Between brackets is the number of accepted species
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2 Shows the number of accepted species within the taxon
3 The last expanded taxon is highlighted
4 Click on "+" to expand/show all child taxa
5 Click to see the taxon details page
- Biota
- Kingdom Animalia
- Kingdom Archaea
- Kingdom Bacteria
- Kingdom Chromista
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae
- Phylum Acritarcha †
- Phylum Algae (awaiting allocation)
- Phylum Algae incertae sedis
- Phylum Anthocerotophyta
- Phylum Bryophyta
- Class Andreaeobryopsida
- Class Andreaeopsida
- Class Bryophyta (awaiting allocation)
- Class Bryopsida
- Order Archidiales
- Order Aulacomniales accepted as Rhizogoniales
- Order Bryales
- Order Bryopsida (awaiting allocation)
- Order Buxbaumiales
- Order Dawsoniales
- Order Dicranales
- Order Encalyptales
- Order Fissidentales
- Order Funariales
- Order Grimmiales
- Order Hedwigiales
- Order Hookeriales
- Order Hypnales
- Family Anomodontaceae N.C. Kindberg, 1897
- Family Calliergonaceae (H. Kanda) A. Vanderpoorten, L. Hedenäs, C.J. Cox & A.J. Shaw, 2002
- Family Cinclidotaceae W.P. Schimper, 1860
- Family Heterocladiellaceae M.S. Ignatov & V.E. Fedosov in Ignatov et al., 2019
- Family Myuriaceae M. Fleischer, 1923
- Family Orthorrhynchiaceae S.-H. Lin, 1983
- Family Orthostichellaceae J. Enroth, S. Huttunen, R. Tangney, M. Stech & D. Quandt in Enroth et al., 2019
- Family Pterigynandraceae W.P. Schimper, 1876
- Family Pylaisiaceae W.P. Schimper, 1860
- Family Pylaisiadelphaceae B. Goffinet & W.R. Buck, 2004
- Family Sematophyllaceae
- Family Stereophyllaceae
- Family Symphyodontaceae M. Fleischer, 1923
- Family Thamnobryaceae
- Family Theliaceae
- Genus Fauriella Bescherelle, 1893
- Species Fauriella baolocensis Tixier, 1966
- Species Fauriella petelotii Tixier, 1966
- Species Fauriella robustiuscula Brotherus, 1924
- Species Fauriella tenerrima Brotherus, 1923
- Species Fauriella tenuis Cardot in Brotherus, 1925
- Family Trachylomataceae (M. Fleischer) W.R. Buck & D.H. Vitt, 1986
- Order Hypnobryales
- Order Isobryales
- Order Leucodontales
- Order Orthodontiales accepted as Rhizogoniales
- Order Orthotrichales
- Order Pleurocarpae (awaiting allocation)
- Order Pottiales
- Order Protosphagnales †
- Order Pseudoditrichales
- Order Rhizogoniales
- Order Scouleriales
- Order Seligeriales accepted as Grimmiales
- Order Splachnales
- Family Flexitrichaceae M.S. Ignatov & V.E. Fedosov in Fedosov et al., 2016
- Family Tricostaceae G.W.K. Shelton, R.A. Stockey, G.R. Rothwell & A.M.F. Tomescu, 2015 †
- Genus Capimirinus I.C. Christiano De Souza, F.S. Ricardi Branco & Y.L. Vargas, 2012 †
- Genus Livingstonites E.I. Vera, 2011 †
- Genus Vetiplanaxis N.E. Bell in N.E. Bell & P.V. York, 2007 †
- Class Hepaticopsida accepted as Marchantiophyta
- Class Oedipodiopsida
- Class Polytrichopsida
- Class Sphagnopsida
- Class Takakiopsida
- Class Tetraphidopsida
- Genus Heinrichsiella A.C. Bippus, A. Savoretti, I.H. Escapa, J. Garcia-Massini & D. Guido, 2019 †
- Phylum Calcitarcha †
- Phylum Charophyta
- Phylum Chlorophyta
- Phylum Eophyta †
- Phylum Glaucophyta
- Phylum Gymnospermophyta accepted as Tracheophyta
- Phylum Horneophyta †
- Phylum Magnoliophyta accepted as Tracheophyta
- Phylum Marchantiophyta
- Phylum Picozoa
- Phylum Plantae (awaiting allocation)
- Phylum Prasinodermatophyta
- Phylum Pteridophyta accepted as Tracheophyta
- Phylum Rhodelphidia
- Phylum Rhodophyta
- Phylum Sporae dispersae †
- Phylum Tracheophyta
- Phylum Vendophyta † accepted as Algae incertae sedis
- Class Nematophyceae † accepted as Nematophyta †
- Kingdom Protista accepted as Protozoa
- Kingdom Protozoa
- Kingdom Viruses
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