IRMNG taxon details
basis of record
Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details]
basis of record
Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at note: authorship given as A.T. Brongniart, 1828, however see Cleal et al., 2012 [details]
additional source
Cleal, C. J.; Thomas, B. A.; Van Konijnenburg-van Cittert, J. H.; Zijlstra, G. (2012). (2083) Proposal to change the authorship of Calamites, nom. cons. (fossil, Sphenopsida) and to delete Calamitis, nom. rej. <em>Taxon.</em> 61(4): 884-885., available online at note: proposes authorship as Sternberg, 1820, not A.T. Brongniart, 1828 as listed in previous ICBN publications [details]
verified source for family
Novikoff, A.; Barabasz-Krasny, B. (2015). System of Embryophytes. In: Novikoff A., Barabasz-Krasny B. Modern Plant Systematics: 23-63. Liga-Pres, Lviv, Ukraine. , available online at note: as Calamostachyaceae [details]
name verified source
Herendeen, P. S. (2015). Report of the Nomenclature Committee on Fossils: 9. <em>Taxon.</em> 64(6): 1306-1312., available online at [details]
name verified source
Cleal, C. J.; Thomas, B. A. (2018). Nomenclatural status of the palaeobotanical "artificial taxa" established in Brongniart's 1822 “Classification” paper. <em>Fossil Imprint.</em> 74(1-2): 9-28., available online at [details]
current name source
Taylor, T. N.; Taylor, E. L.; Krings, M. (2009). Paleobotany: The Biology and Evolution of Fossil Plants. Second Edition. Academic Press, 1252 pp. , available online at [details]
extant flag source
Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details]
habitat flag source
as per family [details]
Descriptive info Stem; Carboniferous. (Index Nominum Genericorum) [details]
Taxonomic remark Nom. cons. (Index Nominum Genericorum). Authorship given in ING as A.T. Brongniart, 1828, however according to Cleal et al., 2012, the correct attribution is Sternberg, 1820, orth. corr. (originally 'Calamitis'), a proposal recommended for acceptance by the Nomenclature Committee on Fossils (Herendeen, 2015). From that work: The earliest validly published name for the genus was Calamitis Sternb. (1820). Sternberg continued to use this spelling in 1821 but it is clear that Sternberg was using the generic name in the same sense as Schlotheim used Calamites in 1820 (a publication that predates the starting point for names of fossil taxa) and so “Calamitis” is to be treated as an orthographic variant of Calamites. ... Although Calamites has been in the list of Nomina generica conservanda in the ICBN since the Stockholm Code (Lanjouw & al. in Regnum Veg. 3. 1952) throughout this time the entry has been erroneous. It mistakenly attributes Calamites to Brongniart in 1828 (even mentioning a wrong title: Prodr. Hist. Vég. Foss.: 121. 1828) whereas Brongniart’s 1822 publication fulfils all of the requirements for valid publication of such a name. [details]
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