Between brackets is the number of accepted species
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2 Shows the number of accepted species within the taxon
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- Biota
- Kingdom Animalia
- Kingdom Archaea
- Kingdom Bacteria
- Kingdom Chromista
- Subkingdom Hacrobia
- Subkingdom Harosa
- Infrakingdom Halvaria
- Superphylum Alveolata
- Phylum Acavomonidia
- Phylum Ciliophora
- Subphylum Intramacronucleata
- Class Armophorea
- Class Cariacotrichea
- Class Colpodea
- Class Kinetofragminophora accepted as Litostomatea
- Class Litostomatea
- Class Muranotrichea
- Class Nassophorea
- Class Oligohymenophora accepted as Oligohymenophorea
- Class Oligohymenophorea
- Class Parablepharismea
- Class Phyllopharyngea
- Class Plagiopylea
- Class Prostomatea
- Class Spirotrichea
- Order Choreotrichida
- Order Clevelandellida
- Order Euplotida
- Order Halteriida
- Order Hypotrichia incertae sedis
- Order Hypotrichida
- Family Amphisiellidae Jankowksi, 1979
- Family Aspidiscidae Ehrenberg, 1830
- Family Bakuellidae Yankovskij, 1979
- Family Bergeriellidae Liu, Shao, Gong, Li, Lin & Song, 2010
- Family Chaetospiridae
- Family Cladotrichidae Small & Lynn, 1985 accepted as Gonostomidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Deviatidae Foissner, 2016
- Family Euplotidae Ehrenberg, 1838
- Family Gastrocirrhidae Fauré-Fremiet, 1961
- Family Gonostomatidae Small & Lynn, 1985 accepted as Gonostomidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Gonostomidae Culberson, 1986 accepted as Gonostomidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Gonostomidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Holostichidae
- Family Hypotrichida (awaiting allocation)
- Family Hypotrichida incertae sedis
- Family Keronidae Dujardin, 1840
- Family Kiitrichidae Nozawa, 1941
- Family Neokeronopsidae Foissner & Stoeck, 2008
- Family Oxytrichidae Ehrenberg, 1830
- Genus Actinotricha Cohn, 1866 accepted as Oxytricha Bory de Saint-Vincent in Lamouroux et al., 1824
- Genus Alastor Perty, 1852 accepted as Kerona Müller, 1786
- Genus Allotricha Sterki, 1878
- Genus Allotrichides Foissner, 2016
- Genus Amphisiellides Foissner, 1988
- Genus Ancystropodium Fauré-Fremiet, 1908
- Genus Apoamphisiella Foissner, 1997
- Genus Aponotohymena Foissner, 2016
- Genus Architricha Gupta, Kamra & Sapra, 2006
- Genus Australocirrus Blatterer & Foissner, 1988
- Genus Coniculostomum Njiné, 1979
- Genus Cyrtohymena Foissner, 1987
- Genus Cyrtohymenides Foissner, 2004 accepted as Cyrtohymena Foissner, 1987
- Genus Fragmospina Foissner, 2016
- Genus Gastrostyla Engelmann, 1862
- Genus Gastrostylides Foissner, 2016
- Genus Hemigastrostyla Song & Wilbert, 1997
- Genus Hemioxytricha Foissner, 2016
- Genus Heterooxytricha Shao, Song, Al-Rasheid & Berger, 2011
- Genus Heterotachysoma Shao, Ding, Al-Rasheid, Al-Farraj, Warren & Song, 2013
- Genus Himantophorus Ehrenberg, 1838
- Genus Himantopus Müller, 1786
- Genus Histriculus Corliss, 1960
- Genus Histrio Sterki, 1878 accepted as Histriculus Corliss, 1960
- Genus Kerona Müller, 1786 accepted as Stylonychia Ehrenberg, 1832
- Genus Laurentia Dragesco, 1966 accepted as Laurentiella Dragesco & Njiné, 1972
- Genus Laurentiella Dragesco & Njiné, 1972
- Genus Metahymena Kabir, Bharti, Kumar, Shazib & Shin, 2020
- Genus Metastylonychia Kumar & Foissner, 2016 †
- Genus Mixotricha Dragesco & Dragesco-Kerneis, 1986 accepted as Ponturostyla Jankowski, 1989
- Genus Monomicrocaryon Foissner, 2016
- Genus Neogastrostyla Kaur, Shashi, Negi & Kamra, 2019
- Genus Neokeronopsis Warren, Fyda & Song, 2002
- Genus Nothopleurotricha Diesing, 1866 accepted as Gastrostyla Engelmann, 1862
- Genus Notohymena Blatterer & Foissner, 1988
- Genus Onychodromopsis Stokes, 1887
- Genus Onychodromus Stein, 1859
- Genus Onychondromopsis accepted as Onychodromopsis Stokes, 1887
- Genus Opisthiotricha Perty, 1852
- Genus Opisthotricha Kent, 1882 accepted as Oxytricha Bory de Saint-Vincent in Lamouroux et al., 1824
- Genus Opistotricha accepted as Opisthotricha Kent, 1882
- Genus Oxitricha Bory, 1826 accepted as Oxytricha Bory de Saint-Vincent in Lamouroux et al., 1824
- Genus Oxytricha Bory de Saint-Vincent in Lamouroux et al., 1824
- Genus Parahistriculus Grolière, 1976 accepted as Histriculus Corliss, 1960
- Genus Parahistricus Grolière, 1976
- Genus Parasterkiella Küppers, Paiva, Borges, Harada, González Garraza & Mataloni, 2011
- Genus Parastrombidium Borror, 1972 accepted as Urosoma Kowalewski, 1882
- Genus Parastylonychia Dragesco, 1963
- Genus Paraurosomoida Singh & Kamra, 2013
- Genus Paraurostyla Borror, 1972
- Genus Parentocirrus Voss, 1997
- Genus Paroxytricha Foissner, 2016
- Genus Parurosoma Gelei, 1954
- Genus Patersoniella Foissner, 1987
- Genus Pattersoniellides Kumar & Foissner, 2016 † accepted as Pattersoniella Foissner, 1987
- Genus Pleurotricha von Stein, 1859
- Genus Pleurotrichia accepted as Pleurotricha von Stein, 1859
- Genus Polystichothrix Luo, Gao, Yi, Pan, Al-Farraj & Warren, 2017
- Genus Ponturostyla Jankowski, 1989
- Genus Prosopsenus André, 1916
- Genus Pseudocyrtohymenides Jung, Park & Min, 2017
- Genus Pseudostrombidium Horváth, 1933
- Genus Pseudostylonychia Omar, Yeo & Jung, 2022
- Genus Pseudouroleptus Hemberger, 1985
- Genus Quadristicha Foissner, 2016
- Genus Rigidocortex Berger, 1999
- Genus Rigidohymena Berger, 2011
- Genus Rubrioxytricha Berger, 1999
- Genus Steinia Diesing, 1866
- Genus Sterkiella Foissner, Blatterer, Berger & Kohmann, 1991
- Genus Stylonichea Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Stylonychia Ehrenberg, 1832
- Genus Stylonichia Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Stylonychia Ehrenberg, 1832
- Genus Stylonychia Ehrenberg, 1832
- Genus Tachysoma Stokes, 1887
- Genus Territricha Berger & Foissner, 1988
- Genus Totothrix Foissner, 2016
- Genus Urosoma Kowalewski, 1882
- Species Urosoma acuminata Stokes
- Species Urosoma caudata Stokes, 1887
- Species Urosoma cienkowskii Kowalewski, 1882
- Species Urosoma macrostyla (Stokes, 1885) Wrzesniowski, 1870
- Genus Urostyloides Shi & He, 1989
- Family Pseudoamphisiellidae Song, Warren & Hu, 1997
- Family Psilotrichidae Bütschli, 1889
- Family Rigidotrichidae Foissner & Stoeck, 2006
- Family Schmidingerotrichidae Foissner, 2012
- Family Spirofilidae von Gelei, 1929
- Family Strongylidiidae Faure-Fremiet, 1961
- Family Trachelostylidae Small & Lynn, 1985
- Family Urosomoididae Foissner, 2016
- Family Urostylidae Bütschli, 1889
- Genus Pedradelume Molinari & Sánchez, 2024
- Genus Pseudonotohymena Park, Jung, Min & Kim, 2017
- Genus Schmidtiella Li, Qu, Luo, Filker, Hu & Stoeck, 2019 accepted as Pedradelume Molinari & Sánchez, 2024
- Order Kiitrichida
- Order Oligotrichida
- Order Protocruziida
- Order Spirotricha (awaiting allocation)
- Order Spirotrichea incertae sedis
- Order Stichotrichia (awaiting allocation)
- Order Stichotrichida
- Order Tintinnida
- Order Urostylida
- Subphylum Postciliodesmatophora
- Class Ciliatea accepted as Litostomatea
- Class Ciliophora (awaiting allocation)
- Class Polyhymenophora accepted as Postciliodesmatophora
- Phylum Dinophyta accepted as Miozoa
- Phylum Miozoa
- Order Chilovorida accepted as Colpodellida
- Order Chromerida accepted as Colpodellida
- Order Colpodellida
- Order Voromonadida accepted as Colpodellida
- Superphylum Heterokonta
- Infrakingdom Rhizaria
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae
- Kingdom Protista accepted as Protozoa
- Kingdom Protozoa
- Kingdom Viruses
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