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Ceratocystis J.B. Ellis & Halsted, 1890

1322679  (



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  1. Species Ceratocystis abietina Marm. & Butin
  2. Species Ceratocystis adiposa (E.J. Butler) C. Moreau, 1952
  3. Species Ceratocystis allantospora H.D. Griffin, 1968
  4. Species Ceratocystis angusticollis E.F. Wright & H.D. Griffin, 1968
  5. Species Ceratocystis arborea Olchow. & J. Reid, 1974
  6. Species Ceratocystis autographa B.K. Bakshi, 1951
  7. Species Ceratocystis brunnea R.W. Davidson, 1958
  8. Species Ceratocystis brunneociliata (Math.-Käärik) J. Hunt, 1956
  9. Species Ceratocystis cainii Olchow. & J. Reid, 1974
  10. Species Ceratocystis clavata (Math.-Käärik) J. Hunt, 1956
  11. Species Ceratocystis clavigera (Rob.-Jeffr. & R.W. Davidson) H.P. Upadhyay, 1981
  12. Species Ceratocystis coerulescens (Münch) B.K. Bakshi, 1950
  13. Species Ceratocystis conicola Marm. & Butin
  14. Species Ceratocystis coronata Olchow. & J. Reid, 1974
  15. Species Ceratocystis davidsonii Olchow. & J. Reid, 1974
  16. Species Ceratocystis deltoideospora Olchow. & J. Reid, 1974
  17. Species Ceratocystis eucastaneae R.W. Davidson, 1978
  18. Species Ceratocystis fagacearum (Bretz) J. Hunt, 1956
  19. Species Ceratocystis fimbriata (Ellis & Halst.) Sacc., 1890
  20. Species Ceratocystis grandicarpa Kowalski & Butin, 1989
  21. Species Ceratocystis introcitrina Olchow. & J. Reid, 1974
  22. Species Ceratocystis ips (Rumbold) C. Moreau, 1952
  23. Species Ceratocystis laricicola Redfern & Minter, 1987
  24. Species Ceratocystis minor (Hedgc.) J. Hunt, 1956
  25. Species Ceratocystis moniliformis (Hedgc.) C. Moreau, 1952
  26. Species Ceratocystis montia (Rumbold) J. Hunt, 1956
  27. Species Ceratocystis nothofagi Butin, 1984
  28. Species Ceratocystis obscura (R.W. Davidson) J. Hunt, 1956
  29. Species Ceratocystis olivacea (Math.-Käärik) J. Hunt, 1956
  30. Species Ceratocystis paradoxa (Dade) C. Moreau, 1952
  31. Species Ceratocystis pilifera (Fr.) C. Moreau, 1952
  32. Species Ceratocystis pinicola T.C. Harr. & M.J. Wingf., 1999
  33. Species Ceratocystis pluriannulata (Hedgc.) C. Moreau, 1952
  34. Species Ceratocystis prolifera Kowalski & Butin, 1989
  35. Species Ceratocystis pseudoeurophioides Olchow. & J. Reid, 1974
  36. Species Ceratocystis radicicola (Bliss) C. Moreau, 1952
  37. Species Ceratocystis stenoceras (Robak) C. Moreau, 1952
  38. Species Ceratocystis subannulata Livingston & R.W. Davidson
  39. Species Ceratocystis tenella R.W. Davidson, 1958
  40. Species Ceratocystis tetropii (Math.-Käärik) J. Hunt, 1956
  41. Species Ceratocystis virescens (R.W. Davidson) C. Moreau, 1952
  42. Species Ceratocystis abiocarpa R.W. Davidson, 1966 accepted as Ophiostoma abiocarpum (R.W. Davidson) T.C. Harr., 1987
  43. Species Ceratocystis adjuncti R.W. Davidson, 1978 accepted as Ophiostoma adjuncti (R.W. Davidson) T.C. Harr., 1987
  44. Species Ceratocystis alba DeVay, R.W. Davidson & W.J. Moller, 1968 accepted as Ceratocystiopsis alba (DeVay, R.W. Davidson & W.J. Moller) H.P. Upadhyay, 1981
  45. Species Ceratocystis ambrosia B.K. Bakshi, 1950 accepted as Ceratocystis pilifera (Fr.) C. Moreau, 1952
  46. Species Ceratocystis araucariae Butin, 1968 accepted as Ophiostoma araucariae (Butin) de Hoog & R.J. Scheff., 1984
  47. Species Ceratocystis aurea (Rob.-Jeffr. & R.W. Davidson) H.P. Upadhyay, 1981 accepted as Europhium aureum Rob.-Jeffr. & R.W. Davidson, 1968
  48. Species Ceratocystis bacillispora Butin & G. Zimm. accepted as Ophiostoma bacillisporum (Butin & G. Zimm.) de Hoog & R.J. Scheff., 1984
  49. Species Ceratocystis bicolor (R.W. Davidson & D.E. Wells) R.W. Davidson, 1958 accepted as Ophiostoma bicolor R.W. Davidson & D.E. Wells, 1955
  50. Species Ceratocystis brevicollis R.W. Davidson, 1958 accepted as Ophiostoma brevicolle (R.W. Davidson) de Hoog & R.J. Scheff., 1984
  51. Species Ceratocystis cana (Münch) C. Moreau, 1952 accepted as Ophiostoma canum (Münch) Syd. & P. Syd.
  52. Species Ceratocystis capillifera (Hedgc.) C. Moreau, 1952 accepted as Ceratocystis pilifera (Fr.) C. Moreau, 1952
  53. Species Ceratocystis crassivaginata H.D. Griffin, 1968 accepted as Ceratocystiopsis crassivaginata (H.D. Griffin) H.P. Upadhyay, 1981
  54. Species Ceratocystis distorta R.W. Davidson, 1971 accepted as Ophiostoma distortum (R.W. Davidson) de Hoog & R.J. Scheff., 1984
  55. Species Ceratocystis dryocoetidis W.B. Kendr. & Molnar, 1965 accepted as Leptographium dryocoetidis (W.B. Kendr. & Molnar) M.J. Wingf., 1985
  56. Species Ceratocystis epigloeum Guerrero, 1971 accepted as Ophiostoma epigloeum (Guerrero) de Hoog, 1974
  57. Species Ceratocystis europhioides E.F. Wright & Cain, 1961 accepted as Ophiostoma europhioides (E.F. Wright & Cain) H. Solheim, 1986
  58. Species Ceratocystis fagi (Loos) C. Moreau, 1952 accepted as Ophiostoma piceae (Münch) Syd. & P. Syd., 1919
  59. Species Ceratocystis falcata E.F. Wright & Cain, 1961 accepted as Ceratocystiopsis falcata (E.P. Wright & Cain) H.P. Upadhyay, 1981
  60. Species Ceratocystis fimicola (Marchal) H.P. Upadhyay, 1981 accepted as Viennotidia fimicola (Marchal) P.F. Cannon & D. Hawksw., 1982
  61. Species Ceratocystis floccosa (Math.-Käärik) J. Hunt, 1956 accepted as Ophiostoma piceae (Münch) Syd. & P. Syd., 1919
  62. Species Ceratocystis francke-grosmanniae R.W. Davidson, 1971 accepted as Ophiostoma francke-grosmanniae (R.W. Davidson) de Hoog & R.J. Scheff., 1984
  63. Species Ceratocystis galeiformis B.K. Bakshi, 1951 accepted as Ophiostoma galeiforme (B.K. Bakshi) Math.-Käärik, 1954
  64. Species Ceratocystis helvellae (P. Karst.) H.P. Upadhyay, 1981 accepted as Sphaeronaemella helvellae (P. Karst.) P. Karst., 1884
  65. Species Ceratocystis huntii Rob.-Jeffr., 1964 accepted as Ophiostoma huntii (Rob.-Jeffr.) de Hoog & R.J. Scheff., 1984
  66. Species Ceratocystis kubanica (Shcherb.-Parf.) Potl., 1985 accepted as Ophiostoma piceae (Münch) Syd. & P. Syd., 1919
  67. Species Ceratocystis longirostellata B.K. Bakshi, 1951 accepted as Ceratocystis pilifera (Fr.) C. Moreau, 1952
  68. Species Ceratocystis major (T.H. Beyma) C. Moreau, 1952 accepted as Ceratocystis adiposa (E.J. Butler) C. Moreau, 1952
  69. Species Ceratocystis megalobrunnea R.W. Davidson & Toole, 1965 accepted as Ophiostoma megalobrunneum (R.W. Davidson & Toole) de Hoog & R.J. Scheff., 1984
  70. Species Ceratocystis microspora (Arx) R.W. Davidson accepted as Ophiostoma microsporum (R.W. Davidson) Arx, 1952
  71. Species Ceratocystis minima Olchow. & J. Reid, 1974 accepted as Ceratocystiopsis minima (Olchow. & J. Reid) H.P. Upadhyay, 1981
  72. Species Ceratocystis minuta (Siemaszko) J. Hunt, 1956 accepted as Ceratocystiopsis minuta (Siemaszko) H.P. Upadhyay & W.B. Kendr., 1975
  73. Species Ceratocystis minutabicolor R.W. Davidson, 1966 accepted as Ceratocystiopsis minuta-bicolor (R.W. Davidson) H.P. Upadhyay, 1975
  74. Species Ceratocystis multiannulata (Hedgc. & R.W. Davidson) J. Hunt, 1956 accepted as Ophiostoma multiannulatum (Hedgc. & R.W. Davidson) Hendr., 1937
  75. Species Ceratocystis narcissi (Limber) J. Hunt, 1956 accepted as Ophiostoma narcissi Limber, 1950
  76. Species Ceratocystis nigra R.W. Davidson, 1958 accepted as Ophiostoma nigrum (R.W. Davidson) de Hoog & R.J. Scheff., 1984
  77. Species Ceratocystis nigrocarpa R.W. Davidson, 1966 accepted as Ophiostoma nigrocarpum (R.W. Davidson) de Hoog, 1974
  78. Species Ceratocystis pallidobrunnea Olchow. & J. Reid, 1974 accepted as Ceratocystiopsis pallidobrunnea (Olchow. & J. Reid) H.P. Upadhyay, 1981
  79. Species Ceratocystis penicillata (Grosmann) C. Moreau, 1952 accepted as Ophiostoma penicillatum (Grosmann) Siemaszko, 1939
  80. Species Ceratocystis perfecta R.W. Davidson, 1958 accepted as Ophiostoma perfectum (R.W. Davidson) de Hoog, 1974
  81. Species Ceratocystis perparvispora J. Hunt, 1956 accepted as Ophiostoma microsporum (R.W. Davidson) Arx, 1952
  82. Species Ceratocystis piceae (Münch) B.K. Bakshi, 1950 accepted as Ophiostoma piceae (Münch) Syd. & P. Syd., 1919
  83. Species Ceratocystis piceaperda (Rumbold) C. Moreau, 1952 accepted as Ophiostoma piceaperdum (Rumbold) Arx, 1952
  84. Species Ceratocystis pini (Münch) C. Moreau, 1952 accepted as Ceratocystis minor (Hedgc.) J. Hunt, 1956
  85. Species Ceratocystis polonica (Siemaszko) C. Moreau, 1952 accepted as Ophiostoma polonicum Siemaszko, 1939
  86. Species Ceratocystis populina T.E. Hinds & R.W. Davidson, 1968 accepted as Ophiostoma populinum (T.E. Hinds & R.W. Davidson) de Hoog & R.J. Scheff., 1984
  87. Species Ceratocystis querci (Georgev.) C. Moreau, 1952 accepted as Ophiostoma piceae (Münch) Syd. & P. Syd., 1919
  88. Species Ceratocystis retusi R.W. Davidson & T.E. Hinds, 1972 accepted as Ceratocystiopsis retusi (R.W. Davidson & T.E. Hinds) H.P. Upadhyay, 1981
  89. Species Ceratocystis roboris (Georgescu & Teodoru) Potl., 1985 accepted as Ophiostoma piceae (Münch) Syd. & P. Syd., 1919
  90. Species Ceratocystis robusta (Rob.-Jeffr. & R.W. Davidson) H.P. Upadhyay, 1981 accepted as Europhium robustum Rob.-Jeffr. & R.W. Davidson, 1968
  91. Species Ceratocystis rostrocoronata R.W. Davidson & Eslyn, 1976 accepted as Ophiostoma rostrocoronatum (R.W. Davidson & Eslyn) de Hoog & R.J. Scheff., 1984
  92. Species Ceratocystis serpens (Goid.) C. Moreau, 1952 accepted as Ophiostoma serpens (Goid.) Arx, 1952
  93. Species Ceratocystis seticollis R.W. Davidson, 1966 accepted as Ophiostoma seticolle (R.W. Davidson) de Hoog & R.J. Scheff., 1984
  94. Species Ceratocystis sparsa R.W. Davidson, 1971 accepted as Ophiostoma sparsum (R.W. Davidson) de Hoog & R.J. Scheff., 1984
  95. Species Ceratocystis tetropic (Math.-Käärik) J. Hunt, 1956 accepted as Ophiostoma tetropii Math.-Käärik, 1951
  96. Species Ceratocystis tremuloaurea R.W. Davidson & T.E. Hinds, 1965 accepted as Ophiostoma tremuloaureum (R.W. Davidson & T.E. Hinds) de Hoog & R.J. Scheff., 1984
  97. Species Ceratocystis triangulospora (Butin) H.P. Upadhyay, 1981 accepted as Ophiostoma triangulosporum Butin, 1978
  98. Species Ceratocystis trinacriformis (A.K. Parker) H.P. Upadhyay, 1981 accepted as Europhium trinacriforme A.K. Parker, 1957
  99. Species Ceratocystis ulmi (Buisman) C. Moreau, 1952 accepted as Ophiostoma ulmi (Buisman) Nannf., 1934
  100. Species Ceratocystis valachica (Georgescu, Teodoru & Badea) Potl., 1985 accepted as Ophiostoma piceae (Münch) Syd. & P. Syd., 1919
  101. Species Ceratocystis valdiviana Butin, 1984 accepted as Ophiostoma valdivianum (Butin) Rulamort, 1986
  102. Species Ceratocystis wageneri Goheen & F.W. Cobb, 1978 accepted as Ophiostoma wageneri (Goheen & F.W. Cobb) T.C. Harr., 1987
  103. Species Ceratocystis wilsonii B.K. Bakshi, 1951 accepted as Ceratocystis moniliformis (Hedgc.) C. Moreau, 1952
marine, brackish
recent only
Not documented
IRMNG (2022). Ceratocystis J.B. Ellis & Halsted, 1890. Accessed at: on 2025-01-26
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

basis of record Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

basis of record SN2000/Benito, 1982 [details] 

verified source for family Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

name verified source Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

extant flag source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

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