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Hygrocybe (E.M. Fries) P. Kummer, 1871

1350122  (



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  1. Species Hygrocybe angustifolia (Murrill) Candusso, 1997
  2. Species Hygrocybe aurantia (Murrill) Natarajan & Purush., 1989
  3. Species Hygrocybe aurantiosplendens R. Haller Aar., 1954
  4. Species Hygrocybe calciphila Arnolds, 1985
  5. Species Hygrocybe calyptriformis (Berk.) Fayod, 1889
  6. Species Hygrocybe canescens (A.H. Sm. & Hesler) P.D. Orton, 1987
  7. Species Hygrocybe cantharellus (Schwein.) Murrill, 1911
  8. Species Hygrocybe ceracea (Wulfen) P. Kumm., 1871
  9. Species Hygrocybe chlorophana (Fr.) Wünsche, 1877
  10. Species Hygrocybe citrinopallida (A.H. Sm. & Hesler) Kobayasi, 1971
  11. Species Hygrocybe citrinovirens (J.E. Lange) Jul. Schäff., 1947
  12. Species Hygrocybe coccinea (Schaeff.) P. Kumm., 1871
  13. Species Hygrocybe coccineocrenata (P.D. Orton) M.M. Moser, 1967
  14. Species Hygrocybe colemanniana (A. Bloxam) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969
  15. Species Hygrocybe conica (Scop.) P. Kumm., 1871
  16. Species Hygrocybe conicoides (P.D. Orton) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969
  17. Species Hygrocybe constrictospora Arnolds, 1985
  18. Species Hygrocybe flavipes (Britzelm.) Arnolds, 1989
  19. Species Hygrocybe fornicata (Fr.) Singer, 1951
  20. Species Hygrocybe glutinipes (J.E. Lange) R. Haller Aar., 1956
  21. Species Hygrocybe helobia (Arnolds) Bon, 1976
  22. Species Hygrocybe ingrata J.P. Jensen & F.H. Møller, 1945
  23. Species Hygrocybe insipida (J.E. Lange ex S. Lundell) M.M. Moser, 1967
  24. Species Hygrocybe intermedia (Pass.) Fayod, 1889
  25. Species Hygrocybe irrigata (Pers.) Bon, 1976
  26. Species Hygrocybe lacma (Schumach.) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969
  27. Species Hygrocybe laeta (Pers.) P. Kumm., 1871
  28. Species Hygrocybe lilacina (C. Laest.) M.M. Moser, 1967
  29. Species Hygrocybe marchii (Bres.) Singer, 1951
  30. Species Hygrocybe miniata (Fr.) P. Kumm., 1871
  31. Species Hygrocybe mucronella (Fr.) P. Karst., 1879
  32. Species Hygrocybe nitrata (Pers.) Wünsche, 1877
  33. Species Hygrocybe ovina (Bull.) Kühner, 1926
  34. Species Hygrocybe persistens (Britzelm.) Singer, 1940
  35. Species Hygrocybe phaeococcinea (Arnolds) Bon, 1985
  36. Species Hygrocybe pratensis (Pers.) Bon, 1976
  37. Species Hygrocybe psittacina (Schaeff.) P. Kumm., 1871
  38. Species Hygrocybe punicea (Fr.) P. Kumm., 1871
  39. Species Hygrocybe quieta (Kühner) Singer, 1951
  40. Species Hygrocybe radiata Arnolds, 1989
  41. Species Hygrocybe reidii Kühner, 1976
  42. Species Hygrocybe russocoriacea (Berk. & T.K. Mill.) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969
  43. Species Hygrocybe salicis-herbaceae Kühner, 1976
  44. Species Hygrocybe spadicea (Scop.) P. Karst., 1879
  45. Species Hygrocybe splendidissima (P.D. Orton) M.M. Moser, 1967
  46. Species Hygrocybe subpapillata Kühner, 1979
  47. Species Hygrocybe turunda (Fr.) P. Karst., 1879
  48. Species Hygrocybe viola J. Geesink & Bas, 1985
  49. Species Hygrocybe virginea (Wulfen) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969
  50. Species Hygrocybe vitellina (Fr.) P. Karst., 1879
  51. Species Hygrocybe xanthochroa (P.D. Orton) M.M. Moser, 1967
  52. Species Hygrocybe acutoconica (Clem.) Singer, 1951 accepted as Hygrocybe persistens (Britzelm.) Singer, 1940
  53. Species Hygrocybe acutopunicea R. Haller Aar. & F.H. Møller, 1956 accepted as Hygrocybe punicea (Fr.) P. Kumm., 1871
  54. Species Hygrocybe angustifolia sensu auct. eur. accepted as Hygrocybe pratensis (Pers.) Bon, 1976
  55. Species Hygrocybe atropuncta (Pers.) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969 accepted as Camarophyllopsis atropuncta (Pers.) Arnolds, 1986
  56. Species Hygrocybe aurantiolutescens P.D. Orton, 1969 accepted as Hygrocybe persistens (Britzelm.) Singer, 1940
  57. Species Hygrocybe aurantioviscida Arnolds, 1982 accepted as Hygrocybe glutinipes (J.E. Lange) R. Haller Aar., 1956
  58. Species Hygrocybe berkeleyana (Clémençon) Bon, 1984 accepted as Hygrocybe pratensis (Pers.) Bon, 1976
  59. Species Hygrocybe berkeleyi P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969 accepted as Hygrocybe pratensis (Pers.) Bon, 1976
  60. Species Hygrocybe brevispora F.H. Møller, 1945 accepted as Hygrocybe citrinovirens (J.E. Lange) Jul. Schäff., 1947
  61. Species Hygrocybe cheelii A.M. Young, 1999 accepted as Cantharellus lilacinus Cleland & Cheel, 1919
  62. Species Hygrocybe chloroides (Malençon) Kovalenko, 1989 accepted as Hygrocybe conica (Scop.) P. Kumm., 1871
  63. Species Hygrocybe cinerea (Pers.) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969 accepted as Hygrophorus cinereus (Pers.) Fr., 1861
  64. Species Hygrocybe cinereifolia Courtec. & Priou, 1992 accepted as Hygrocybe conica (Scop.) P. Kumm., 1871
  65. Species Hygrocybe citrina sensu Breitenbach & Kränzlin (1991), J.E. Lange (1940) accepted as Hygrocybe ceracea (Wulfen) P. Kumm., 1871
  66. Species Hygrocybe citrina sensu auct. accepted as Hygrocybe glutinipes (J.E. Lange) R. Haller Aar., 1956
  67. Species Hygrocybe clivalis (Fr.) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969 accepted as Hygrocybe fornicata (Fr.) Singer, 1951
  68. Species Hygrocybe conicopalustris R. Haller Aar. ex Bon, 1985 accepted as Hygrocybe conica (Scop.) P. Kumm., 1871
  69. Species Hygrocybe conicopalustris R. Haller Aar., 1953 accepted as Hygrocybe conica (Scop.) P. Kumm., 1871
  70. Species Hygrocybe constans J.E. Lange, 1923 accepted as Hygrocybe persistens (Britzelm.) Singer, 1940
  71. Species Hygrocybe cystidiata sensu NCL (1960) accepted as Hygrocybe citrinovirens (J.E. Lange) Jul. Schäff., 1947
  72. Species Hygrocybe dennisiana (Singer) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969 accepted as Camarophyllopsis dennisiana (Singer) Arnolds, 1986
  73. Species Hygrocybe euroflavescens Kühner, 1976 accepted as Hygrocybe chlorophana (Fr.) Wünsche, 1877
  74. Species Hygrocybe flavescens sensu auct. accepted as Hygrocybe chlorophana (Fr.) Wünsche, 1877
  75. Species Hygrocybe foetens (W. Phillips) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969 accepted as Camarophyllopsis foetens (W. Phillips) Arnolds, 1986
  76. Species Hygrocybe fuscescens (Bres.) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969 accepted as Hygrocybe virginea (Wulfen) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969
  77. Species Hygrocybe hymenocephala (A.H. Sm. & Hesler) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969 accepted as Camarophyllopsis hymenocephala (A.H. Sm. & Hesler) Arnolds, 1986
  78. Species Hygrocybe konradii R. Haller Aar., 1955 accepted as Hygrocybe persistens (Britzelm.) Singer, 1940
  79. Species Hygrocybe langei Kühner, 1927 accepted as Hygrocybe persistens (Britzelm.) Singer, 1940
  80. Species Hygrocybe lepida Arnolds, 1986 accepted as Hygrocybe cantharellus (Schwein.) Murrill, 1911
  81. Species Hygrocybe lepidopus (Rea) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969 accepted as Hygrocybe fornicata (Fr.) Singer, 1951
  82. Species Hygrocybe luteolaeta Arnolds, 1985 accepted as Hygrocybe vitellina (Fr.) P. Karst., 1879
  83. Species Hygrocybe marchii sensu NCL (1960), Reid, auct. mult accepted as Hygrocybe reidii Kühner, 1976
  84. Species Hygrocybe metapodia (Fr.) M.M. Moser, 1953 accepted as Porpoloma metapodium (Fr.) Singer, 1973
  85. Species Hygrocybe metapodia (Fr.) M.M. Moser, 1967 accepted as Porpoloma metapodium (Fr.) Singer, 1973
  86. Species Hygrocybe micacea (Berk. & Broome) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969 accepted as Camarophyllopsis micacea (Berk. & Broome) Arnolds, 1987
  87. Species Hygrocybe miniata sensu Phillips (1981 p. 63) accepted as Hygrocybe helobia (Arnolds) Bon, 1976
  88. Species Hygrocybe miniatoalba (Pat.) F.H. Møller, 1945 accepted as Hygrocybe helobia (Arnolds) Bon, 1976
  89. Species Hygrocybe murinacea (Bull.) M.M. Moser, 1967 accepted as Hygrocybe nitrata (Pers.) Wünsche, 1877
  90. Species Hygrocybe murinacea sensu Moser, Breteinbach & Kränzlin (1991) accepted as Hygrocybe nitrata (Pers.) Wünsche, 1877
  91. Species Hygrocybe nigrescens sensu auct. accepted as Hygrocybe conica (Scop.) P. Kumm., 1871
  92. Species Hygrocybe nitiosa (A. Blytt) M.M. Moser, 1953 accepted as Hygrocybe ovina (Bull.) Kühner, 1926
  93. Species Hygrocybe nitiosa (A. Blytt) M.M. Moser, 1967 accepted as Hygrocybe ovina (Bull.) Kühner, 1926
  94. Species Hygrocybe nivea (Scop.) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969 accepted as Hygrocybe virginea (Wulfen) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969
  95. Species Hygrocybe obrussea (Fr.) Wünsche, 1877 accepted as Hygrocybe quieta (Kühner) Singer, 1951
  96. Species Hygrocybe ochraceopallida P.D. Orton, 1980 accepted as Hygrocybe virginea (Wulfen) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969
  97. Species Hygrocybe olivaceonigra (P.D. Orton) M.M. Moser, 1967 accepted as Hygrocybe conica (Scop.) P. Kumm., 1871
  98. Species Hygrocybe ortonii Bon, 1983 accepted as Hygrocybe pratensis (Pers.) Bon, 1976
  99. Species Hygrocybe pallida (E. Horak) A.M. Young, 1997 accepted as Hygrocybe pratensis (Pers.) Bon, 1976
  100. Species Hygrocybe perplexa (A.H. Sm. & Hesler) Arnolds, 1985 accepted as Hygrocybe psittacina (Schaeff.) P. Kumm., 1871
  101. Species Hygrocybe pseudoconica J.E. Lange, 1923 accepted as Hygrocybe conica (Scop.) P. Kumm., 1871
  102. Species Hygrocybe reae (Maire) J.E. Lange, 1923 accepted as Hygrocybe mucronella (Fr.) P. Karst., 1879
  103. Species Hygrocybe schulzeri (Bres.) Joss., 1937 accepted as Camarophyllopsis schulzeri (Bres.) Herink, 1958
  104. Species Hygrocybe sciophana (Fr.) Wünsche, 1877 accepted as Hygrocybe psittacina (Schaeff.) P. Kumm., 1871
  105. Species Hygrocybe strangulata (P.D. Orton) Svrček, 1962 accepted as Hygrocybe miniata (Fr.) P. Kumm., 1871
  106. Species Hygrocybe streptopus (Fr.) Bon, 1976 accepted as Hygrocybe fornicata (Fr.) Singer, 1951
  107. Species Hygrocybe subglobispora (P.D. Orton) M.M. Moser, 1967 accepted as Hygrocybe persistens (Britzelm.) Singer, 1940
  108. Species Hygrocybe subminutula sensu auct. brit. accepted as Hygrocybe insipida (J.E. Lange ex S. Lundell) M.M. Moser, 1967
  109. Species Hygrocybe subradiata sensu auct. accepted as Hygrocybe colemanniana (A. Bloxam) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969
  110. Species Hygrocybe subradiata (Schumach.) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969 accepted as Hygrocybe virginea (Wulfen) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969
  111. Species Hygrocybe subradiata sensu auct. brit. accepted as Hygrocybe virginea (Wulfen) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969
  112. Species Hygrocybe subviolacea (Peck) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969 accepted as Hygrocybe lacma (Schumach.) P.D. Orton & Watling, 1969
  113. Species Hygrocybe tristis (Pers.) F.H. Møller, 1945 accepted as Hygrocybe conica (Scop.) P. Kumm., 1871
  114. Species Hygrocybe turunda sensu J.E. Lange accepted as Hygrocybe coccineocrenata (P.D. Orton) M.M. Moser, 1967
  115. Species Hygrocybe unguinosa (Fr.) P. Karst., 1879 accepted as Hygrocybe irrigata (Pers.) Bon, 1976
  116. Species Hygrocybe vitellinoides Bon, 1979 accepted as Hygrocybe ceracea (Wulfen) P. Kumm., 1871
marine, brackish
recent only
Not documented
Taxonomic remark Basionym: Agaricus trib. Clitocybe subtrib. Hygrocybi E.M. Fries, 1821.  
Taxonomic remark Basionym: Agaricus trib. Clitocybe subtrib. Hygrocybi E.M. Fries, 1821. [details]
IRMNG (2022). Hygrocybe (E.M. Fries) P. Kummer, 1871. Accessed at: on 2025-01-23
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

basis of record SN2000/Shaffer, 1982 [details] 

basis of record Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

verified source for family Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

name verified source Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

extant flag source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 
Taxonomic remark Basionym: Agaricus trib. Clitocybe subtrib. Hygrocybi E.M. Fries, 1821. [details]

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