species Tomentella bryophila (Pers.) M.J. Larsen, 1974
  11. Species Tomentella calcicola (Bourdot & Galzin) M.J. Larsen, 1967
  12. Species Tomentella carbonaria M.J. Larsen, 1975
  13. Species Tomentella cinerascens (P. Karst.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1906
  14. Species Tomentella cinereoumbrina (Bres.) Stalpers, 1993
  15. Species Tomentella clavigera Litsch., 1960
  16. Species Tomentella coerulea (Bres.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1908
  17. Species Tomentella crinalis (Fr.) M.J. Larsen, 1967
  18. Species Tomentella donkii Litsch., 1941
  19. Species Tomentella duemmeri (Wakef.) M.J. Larsen, 1974
  20. Species Tomentella ellisii (Sacc.) Jülich & Stalpers, 1980
  21. Species Tomentella epigaea (Burt) M.J. Larsen, 1965
  22. Species Tomentella ferruginea (Pers.) Pat., 1887
  23. Species Tomentella ferruginella (Bourdot & Galzin) Svrček, 1958
  24. Species Tomentella fragilis (Bourdot & Galzin) M.J. Larsen, 1974
  25. Species Tomentella fraseri M.J. Larsen, 1975
  26. Species Tomentella fungicola (Litsch.) M.J. Larsen, 1974
  27. Species Tomentella fuscocinerea (Pers.) Donk, 1933
  28. Species Tomentella fuscoferruginosa (Bres.) Litsch., 1941
  29. Species Tomentella galzinii Bourdot, 1924
  30. Species Tomentella griseoumbrina Litsch., 1936
  31. Species Tomentella griseoviolacea Litsch., 1941
  32. Species Tomentella himalayana S.S. Rattan, 1977
  33. Species Tomentella indica S.S. Rattan, 1977
  34. Species Tomentella italica (Sacc.) M.J. Larsen, 1967
  35. Species Tomentella juncicola Svrček, 1958
  36. Species Tomentella kentuckiensis M.J. Larsen, 1974
  37. Species Tomentella kootenaiensis M.J. Larsen, 1975
  38. Species Tomentella lapida (Pers.) Stalpers, 1984
  39. Species Tomentella lateritia Pat., 1897
  40. Species Tomentella lilacinogrisea Wakef., 1966
  41. Species Tomentella litschaueri Svrček, 1958
  42. Species Tomentella microspora (P. Karst.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1906
  43. Species Tomentella molybdaea Bourdot & Galzin, 1924
  44. Species Tomentella muricata (Ellis & Everh.) Wakef., 1962
  45. Species Tomentella nitellina Bourdot & Galzin, 1924
  46. Species Tomentella olivascens (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Bourdot & Galzin, 1928
  47. Species Tomentella pellicularioides Wakef., 1966
  48. Species Tomentella pilatii Litsch., 1933
  49. Species Tomentella pilosa (Burt) Bourdot & Galzin, 1924
  50. Species Tomentella pirolae (Ellis & Halst.) M.J. Larsen, 1968
  51. Species Tomentella puberula Bourdot & Galzin, 1924
  52. Species Tomentella punicea (Alb. & Schwein.) J. Schröt., 1888
  53. Species Tomentella radiosa (P. Karst.) Rick, 1934
  54. Species Tomentella scobinella G. Cunn., 1957
  55. Species Tomentella stuposa (Link) Stalpers, 1984
  56. Species Tomentella subalpina M.J. Larsen, 1972
  57. Species Tomentella subcinerascens Litsch., 1939
  58. Species Tomentella subclavigera Litsch., 1933
  59. Species Tomentella subcorticioides S.S. Rattan, 1977
  60. Species Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef., 1962
  61. Species Tomentella subtestacea Bourdot & Galzin, 1924
  62. Species Tomentella subvinosa (Burt) Bourdot & Galzin, 1924
  63. Species Tomentella terrestris (Berk. & Broome) M.J. Larsen, 1974
  64. Species Tomentella testaceogilva Bourdot & Galzin, 1924
  65. Species Tomentella umbrinospora M.J. Larsen, 1963
  66. Species Tomentella variecolor Malençon, 1952
  67. Species Tomentella vesiculosa Natarajan & Chandrash., 1979
  68. Species Tomentella viridescens (Bres. & Torrend) Bourdot & Galzin, 1928
  69. Species Tomentella viridula Bourdot & Galzin, 1924
  70. Species Tomentella albomarginata (Bourdot & Galzin) M.P. Christ., 1960 accepted as Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef., 1962
  71. Species Tomentella alutaceoumbrina (Bres.) Bourdot & Galzin, 1928 accepted as Tomentella fuscocinerea (Pers.) Donk, 1933
  72. Species Tomentella anthochroa (Pers.) Rick, 1934 accepted as Erythricium laetum (P. Karst.) J. Erikss. & Hjortstam, 1970
  73. Species Tomentella arachnoidea (Berk. & Broome) Höhn. & Litsch., 1908 accepted as Septobasidium arachnoideum (Berk. & Broome) Bres., 1916
  74. Species Tomentella asterophora (Bonord.) Skovst., 1950 accepted as Tylospora asterophora (Bonord.) Donk, 1960
  75. Species Tomentella atramentaria Rostr., 1894 accepted as Thelephora atra Weinm., 1836
  76. Species Tomentella atroviolacea Litsch., 1933 accepted as Tomentella badia (Link) Stalpers, 1975
  77. Species Tomentella avellanea (Burt) Bourdot & Galzin, 1924 accepted as Radulomyces confluens (Fr.) M.P. Christ., 1960
  78. Species Tomentella biennis (Bull.) A.M. Rogers, 1948 accepted as Abortiporus biennis (Bull.) Singer, 1944
  79. Species Tomentella bohemica Svrček, 1958 accepted as Tomentella subclavigera Litsch., 1933
  80. Species Tomentella bombycina (P. Karst.) J. Erikss., 1958 accepted as Tomentellina fibrosa (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) M.J. Larsen, 1974
  81. Species Tomentella botryoides sensu Wakefield (1969) accepted as Tomentella ferruginea (Pers.) Pat., 1887
  82. Species Tomentella bourdotii sensu Wakefield (1969) accepted as Tomentella lilacinogrisea Wakef., 1966
  83. Species Tomentella bresadolae (Brinkmann) Bourdot & Galzin, 1908 accepted as Tomentella stuposa (Link) Stalpers, 1984
  84. Species Tomentella brunnea J. Schröt., 1888 accepted as Coniophora puteana (Schumach.) P. Karst., 1868
  85. Species Tomentella brunneofirma M.J. Larsen, 1967 accepted as Tomentella fuscocinerea (Pers.) Donk, 1933
  86. Species Tomentella byssina (P. Karst.) P. Karst., 1889 accepted as Piloderma byssinum (P. Karst.) Jülich, 1969
  87. Species Tomentella caesia (Pers.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1906 accepted as Postia caesia (Schrad.) P. Karst., 1881
  88. Species Tomentella caesia sensu Wakefield (1916) accepted as Tomentella fuscocinerea (Pers.) Donk, 1933
  89. Species Tomentella caesiocinerea (Svrček) M.J. Larsen, 1968 accepted as Tomentellastrum caesiocinereum Svrček, 1958
  90. Species Tomentella cervina (Burt) Bourdot & Galzin, 1924 accepted as Tomentella coerulea (Bres.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1908
  91. Species Tomentella chlorina (Massee) G. Cunn., 1952 accepted as Amaurodon viridis (Alb. & Schwein.) J. Schröt., 1888
  92. Species Tomentella cladii Wakef., 1969 accepted as Tomentella radiosa (P. Karst.) Rick, 1934
  93. Species Tomentella coriaria (Peck) Bourdot & Galzin, 1924 accepted as Tomentella ferruginea (Pers.) Pat., 1887
  94. Species Tomentella cyanea (Wakef.) Bourdot & Galzin, 1924 accepted as Amaurodon cyaneus (Wakef.) Kõljalg & K.H. Larss., 1996
  95. Species Tomentella echinospora (Ellis) Bourdot & Galzin, 1928 accepted as Tomentellopsis echinospora (Ellis) Hjortstam, 1970
  96. Species Tomentella epiphylla (Schwein.) Litsch., 1939 accepted as Tomentella punicea (Alb. & Schwein.) J. Schröt., 1888
  97. Species Tomentella ferruginosa (Höhn. & Litsch.) Sacc. & Trotter, 1912 accepted as Tomentellina fibrosa (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) M.J. Larsen, 1974
  98. Species Tomentella fibrillosa (Burt) Bourdot & Galzin, 1928 accepted as Tylospora fibrillosa (Burt) Donk, 1960
  99. Species Tomentella fibrosa (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Kõljalg, 1996 accepted as Tomentellina fibrosa (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) M.J. Larsen, 1974
  100. Species Tomentella fimbriata M.P. Christ., 1960 accepted as Tomentella badia (Link) Stalpers, 1975
  101. Species Tomentella flaccida Bourdot & Galzin, 1924 accepted as Thelephora atra Weinm., 1836
  102. Species Tomentella flavovirens Höhn. & Litsch., 1907 accepted as Pseudotomentella flavovirens (Höhn. & Litsch.) Svrček, 1958
  103. Species Tomentella floccosa Litsch., 1939 accepted as Tomentella pilosa (Burt) Bourdot & Galzin, 1924
  104. Species Tomentella fuliginea (Burt) Bourdot & Galzin, 1924 accepted as Tomentella lapida (Pers.) Stalpers, 1984
  105. Species Tomentella fumosa (Fr.) Pilát, 1936 accepted as Xenasmatella vaga (Fr.) Stalpers, 1996
  106. Species Tomentella fusca (Pers.) J. Schröt., 1888 accepted as Tomentella ferruginea (Pers.) Pat., 1887
  107. Species Tomentella fusca sensu Wakefield (1969) accepted as Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef., 1962
  108. Species Tomentella gibbosa Litsch., 1933 accepted as Tomentella asperula (P. Karst.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1906
  109. Species Tomentella granulosa (Peck) Bourdot & Galzin, 1924 accepted as Tomentella punicea (Alb. & Schwein.) J. Schröt., 1888
  110. Species Tomentella griseocinnamomea Wakef., 1966 accepted as Tomentella asperula (P. Karst.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1906
  111. Species Tomentella hoehnelii Skovst., 1950 accepted as Tomentella stuposa (Link) Stalpers, 1984
  112. Species Tomentella hydrophila (Bourdot & Galzin) Litsch., 1939 accepted as Tomentella ellisii (Sacc.) Jülich & Stalpers, 1980
  113. Species Tomentella isabellina (Fr.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1906 accepted as Botryohypochnus isabellinus (Fr.) J. Erikss., 1958
  114. Species Tomentella jaapii (Bres.) Bourdot & Galzin, 1924 accepted as Tomentella coerulea (Bres.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1908
  115. Species Tomentella lateritia sensu Wakefield (1969) accepted as Tomentella punicea (Alb. & Schwein.) J. Schröt., 1888
  116. Species Tomentella livida Litsch., 1932 accepted as Tomentella ellisii (Sacc.) Jülich & Stalpers, 1980
  117. Species Tomentella lurida Skovst., 1950 accepted as Xenasmatella vaga (Fr.) Stalpers, 1996
  118. Species Tomentella luteomarginata M.P. Christ., 1960 accepted as Tomentella ellisii (Sacc.) Jülich & Stalpers, 1980
  119. Species Tomentella macrospora Höhn. & Litsch., 1906 accepted as Tomentella fuscocinerea (Pers.) Donk, 1933
  120. Species Tomentella mollis (Fr.) Bourdot & Galzin, 1924 accepted as Hypochniciellum molle (Fr.) Hjortstam, 1981
  121. Species Tomentella montanensis M.J. Larsen, 1967 accepted as Tomentella fuscocinerea (Pers.) Donk, 1933
  122. Species Tomentella mucidula (P. Karst.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1906 accepted as Pseudotomentella mucidula (P. Karst.) Svrček, 1958
  123. Species Tomentella mycophila (Bourdot & Galzin) Svrček, 1958 accepted as Tomentella fuscocinerea (Pers.) Donk, 1933
  124. Species Tomentella neobourdotii M.J. Larsen, 1968 accepted as Tomentella lilacinogrisea Wakef., 1966
  125. Species Tomentella nigra Höhn. & Litsch., 1908 accepted as Pseudotomentella nigra (Höhn. & Litsch.) Svrček, 1958
  126. Species Tomentella obducens P. Karst., 1889 accepted as Amphinema byssoides (Pers.) J. Erikss., 1958
  127. Species Tomentella ochracea (Sacc.) M.J. Larsen, 1974 accepted as Tomentella ellisii (Sacc.) Jülich & Stalpers, 1980
  128. Species Tomentella ochraceoviridis Pat., 1893 accepted as Botryohypochnus isabellinus (Fr.) J. Erikss., 1958
  129. Species Tomentella pallidofulva (Peck) Litsch., 1939 accepted as Tomentella bryophila (Pers.) M.J. Larsen, 1974
  130. Species Tomentella pannosa (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Bourdot & Galzin, 1924 accepted as Tomentella radiosa (P. Karst.) Rick, 1934
  131. Species Tomentella papillata Höhn. & Litsch., 1908 accepted as Tomentella coerulea (Bres.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1908
  132. Species Tomentella phylacteris (Bull.) Bourdot & Galzin, 1920 accepted as Tomentella fuscocinerea (Pers.) Donk, 1933
  133. Species Tomentella pseudoferruginea Skovst., 1950 accepted as Tomentella bryophila (Pers.) M.J. Larsen, 1974
  134. Species Tomentella pseudofusca Skovst., 1950 accepted as Tomentella bryophila (Pers.) M.J. Larsen, 1974
  135. Species Tomentella pseudopannosa Wakef., 1969 accepted as Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef., 1962
  136. Species Tomentella punicea sensu Wakefield (1969) accepted as Tomentella lateritia Pat., 1897
  137. Species Tomentella ramosissima (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Wakef., 1962 accepted as Tomentella lapida (Pers.) Stalpers, 1984
  138. Species Tomentella rhodophaea sensu Jülich accepted as Tomentella testaceogilva Bourdot & Galzin, 1924
  139. Species Tomentella rubiginosa (Bres.) Maire, 1906 accepted as Tomentella punicea (Alb. & Schwein.) J. Schröt., 1888
  140. Species Tomentella rubiginosus (Bres.) Maire, 1906 accepted as Tomentella punicea (Alb. & Schwein.) J. Schröt., 1888
  141. Species Tomentella ruttneri Litsch., 1933 accepted as Tomentella stuposa (Link) Stalpers, 1984
  142. Species Tomentella schmoranzeri (Bres.) M.J. Larsen, 1974 accepted as Thelephora atra Weinm., 1836
  143. Species Tomentella separabilis Donk, 1933 accepted as Thelephora atra Weinm., 1836
  144. Species Tomentella sordida Wakef., 1969 accepted as Tomentella coerulea (Bres.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1908
  145. Species Tomentella spongiosa (Schwein.) Bourdot & Galzin, 1928 accepted as Tomentella lapida (Pers.) Stalpers, 1984
  146. Species Tomentella subcalcicola M.J. Larsen, 1967 accepted as Tomentella duemmeri (Wakef.) M.J. Larsen, 1974
  147. Species Tomentella subcervina Litsch., 1933 accepted as Tomentella cinerascens (P. Karst.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1906
  148. Species Tomentella suberis Pat., 1894 accepted as Tomentella ferruginea (Pers.) Pat., 1887
  149. Species Tomentella subferruginea (Burt) Donk, 1933 accepted as Tomentella bryophila (Pers.) M.J. Larsen, 1974
  150. Species Tomentella subfusca sensu auct. accepted as Tomentella stuposa (Link) Stalpers, 1984
  151. Species Tomentella submollis (Svrček) Wakef., 1969 accepted as Tomentellopsis submollis (Svrček) Hjortstam, 1974
  152. Species Tomentella subpilosa Litsch., 1960 accepted as Tomentella pilosa (Burt) Bourdot & Galzin, 1924
  153. Species Tomentella subrubiginosa Litsch., 1960 accepted as Tomentella punicea (Alb. & Schwein.) J. Schröt., 1888
  154. Species Tomentella sulphurea (Pers.) P. Karst., 1889 accepted as Xenasmatella vaga (Fr.) Stalpers, 1996
  155. Species Tomentella sulphurina P. Karst., 1889 accepted as Ceraceomyces sulphurinus (P. Karst.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden, 1978
  156. Species Tomentella trachychaites (Ellis & Everh.) M.J. Larsen, 1968 accepted as Tomentella lapida (Pers.) Stalpers, 1984
  157. Species Tomentella trigonosperma (Bres.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1908 accepted as Tylospora asterophora (Bonord.) Donk, 1960
  158. Species Tomentella tristis (P. Karst.) Höhn. & Litsch., 1906 accepted as Pseudotomentella tristis (P. Karst.) M.J. Larsen, 1971
  159. Species Tomentella tulasnelloidea (Höhn. & Litsch.) Skovst., 1950 accepted as Xenasma tulasnelloideum (Höhn. & Litsch.) Donk, 1957
  160. Species Tomentella umbrina (Fr.) Litsch., 1933 accepted as Pseudotomentella tristis (P. Karst.) M.J. Larsen, 1971
  161. Species Tomentella violaceofusca (Sacc.) M.J. Larsen, 1974 accepted as Tomentella lapida (Pers.) Stalpers, 1984
  162. Species Tomentella wakefieldiae (Burds. & M.J. Larsen) Stalpers, 1993 accepted as Lazulinospora wakefieldiae Burds. & M.J. Larsen, 1974
  163. Species Tomentella zygodesmoides (Ellis) Höhn. & Litsch., 1907 accepted as Tomentellopsis zygodesmoides (Ellis) Hjortstam, 1974
marine, brackish
recent only
Not documented
Taxonomic remark Nom. cons. Authority cited in ING as Patouillard, 1887.  
Taxonomic remark Nom. cons. Authority cited in ING as Patouillard, 1887. [details]
IRMNG (2023). Tomentella Persoon ex Patouillard, 1887. Accessed at: on 2025-01-26
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

basis of record SN2000/Shaffer, 1982 [details] 

basis of record Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

verified source for family Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

name verified source Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

extant flag source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 
Nomenclatural status nomen conservandum [details]

Taxonomic remark Nom. cons. Authority cited in ING as Patouillard, 1887. [details]

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