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Sematophyllum W. Mitten, 1864

1304563  (



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  1. Species Sematophyllum aberrans E.B. Bartram, 1957
  2. Species Sematophyllum adnatum Britton, 1902
  3. Species Sematophyllum affine Mitten, 1869
  4. Species Sematophyllum allinckxiorum W.R. Buck, 2003
  5. Species Sematophyllum amblystegiocarpum Brotherus, 1925
  6. Species Sematophyllum ampullulatum Brotherus, 1925
  7. Species Sematophyllum aneuron Jaeger, 1878
  8. Species Sematophyllum angusticuspis Brotherus, 1899
  9. Species Sematophyllum angusticybeum Brotherus, 1925
  10. Species Sematophyllum angustifolium Herzog, 1915
  11. Species Sematophyllum angustirete E.B. Bartram, 1947
  12. Species Sematophyllum aptychoides W.R. Buck, 1982
  13. Species Sematophyllum auratum Renauld & Cardot, 1905
  14. Species Sematophyllum aureonitens E.B. Bartram, 1962
  15. Species Sematophyllum aureosulphureum Brotherus, 1925
  16. Species Sematophyllum aureoviride Brotherus, 1925
  17. Species Sematophyllum beyrichii Brotherus, 1925
  18. Species Sematophyllum bottinii
  19. Species Sematophyllum brachycarpum Brotherus, 1925
  20. Species Sematophyllum brachycladulum Brotherus, 1925
  21. Species Sematophyllum brachytheciiforme Brotherus, 1925
  22. Species Sematophyllum bracteatum Brotherus, 1925
  23. Species Sematophyllum brasiliense Ochyra, 1999
  24. Species Sematophyllum brotheri Iwatsuki & B.C. Tan, 1977
  25. Species Sematophyllum calamicola Yano, 1989
  26. Species Sematophyllum campicola Brotherus, 1925
  27. Species Sematophyllum capilliferum Thwaites & Mitten, 1873
  28. Species Sematophyllum cataractae W.R. Buck, 1983
  29. Species Sematophyllum cellulosum W.R. Buck, 1993
  30. Species Sematophyllum ceylonense Brotherus, 1925
  31. Species Sematophyllum chlorocormum W.R. Buck, Churchill & Sastre-de Jesús in Churchill & Sastre-de Jesús, 1987 [1988]
  32. Species Sematophyllum chlorothecium Brotherus, 1925
  33. Species Sematophyllum chrysostegum Mitten, 1869
  34. Species Sematophyllum circinicaule Brotherus, 1925
  35. Species Sematophyllum cirrhifolium Mitten in J. Murray, 1885
  36. Species Sematophyllum coppeyi Brotherus in Thériot, 1932
  37. Species Sematophyllum crassirete Brotherus, 1925
  38. Species Sematophyllum crassiusculum Brotherus, 1925
  39. Species Sematophyllum curvirostre B.C. Tan, 2000
  40. Species Sematophyllum cuspidatum Kiaer, 1883
  41. Species Sematophyllum cuspidiferum Mitten, 1869
  42. Species Sematophyllum cyparissoides R.S. Williams, 1930
  43. Species Sematophyllum danckelmannii Brotherus, 1925
  44. Species Sematophyllum decumbens Mitten, 1869
  45. Species Sematophyllum demissum Mitten, 1864
  46. Species Sematophyllum dimorphum F.D. Bowers, 1974
  47. Species Sematophyllum dregei Magill in Magill & Schelpe, 1979
  48. Species Sematophyllum dubium Brotherus, 1925
  49. Species Sematophyllum elgonense Brotherus, 1925
  50. Species Sematophyllum entodontoides Bescherelle, 1898
  51. Species Sematophyllum erythrocaulon Jaeger, 1878
  52. Species Sematophyllum erythropodium Mitten, 1869
  53. Species Sematophyllum euryphyllum Dixon & Thériot, 1942
  54. Species Sematophyllum fabronia W.R. Buck, 1982
  55. Species Sematophyllum flaccidifolium Mitten, 1869
  56. Species Sematophyllum flagelliferum Dixon, 1922
  57. Species Sematophyllum flavidum Mitten, 1869
  58. Species Sematophyllum flavovesiculosum W.R. Buck, 1993
  59. Species Sematophyllum fluminicola W.R. Buck, 1998
  60. Species Sematophyllum fragilirostrum Mitten, 1869
  61. Species Sematophyllum francii Brotherus, 1925
  62. Species Sematophyllum friesiorum Potier de la Varde, 1947
  63. Species Sematophyllum frullaniadelphus Brotherus, 1925
  64. Species Sematophyllum fulvifolium Mitten, 1879
  65. Species Sematophyllum galipense Mitten, 1869
  66. Species Sematophyllum gracile E.B. Bartram, 1962
  67. Species Sematophyllum grandicellulosum Brotherus, 1925
  68. Species Sematophyllum harpidioides F.D. Bowers, 1974
  69. Species Sematophyllum hawaiiense Brotherus, 1925
  70. Species Sematophyllum helenicum Mitten in Melliss, 1875
  71. Species Sematophyllum homomallum Brotherus, 1925
  72. Species Sematophyllum humile Brotherus, 1925
  73. Species Sematophyllum humillimum Dixon & Thériot, 1942
  74. Species Sematophyllum implanum Mitten, 1869
  75. Species Sematophyllum incrassetum E.B. Bartram, 1936
  76. Species Sematophyllum incurvum Mitten, 1879
  77. Species Sematophyllum integrifolium Thériot, 1910
  78. Species Sematophyllum jollifii Dixon, 1937
  79. Species Sematophyllum kunkelii H. Robinson, 1974
  80. Species Sematophyllum laetevirens Brotherus, 1925
  81. Species Sematophyllum laticuspis W.R. Buck & B.C. Tan, 1989 [1990]
  82. Species Sematophyllum latifolium Brotherus in Hosseus, 1911
  83. Species Sematophyllum leucostomum W.R. Buck, 1998
  84. Species Sematophyllum lithophilum Ångström, 1876
  85. Species Sematophyllum lonchophyllum Florschütz-de Waard, 1990
  86. Species Sematophyllum longinerve Jaeger, 1878
  87. Species Sematophyllum longisetum Brotherus, 1925
  88. Species Sematophyllum macrocytus Brotherus, 1925
  89. Species Sematophyllum macrorhynchum Mitten, 1869
  90. Species Sematophyllum mandobboense Zanten, 1964
  91. Species Sematophyllum marylandicum Britton, 1902
  92. Species Sematophyllum masafuerae E.B. Bartram, 1957
  93. Species Sematophyllum meiothecioides Brotherus, 1925
  94. Species Sematophyllum micrangium Brotherus, 1925
  95. Species Sematophyllum microcarpoides Brotherus, 1925
  96. Species Sematophyllum microcladiellum Fleischer, 1923
  97. Species Sematophyllum microcladioides Brotherus, 1925
  98. Species Sematophyllum minutum Brotherus, 1900
  99. Species Sematophyllum mittenianum W.R. Buck, 1982
  100. Species Sematophyllum nanocephalum Brotherus, 1925
  101. Species Sematophyllum nebulosum W.R. Buck, 1993
  102. Species Sematophyllum nematocaulon Fleischer in Thériot, 1932
  103. Species Sematophyllum nigro-alare Dixon, 1936
  104. Species Sematophyllum obtusifolium Brotherus, 1925
  105. Species Sematophyllum oedophysidium W.R. Buck, 1983
  106. Species Sematophyllum orthocarpum Brotherus, 1925
  107. Species Sematophyllum pacimoniense Florschütz-de Waard, 1990
  108. Species Sematophyllum parisii Brotherus, 1925
  109. Species Sematophyllum parvifolium E.B. Bartram, 1960
  110. Species Sematophyllum parvulum Dixon, 1932
  111. Species Sematophyllum pennellii R.S. Williams, 1925
  112. Species Sematophyllum perichaetiale Thériot in Felippone, 1930
  113. Species Sematophyllum perrevolutum Brotherus, 1925
  114. Species Sematophyllum phoeniceum Fleischer, 1923
  115. Species Sematophyllum physaophyllos Brotherus, 1925
  116. Species Sematophyllum plagiothecioides Dixon & Thériot, 1942
  117. Species Sematophyllum pobeguinii Brotherus, 1925
  118. Species Sematophyllum pulvinale W.R. Buck, 1998
  119. Species Sematophyllum reitzii E.B. Bartram, 1952
  120. Species Sematophyllum replicatum Dixon, 1921
  121. Species Sematophyllum rivuletorum Brotherus, 1925
  122. Species Sematophyllum robustulum Brotherus, 1925
  123. Species Sematophyllum roridum Mitten, 1869
  124. Species Sematophyllum ruvenzorense Dixon & Thériot, 1942
  125. Species Sematophyllum santae Tosco & Piovano, 1956
  126. Species Sematophyllum scabriusculum Brotherus, 1925
  127. Species Sematophyllum schimperi Brotherus, 1925
  128. Species Sematophyllum scorpiurus Mitten, 1869
  129. Species Sematophyllum serandii Brotherus, 1925
  130. Species Sematophyllum serifolium Brotherus, 1925
  131. Species Sematophyllum serrulatum H. Crum & Richards, 1984
  132. Species Sematophyllum simulans F.D. Bowers, 1974
  133. Species Sematophyllum sinuosulum Brotherus, 1925
  134. Species Sematophyllum socotrense W.R. Buck, Kürschner & Mies, 1995
  135. Species Sematophyllum sphaeropyxis Brotherus, 1925
  136. Species Sematophyllum squarrosum W.R. Buck, 2003
  137. Species Sematophyllum steerei Ochyra, 1999
  138. Species Sematophyllum stenopyxidium Brotherus, 1925
  139. Species Sematophyllum steyermarkii E.B. Bartram, 1946
  140. Species Sematophyllum sticticola Churchill, 1989
  141. Species Sematophyllum stylites W.R. Buck, 1993
  142. Species Sematophyllum subbrachycarpum Mitten, 1869
  143. Species Sematophyllum subbrachytheciiforme Potier de la Varde, 1955
  144. Species Sematophyllum subcespitosum F.D. Bowers, 1974
  145. Species Sematophyllum subcochleatum Dixon & Thériot, 1942
  146. Species Sematophyllum subconnivens Dixon, 1932
  147. Species Sematophyllum subcylindricum Sainsbury, 1952
  148. Species Sematophyllum subdepressum Brotherus, 1925
  149. Species Sematophyllum subfulvum Brotherus, 1925
  150. Species Sematophyllum subhomomallum Brotherus, 1925
  151. Species Sematophyllum subhumile Fleischer, 1923
  152. Species Sematophyllum subjulaceum Brotherus, 1925
  153. Species Sematophyllum subpiliferum Brotherus, 1925
  154. Species Sematophyllum subpinnatum Britton, 1918
  155. Species Sematophyllum subrugifolium Dixon, 1942
  156. Species Sematophyllum subscabrellum Renauld & Cardot, 1897
  157. Species Sematophyllum subscabrum Mitten, 1869
  158. Species Sematophyllum subsecundum Brotherus, 1925
  159. Species Sematophyllum subsimplex Mitten, 1869
  160. Species Sematophyllum substrumulosum Britton, 1902
  161. Species Sematophyllum succedaneum Mitten, 1869
  162. Species Sematophyllum swartzii W.H. Welch & H. Crum, 1959
  163. Species Sematophyllum temperatum Brotherus, 1925
  164. Species Sematophyllum tenerifolium Brotherus, 1925
  165. Species Sematophyllum tenuicarpum R.S. Williams, 1909
  166. Species Sematophyllum tequendamense Mitten, 1869
  167. Species Sematophyllum tonduzii F.D. Bowers, 1974
  168. Species Sematophyllum trachaelocarpum Brotherus, 1925
  169. Species Sematophyllum tucumanense E.B. Bartram, 1964-65 [1965]
  170. Species Sematophyllum uncinatum Stone & G.A.M. Scott, 1973 [1974]
  171. Species Sematophyllum wageri Wright ex H.A. Wager, 1914
  172. Species Sematophyllum warmingii W.R. Buck, 1998
  173. Species Sematophyllum zuluense Magill in Magill & Schelpe, 1979
marine, brackish
recent only
Not documented
IRMNG (2022). Sematophyllum W. Mitten, 1864. Accessed at: on 2024-11-25
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

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