Between brackets is the number of accepted species
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2 Shows the number of accepted species within the taxon
3 The last expanded taxon is highlighted
4 Click on "+" to expand/show all child taxa
5 Click to see the taxon details page
- Biota
- Kingdom Animalia
- Phylum Acanthocephala
- Phylum Agmata †
- Phylum Animalia (awaiting allocation)
- Phylum Animalia incertae sedis
- Phylum Annelida
- Phylum Arthropoda
- Phylum Brachiopoda
- Phylum Bryozoa
- Phylum Cephalorhyncha incertae sedis
- Phylum Chaetognatha
- Phylum Chitinozoa †
- Phylum Chordata
- Phylum Cnidaria
- Phylum Ctenophora
- Phylum Cycliophora
- Phylum Cycloneuralia incertae sedis
- Phylum Ecdysozoa incertae sedis †
- Phylum Echinodermata
- Phylum Entoprocta
- Phylum Gastrotricha
- Phylum Gnathostomulida
- Phylum Hemichordata
- Phylum Hyolitha †
- Phylum Kinorhyncha
- Phylum Lobopoda †
- Phylum Loricifera
- Phylum Micrognathozoa
- Phylum Mollusca
- Phylum Monoblastozoa accepted as Animalia incertae sedis
- Phylum Nematoda
- Phylum Nematomorpha
- Phylum Nemertea
- Phylum Onychophora
- Phylum Orthonectida
- Phylum Phoronida
- Phylum Placozoa
- Phylum Platyhelminthes
- Phylum Pogonophora accepted as Siboglinidae Caullery, 1914
- Phylum Porifera
- Class Archaeocyatha †
- Class Archaeocyathea † accepted as Archaeocyatha †
- Class Calcarea
- Class Calcispongea
- Class Demospongea
- Order Agelasida
- Order Astrophorida
- Order Axinellida
- Order Bubarida
- Order Ceractinomorpha (awaiting allocation)
- Order Ceratoporellida
- Order Chaetetida accepted as Demospongea
- Order Chondrillida
- Order Chondrosida accepted as Chondrosiida
- Order Chondrosiida
- Order Choristida
- Order Demospongea (awaiting allocation) †
- Order Demospongea incertae sedis
- Order Demospongiae (awaiting allocation)
- Order Demospongiae incertae sedis
- Order Dendroceratida
- Order Desmophorida
- Order Dictyoceratida
- Order Epipolasida †
- Order Guadalupiida
- Order Hadromerida
- Order Halichondrida accepted as Demospongea
- Order Haplosclerida
- Order Homosclerophorida
- Order Keratosa accepted as Dendroceratida
- Order Lithistida
- Order Megalithistida †
- Order Merliida
- Order Monalithistida †
- Order Monaxonida
- Order Myxillina (awaiting allocation)
- Order Operculospongia †
- Order Petrosiida
- Order Poecilosclerida
- Family Acarnidae Dendy, 1922
- Family Amphilectidae
- Family Anchinoidae Topsent, 1928 accepted as Hymedesmiidae Topsent, 1928
- Family Biemnidae Hentschel, 1923
- Family Chondropsidae Carter, 1886
- Family Chondropsiidae accepted as Chondropsidae Carter, 1886
- Family Cladorhizidae Dendy, 1922
- Family Clathriidae Lendenfeld, 1884 accepted as Microcionidae Carter, 1875
- Family Coelocarteriidae Leal et al., 2023
- Family Coelosphaeridae Dendy, 1922
- Family Cornulidae Lévi & Lévi, 1983 accepted as Acarnidae Dendy, 1922
- Family Crambeidae Lévi, 1963
- Family Crellidae Dendy, 1922
- Family Dendoricellidae Hentschel, 1923
- Family Desmacellidae Ridley & Dendy, 1886
- Family Desmacididae Schmidt, 1870
- Family Esperiadae Gray, 1867 accepted as Mycalidae Lundbeck, 1905
- Family Esperiopsidae Hentschel, 1923
- Family Guitarridae Dendy, 1924
- Family Hymedesmiidae Topsent, 1928
- Genus Acanthancora Topsent, 1927
- Genus Acanthoxa Hentschel, 1914 accepted as Spanioplon Topsent, 1890
- Genus Acantorna Lehnert & Stone, 2020
- Genus Amoibodictya Zahn, Müller & Müller, 1977 accepted as Hamigera Gray, 1867
- Genus Anchinoe Gray, 1867 accepted as Phorbas Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864
- Genus Anchinoë Gray, 1867 accepted as Phorbas Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864
- Genus Bipocillopsis Koltun, 1964 accepted as Phorbas Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864
- Genus Clathrissa Lendenfeld, 1888 accepted as Phorbas Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864
- Genus Clathrissa Lendenfeld, 1887 accepted as Clathrissa Lendenfeld, 1888
- Genus Cribrella Schmidt, 1862 accepted as Hamigera Gray, 1867
- Genus Diplodesmia
- Genus Ectyodesma Topsent, 1928 accepted as Hymedesmia Bowerbank, 1864
- Genus Ectyodesmia Topsent, 1928 accepted as Hymedesmia Bowerbank, 1864
- Genus Ectyostylopus Topsent, 1928 accepted as Stylopus Fristedt, 1885
- Genus Ferrerhernandezia de Laubenfels, 1936 accepted as Acanthancora Topsent, 1927
- Genus Grayax de Laubenfels, 1936
- Genus Hamigera Gray, 1867
- Genus Hemimycale Burton, 1934
- Genus Holorodesmia Topsent, 1928 accepted as Hymedesmia Bowerbank, 1864
- Genus Hooperia Morrow in Morrow et al., 2019
- Genus Hymedesmia Bowerbank, 1864
- Genus Hymedesmia Bowerbank in MacAndrew, 1861 accepted as Hymedesmia Bowerbank, 1864
- Genus Hymenamphiastra de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Acanthancora Topsent, 1927
- Genus Hymendectyon Bakus, 1966 accepted as Plocamionida Topsent, 1927
- Genus Hymenodesmia Filhol, 1885 accepted as Hymedesmia Bowerbank, 1864
- Genus Hymetrichita Pulitzer-Finali, 1983 accepted as Hymedesmia Bowerbank, 1864
- Genus Hymidesmia Bowerbank, 1874 accepted as Hymedesmia Bowerbank, 1864
- Genus Hymoxenia Alander, 1937 accepted as Hymedesmia Bowerbank, 1864
- Genus Kirkpatrickia Topsent, 1912
- Genus Leptosia Topsent, 1892 accepted as Hymedesmia Bowerbank, 1864
- Genus Lissopocillon Ferrer-Hernandez, 1916 accepted as Phorbas Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864
- Genus Merriamium de Laubenfels, 1936 accepted as Phorbas Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864
- Genus Myxodoryx Burton, 1929
- Genus Phorbas Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864
- Genus Phorboas Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 accepted as Phorbas Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864
- Genus Plocamionida Topsent, 1927
- Genus Plumohalichondria Carter, 1876 accepted as Phorbas Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864
- Genus Podotuberculum Bakus, 1966 accepted as Phorbas Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864
- Genus Poecilochela de Laubenfels, 1936 accepted as Hymedesmia Bowerbank, 1864
- Genus Pronax Gray, 1867 accepted as Phorbas Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864
- Genus Pronaxella Burton, 1931 accepted as Phorbas Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864
- Genus Pseudohalichondria Carter, 1886
- Genus Sclerilla Schmidt, 1868 accepted as Hymedesmia Bowerbank, 1864
- Genus Spanioplon Topsent, 1890
- Genus Stegxella Bowerbank, 1874 accepted as Hymedesmia Bowerbank, 1864
- Genus Stylopus Fristedt, 1885 accepted as Hymedesmia Bowerbank, 1864
- Genus Stylostichon Topsent, 1892 accepted as Phorbas Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864
- Genus Suberotelites Schmidt, 1868 accepted as Phorbas Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864
- Genus Tylosigma Topsent, 1894 accepted as Hymedesmia Bowerbank, 1864
- Species Tylosigma campechiana (Topsent, 1889) accepted as Hymedesmia campechiana Topsent, 1889
- Family Iophonidae Burton, 1929 accepted as Acarnidae Dendy, 1922
- Family Iotrochotidae Dendy, 1922
- Family Isodictyidae Dendy, 1924
- Family Microcionidae Carter, 1875
- Family Mycalidae Lundbeck, 1905
- Family Myxillidae Dendy, 1922
- Family Phellodermidae Van Soest & Hajdu, 2002
- Family Phoriospongiidae Lendenfeld, 1888
- Family Plocamiidae
- Family Podospongiidae de Laubenfels, 1936
- Family Poecilosclerida (awaiting allocation)
- Family Psammascidae
- Family Tedaniidae Ridley & Dendy, 1886
- Order Protomonaxonida †
- Order Sclerospongiae (awaiting allocation)
- Order Scopalinida
- Order Spirophorida
- Order Spirosclerophorida
- Order Spongillida
- Order Spongillina (awaiting allocation)
- Order Suberitida
- Order Tabulospongida
- Order Tetractinellida
- Order Tetractinomorpha (awaiting allocation)
- Order Tetralithistida †
- Order Vaceletida †
- Order Verongida accepted as Verongiida
- Order Verongiida
- Order Verticillitida
- Family Burgundiidae Dehorne, 1920 †
- Family Neuroporidae Termier, Termier & Ramalho, 1985 †
- Family Spongiostromidae Gürich, 1906 †
- Genus Atrochaetetes Cuif & Fischer, 1974 †
- Genus Bauneia Peterhans, 1927 †
- Genus Blastochaetetes Dietrich, 1919 †
- Genus Carnegia Girty, 1907 † accepted as Carnegiea Girty in Willis, 1913 †
- Genus Carnegiea Girty in Willis, 1913 †
- Genus Cassianopora Bizzarini & Braga, 1978 †
- Genus Chaetetella Sokolov, 1939 †
- Genus Chaetetipora Struve, 1897 †
- Genus Chaetetiporella Sokolov, 1939 † accepted as Chaetetella Sokolov, 1939 †
- Genus Chaetosclera Reitner & Engeser, 1989 †
- Genus Conosclera Wu, 1991 †
- Genus Fistulimurina Sokolov, 1947 †
- Genus Flabellisclera Wu, 1991 †
- Genus Fungispongia Wu, 1991 †
- Genus Gigantosclera Wu, 1991 †
- Genus Gracilitubulus Wu, 1991 †
- Genus Ischnspongia Wu, Zhu & Steiner, 2014 †
- Genus Leiochaetetes Andri & Rossi, 1981 †
- Genus Litophyllum Etheridge, 1899 †
- Genus Meandripetra Dieci, Russo, Russo & Marchi, 1977 †
- Genus Mirispongia Wu, 1991 †
- Genus Moskovia Sokolov, 1950 †
- Genus Neosolenopora Mastrorilli, 1955 †
- Genus Pamirochaetetes Boiko, 1979 †
- Genus Parabauneia Wu, 1991 †
- Genus Planochaetetes Solov'eva, 1980 †
- Genus Precaratoporella † accepted as Preceratoporella Termier & Termier in Termier, Termier & Vachard, 1977 †
- Genus Preceratoporella Termier & Termier in Termier, Termier & Vachard, 1977 †
- Genus Pseudomonotrypa Reschetkin, 1927 † accepted as Bauneia Peterhans, 1927 †
- Genus Ptilispongia Wu, Zhu & Steiner, 2014 †
- Genus Ptychochaetetes Koechlin, 1947 †
- Genus Septochaetetes Rios & Almela, 1944 †
- Genus Siphostroma Steiner, 1932 †
- Genus Solenopora Dybowski, 1878 †
- Genus Spinochaetetes Kim in Yang, Kim & Chow, 1978 †
- Genus Spongiothecopora Sokolov, 1939 †
- Genus Stromatoaxinella Wood & Reitner, 1988 †
- Genus Tubulispongia Wu, 1991 †
- Genus Varioparietes Bodergat, 1975 † accepted as Ptychochaetetes Koechlin, 1947 †
- Genus Zlambachella Flügel, 1961 †
- Class Heteractinida †
- Class Hexactinellida
- Class Hyalospongea accepted as Hexactinellida
- Class Hyalospongiae accepted as Hexactinellida
- Class Porifera (awaiting allocation)
- Class Spongiomorpha
- Class Stromatoporata accepted as Stromatoporoidea †
- Class Stromatoporoidea †
- Genus Achilleum Oken, 1815
- Genus Calliospongia Chen, Porras, Ma, Hou & Wörheide, 2023 †
- Genus Celtispongia Peel, 2019 †
- Genus Conciliospongia Botting, Zhang & Muir, 2017 †
- Genus Heteractenigma Botting & Zhang, 2013 †
- Genus Iniquispongia Senowbari-Daryan, Fürsich & Rashidi, 2020 †
- Genus Palaeomillepora Gabilly & Lafuste, 1957, nom. nud. † accepted as Palaeomillepora Gabilly & Lafuste, 1957 †
- Genus Palaeomillepora Gabilly & Lafuste, 1957 †
- Genus Perturbatacrusta Schlagintweit & Gawlick, 2011 †
- Genus Portalia Walcott, 1918 †
- Genus Sanningasoqia Peel, 2019 †
- Genus Seqineqia Peel, 2018 †
- Genus Seriespongia Senowbari-Daryan, Fürsich & Rashidi, 2020 †
- Genus Siphydora James-Clark, 1865
- Genus Sisamatispongia Peel, 2018 †
- Genus Sulukispicula Peel, 2019 †
- Genus Tallitaniqa Peel, 2018 †
- Genus Vasispongia Tang & Xiao in Tang et al., 2019 †
- Phylum Priapula accepted as Priapulida
- Phylum Priapulida
- Phylum Problematica † accepted as Animalia incertae sedis
- Phylum Rhombozoa
- Phylum Rotifera
- Phylum Scalidophora incertae sedis
- Phylum Sipuncula
- Phylum Tardigrada
- Phylum Trace fossils †
- Phylum Vendobionta †
- Phylum Vestimentifera accepted as Siboglinidae Caullery, 1914
- Phylum Vetulicolia †
- Phylum Vinctiplicata incertae sedis †
- Phylum Xenacoelomorpha
- Genus Trilobocaris Pribyl, 1953 †
- Kingdom Archaea
- Kingdom Bacteria
- Kingdom Chromista
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae
- Kingdom Protista accepted as Protozoa
- Kingdom Protozoa
- Kingdom Viruses
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