IRMNG name details
additional source
Dijkstra S. J.; van Amerom, H. W. J. (1983). Fossilium Catalogus. II. Plantae. Pars 90. Filicales, Pteridospermae, Cycadales 2. Supplement L-O. Kugler Publications, Amsterdam. [details]
source of synonymy
Hill, C.; Wagner, R. H.; El-Khayal, A. A. (1985). Qasimia gen. nov., an early Marattia-like fern from the Permian of Saudi Arabia. <em>Scripta Geologica.</em> 79: 1-50. note: probable synonym [details]
habitat flag source
as per family [details]
Taxonomic remark Not validly published. (Index Nominum Genericorum). A junior homonym of Lophotheca H.-J. Schrader, 1969 (fossil diatom); probable synonym ("may be a preservational state of ") Qasimia C.R. Hill, R.H. Wagner & A.A. El-Khayal, 1985 according to those authors. [details]