Between brackets is the number of accepted species
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2 Shows the number of accepted species within the taxon
3 The last expanded taxon is highlighted
4 Click on "+" to expand/show all child taxa
5 Click to see the taxon details page
- Biota
- Kingdom Animalia
- Phylum Acanthocephala
- Phylum Agmata †
- Phylum Animalia (awaiting allocation)
- Phylum Animalia incertae sedis
- Phylum Annelida
- Phylum Arthropoda
- Phylum Brachiopoda
- Phylum Bryozoa
- Phylum Cephalorhyncha incertae sedis
- Phylum Chaetognatha
- Phylum Chitinozoa †
- Phylum Chordata
- Phylum Cnidaria
- Subphylum Anthozoa
- Subphylum Medusozoa incertae sedis
- Subphylum Myxozoa
- Class Cnidaria (awaiting allocation)
- Class Cubozoa
- Class Cyclozoa
- Class Hydroconozoa †
- Class Hydrozoa
- Order Actinulida
- Order Anthoathecata
- Order Anthomedusae (awaiting allocation)
- Order Chondrophora
- Order Discomedusae
- Order Hydroida
- Order Hydrozoa (awaiting allocation)
- Order Hydrozoa incertae sedis
- Order Lemniscaterina †
- Order Leptomedusae
- Order Leptothecata
- Family Aequoreidae Eschscholtz, 1829
- Family Aequoureidae
- Family Aglaopheniidae Broch, 1918
- Family Barcinidae Gili, Bouillon, Pagès, Palanques & Puig, 1999
- Family Berenicidae Eschscholtz, 1829 accepted as Dipleurosomatidae Boeck, 1866
- Family Blackfordiidae Bouillon, 1984
- Family Bonneviellidae Broch, 1909
- Family Calycellidae accepted as Campanulinidae Hincks, 1868
- Family Campanulariidae Johnston, 1836
- Family Campanulinidae Hincks, 1868
- Family Cirrholoveniidae Bouillon, 1984
- Family Clathrozoidae Stechow, 1921
- Family Clathrozonidae
- Family Dipleurosomatidae Boeck, 1866
- Family Eirenidae Haeckel, 1879
- Genus Anthohydra Salvini Plawen & Chandrasekhara Rao, 1973 accepted as Eugymnanthea Palombi, 1936
- Genus Campanopsis Claus, 1881 accepted as Eirene Eschscholtz, 1829
- Genus Dianaea Lamarck, 1816
- Genus Dianea Spagnolini, 1871
- Genus Dianoea Lesson, 1843
- Genus Eirene Eschscholtz, 1829
- Genus Eugymnanthea Palombi, 1936
- Genus Eutima McCrady, 1859
- Genus Eutimalphes Haeckel, 1879
- Genus Eutimeta Haeckel, 1879 accepted as Eutima McCrady, 1859
- Genus Eutimium Haeckel, 1879 accepted as Eutima McCrady, 1859
- Genus Eutimolphes Lendenfeld, 1887 accepted as Eutimalphes Haeckel, 1879
- Genus Eutonia Hartlaub, 1897 accepted as Eutonina Hartlaub, 1897
- Genus Eutonina Hartlaub, 1897
- Genus Goodsirea Wright, 1859 accepted as Eutima McCrady, 1859
- Genus Halanthus Hadži, 1914 accepted as Eutima McCrady, 1859
- Genus Helgicirra Hartlaub, 1909 accepted as Helgicirrha Hartlaub, 1909
- Genus Helgicirrha Hartlaub, 1909
- Genus Irene Haeckel, 1879 accepted as Eirene Eschscholtz, 1829
- Genus Irenium Haeckel, 1879
- Genus Irenopsis Götte, 1886 accepted as Eirene Eschscholtz, 1829
- Genus Mytilhydra Cerruti, 1941 accepted as Eugymnanthea Palombi, 1936
- Genus Neotima Petersen, 1962
- Species Neotima lucullana (Delle Chiaje, 1822)
- Species Neotima peterseni Bouillon, 1984
- Genus Octorchandra Haeckel, 1879 accepted as Eutima McCrady, 1859
- Genus Octorchis Haeckel, 1864 accepted as Eutima McCrady, 1859
- Genus Osteohydra Yamada, 1950 accepted as Eugymnanthea Palombi, 1936
- Genus Ostreohydra Yamada, 1950 accepted as Eugymnanthea Palombi, 1936
- Genus Pareutima Stechow, 1921 accepted as Campanopsis Claus, 1881
- Genus Phialopsis Torrey, 1909
- Genus Phortis McCrady, 1859 accepted as Eirene Eschscholtz, 1829
- Genus Plancia Forbes & Goodsir, 1853 accepted as Eutima McCrady, 1859
- Genus Siphonorhynchus Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Eutima McCrady, 1859
- Genus Tiarops Romanes, 1876 accepted as Eutonina Hartlaub, 1897
- Genus Tima Eschscholtz, 1829
- Family Eucheilotidae Picard, 1958 accepted as Lovenellidae Russell, 1953
- Family Eucopidae Gegenbaur, 1856 accepted as Campanulariidae Johnston, 1836
- Family Eutimidae Kramp, 1961 accepted as Eirenidae Haeckel, 1879
- Family Haleciidae Hincks, 1868
- Family Halopterididae Millard, 1962
- Family Hebellidae Fraser, 1912
- Family Kirchenpaueriidae Millard, 1962
- Family Lafoeidae Agassiz, 1865
- Family Laodiceidae Browne, 1907
- Family Laodieidae
- Family Leptothecata incertae sedis
- Family Lineolariidae Allman, 1864
- Family Lovenellidae Russell, 1953
- Family Malagazziidae Bouillon, 1984
- Family Melicertidae Agassiz, 1862
- Family Mitrocomidae Torrey, 1909
- Family Octocannidae accepted as Malagazziidae Bouillon, 1984
- Family Octocannoididae Bouillon, Boero & Seghers, 1991
- Family Orchistomatidae Bouillon, 1984
- Family Orchistomidae Bouillon, 1984 accepted as Orchistomatidae Bouillon, 1984
- Family Palaequoreidae Adler & Roeper, 2012 †
- Family Phialellidae Russell, 1953
- Family Phialucidae accepted as Phialuciidae Kramp, 1955
- Family Phialuciidae Kramp, 1955
- Family Plumulariidae Hincks, 1868
- Family Sertularellidae Maronna, Miranda, Peña Cantero, Barbeitos & Marques, 2016
- Family Sertulariidae Lamouroux, 1812
- Family Staurothecidae Maronna, Miranda, Peña Cantero, Barbeitos & Marques, 2016
- Family Sugiuridae Bouillon, 1984
- Family Symplectoscyphidae Maronna, Miranda, Peña Cantero, Barbeitos & Marques, 2016
- Family Syntheciidae Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890
- Family Teclaiidae Bouillon, Pagès, Gili, Palanques, Puig & Heussner, 2000
- Family Thaumantiadidae Gegenbauer, 1856 accepted as Campanulariidae Johnston, 1836
- Family Thyroscyphidae Stechow, 1920
- Family Tiaropsidae Boero, Bouillon & Danovaro, 1987
- Family Timoididae
- Order Limnomedusae
- Order Milleporina accepted as Anthoathecata
- Order Narcomedusae
- Order Siphonophora accepted as Siphonophorae
- Order Siphonophorae
- Order Siphonophorida accepted as Siphonophorae
- Order Sphaeractinida †
- Order Stylasterina accepted as Anthoathecata
- Order Trachylina
- Genus Cordubia Mayoral, Liñán, Gámez Vintaned, Muñiz & Gozalo, 2004 †
- Genus Sphaerostromella Yabe & Sugiyama, 1931 †
- Class Protomedusae †
- Class Scyphozoa
- Class Staurozoa
- Order Melanoskleritoitidea †
- Family Hiemaloriidae Fedonkin, 1985 †
- Genus Euzebiola Sommer, 1954 † accepted as Sphenothallus Hall, 1847 †
- Genus Hallotheca Bouček, 1936 † accepted as Sphenothallus Hall, 1847 †
- Genus Pennalina Cope, 2005 †
- Genus Pywackia Landing in Landing, English & Keppie, 2010 †
- Genus Rhizostromella Parona in Parona, Crema & Prever, 1909 †
- Genus Sphenothallus Hall, 1847 †
- Phylum Ctenophora
- Phylum Cycliophora
- Phylum Cycloneuralia incertae sedis
- Phylum Ecdysozoa incertae sedis †
- Phylum Echinodermata
- Phylum Entoprocta
- Phylum Gastrotricha
- Phylum Gnathostomulida
- Phylum Hemichordata
- Phylum Hyolitha †
- Phylum Kinorhyncha
- Phylum Lobopoda †
- Phylum Loricifera
- Phylum Micrognathozoa
- Phylum Mollusca
- Phylum Monoblastozoa accepted as Animalia incertae sedis
- Phylum Nematoda
- Phylum Nematomorpha
- Phylum Nemertea
- Phylum Onychophora
- Phylum Orthonectida
- Phylum Phoronida
- Phylum Placozoa
- Phylum Platyhelminthes
- Phylum Pogonophora accepted as Siboglinidae Caullery, 1914
- Phylum Porifera
- Phylum Priapula accepted as Priapulida
- Phylum Priapulida
- Phylum Problematica † accepted as Animalia incertae sedis
- Phylum Rhombozoa
- Phylum Rotifera
- Phylum Scalidophora incertae sedis
- Phylum Sipuncula
- Phylum Tardigrada
- Phylum Trace fossils †
- Phylum Vendobionta †
- Phylum Vestimentifera accepted as Siboglinidae Caullery, 1914
- Phylum Vetulicolia †
- Phylum Vinctiplicata incertae sedis †
- Phylum Xenacoelomorpha
- Genus Trilobocaris Pribyl, 1953 †
- Kingdom Archaea
- Kingdom Bacteria
- Kingdom Chromista
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae
- Kingdom Protista accepted as Protozoa
- Kingdom Protozoa
- Kingdom Viruses
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