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Tethea Ochsenheimer, 1816

1298577  (



  • Alphabetically
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  1. Species Tethea aenea Wileman, 1911
  2. Species Tethea akanensis Matsumura, 1933
  3. Species Tethea albicosta Moore, 1867
  4. Species Tethea albicostata Bremer, 1861
  5. Species Tethea albingensis Warnecke, 1908
  6. Species Tethea albingoflavimacula Hasebroek, 1916
  7. Species Tethea albingoradiata Bunge, 1911
  8. Species Tethea albingosubcoeca Bunge, 1913
  9. Species Tethea ampliata Butler, 1878
  10. Species Tethea amurensis Warren, 1912
  11. Species Tethea angustata Staudinger, 1885
  12. Species Tethea angustimedia Warren, 1912
  13. Species Tethea askoldensis Houlbert, 1921
  14. Species Tethea aurisigna Bryk, 1943
  15. Species Tethea baluensis Werny, 1966
  16. Species Tethea basifusca Lempke, 1960
  17. Species Tethea birmanica Werny, 1966
  18. Species Tethea birohoensis Werny, 1966
  19. Species Tethea brevis Leech, 1900
  20. Species Tethea brunnea Lempke, 1960
  21. Species Tethea c-album Matsumura, 1931
  22. Species Tethea caspica Ebert, 1976
  23. Species Tethea caucasica Krulikovski, 1901
  24. Species Tethea caucasica Werny, 1966
  25. Species Tethea chekiangensis Werny, 1966
  26. Species Tethea clausa Wehrli, 1917
  27. Species Tethea clausa Lempke, 1938
  28. Species Tethea commifera Warren, 1912
  29. Species Tethea confluens Closs, 1917
  30. Species Tethea confluens Lempke, 1938
  31. Species Tethea congener Roepke, 1945
  32. Species Tethea consimilis Warren, 1912
  33. Species Tethea consobrina Borkhausen, 1790
  34. Species Tethea contrastata Werny, 1966
  35. Species Tethea costaenigrata Kujau, 1917
  36. Species Tethea costinigrata Kujau, 1917
  37. Species Tethea cotangens Lempke, 1960
  38. Species Tethea daisetsuzana Matsumura, 1927
  39. Species Tethea diehli Werny, 1966
  40. Species Tethea dilutior Rangnow, 1935
  41. Species Tethea discolor Lempke, 1938
  42. Species Tethea discolor Warren, 1912
  43. Species Tethea farinosa Bytinski-Salz, 1937
  44. Species Tethea fasciata Lingonblad, 1950
  45. Species Tethea fasciata Spuler, 1908
  46. Species Tethea fasciata Stöckl., 1922
  47. Species Tethea flavescens Werny, 1966
  48. Species Tethea flavistigmata Tutt, 1891
  49. Species Tethea fletcheri Tutt, 1893
  50. Species Tethea frankii Boegl., 1920
  51. Species Tethea fukienensis Werny, 1966
  52. Species Tethea fusca Werny, 1966
  53. Species Tethea fusca Cockayne, 1944
  54. Species Tethea fuscostigmata Strand, 1903
  55. Species Tethea gaelica Turner, 1926
  56. Species Tethea gamma-graecum Retzius, 1783
  57. Species Tethea gemina Beckwith, 1794
  58. Species Tethea grandis Okano, 1959
  59. Species Tethea griseocostata Gaede, 1931
  60. Species Tethea griseofasciata Werny, 1966
  61. Species Tethea griseomacula Werny, 1966
  62. Species Tethea hela Rangnow, 1935
  63. Species Tethea hibernica Turner, 1927
  64. Species Tethea hoenei Werny, 1966
  65. Species Tethea intensa Butler, 1881
  66. Species Tethea intermedia Houlbert, 1921
  67. Species Tethea interrupta Lempke, 1938
  68. Species Tethea interrupta Spuler, 1908
  69. Species Tethea japoniba Werny, 1966
  70. Species Tethea japonica Okano, 1952
  71. Species Tethea juncta Kauchi ?
  72. Species Tethea koreibia Bryk, 1948
  73. Species Tethea koreonaga Bryk, 1948
  74. Species Tethea kosswigi Werny, 1966
  75. Species Tethea kurilensis Matsumura, 1929
  76. Species Tethea lineofracta Houlbert, 1921
  77. Species Tethea marginata Warnecke, 1911
  78. Species Tethea mediofusca Cockayne, 1952
  79. Species Tethea microphthalma Cockayne, 1951
  80. Species Tethea montana Werny, 1966
  81. Species Tethea monticola Bryk, 1943
  82. Species Tethea mushana Matsumura, 1931
  83. Species Tethea nigrescens Lempke, 1960
  84. Species Tethea nigrescens Werny, 1966
  85. Species Tethea nigrofasciata Lempke, 1960
  86. Species Tethea oberthuri Houlbert, 1921
  87. Species Tethea obscura Spuler, 1908
  88. Species Tethea obsoleta Valle, 1941
  89. Species Tethea occidentalis Werny, 1966
  90. Species Tethea octogena Esper, 1791
  91. Species Tethea octogesima Butler, 1878
  92. Species Tethea octogesimea Hübner, 1786
  93. Species Tethea ocularis Linnaeus, 1767
  94. Species Tethea or Schiffermüller & Denis, 1776
  95. Species Tethea orientalis Werny, 1966
  96. Species Tethea osthelderi Bytinski-Salz, 1937
  97. Species Tethea pectinata Houlbert, 1921
  98. Species Tethea permarginata Hasebroek
  99. Species Tethea punctorenalia Houlbert, 1921
  100. Species Tethea radiata Lempke, 1960
  101. Species Tethea roberti Ruhmann, 1913
  102. Species Tethea rosea Tutt, 1891
  103. Species Tethea rufa Houlbert, 1921
  104. Species Tethea sareptensis Spuler, 1908
  105. Species Tethea scotica Tutt, 1891
  106. Species Tethea separata Lempke, 1960
  107. Species Tethea shansiensis Werny, 1966
  108. Species Tethea simplex Lempke, 1960
  109. Species Tethea solena Swinhoe, 1894
  110. Species Tethea subampliata Houlbert, 1921
  111. Species Tethea suffusa Warren, 1912
  112. Species Tethea szechwanensis Werny, 1966
  113. Species Tethea taiwana Matsumura, 1931
  114. Species Tethea tangens Strand, 1927
  115. Species Tethea terrosa Graeser, 1888
  116. Species Tethea tokotana Bryk, 1942
  117. Species Tethea trifolium Alphéraky, 1895
  118. Species Tethea tsinlingensis Werny, 1966
  119. Species Tethea undata Fabricius, 1787
  120. Species Tethea unifasciata Spuler, 1908
  121. Species Tethea unimaculata Aurivillius, 1888
  122. Species Tethea variegata Lempke, 1960
  123. Species Tethea watanabei Matsumura, 1931
  124. Species Tethea wilemani Werny, 1966
  125. Species Tethea ypsilon-graecum Goeze, 1781
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent only
Schmett. Europa, 4
page(s): 64 [details] 
IRMNG (2021). Tethea Ochsenheimer, 1816. Accessed at: on 2025-01-07
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2020-06-01 19:44:32Z

original description Schmett. Europa, 4
page(s): 64 [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

basis of record Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

verified source for family LepIndex (2018 version). , available online at [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

original description (of Episaronaga Matsumura, 1933) Insecta matsum., 7
page(s): 191 [details] 

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