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Xenos Rossi, 1794

1361400  (

Acroschismus Pierce, 1908 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Belonogastechthrus Pierce, 1911 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Belonogastrechthrus Pierce, 1911 · unaccepted > misspelling - incorrect subsequent spelling
Clypoxenos Brèthes, 1923 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Schistosiphon Pierce, 1908 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Vespaexenos Pierce, 1909 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Xenops Leach, 1815 · unaccepted > unjustified emendation
Xenus Agassiz, 1846 · unaccepted > unjustified emendation


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  1. Species Xenos acinctus (Kogan & Oliveira, 1966)
  2. Species Xenos afer Pasteels, 1950
  3. Species Xenos americanus (Brèthes, 1923)
  4. Species Xenos araujoi Oliveira & Kogan, 1962
  5. Species Xenos argentinus Brèthes, 1923
  6. Species Xenos auriferi Pierce, 1911
  7. Species Xenos bahiensis (Kogan & Oliveira, 1966)
  8. Species Xenos boharti Hofmann, 1965
  9. Species Xenos bohlsi Hoffmann, 1914
  10. Species Xenos bonairensis Brèthes, 1923
  11. Species Xenos brasiliensis (Kogan & Oliveira, 1966)
  12. Species Xenos dianshuiwengi Yang, 1999
  13. Species Xenos fluminensis (Kogan & Oliveria, 1966)
  14. Species Xenos hamiltoni Kathirithamby, 2006
  15. Species Xenos hebraei Kinzelbach, 1978
  16. Species Xenos hospitus Oliveira & Kogan, 1962
  17. Species Xenos hunteri (Pierce, 1909)
  18. Species Xenos indespectus Oliveira & Kogan, 1962
  19. Species Xenos ivei Kifune, 1983
  20. Species Xenos iviei Kifune, 1983
  21. Species Xenos kifunei Cook & Mathison, 1997
  22. Species Xenos minor Kinzelbach, 1971
  23. Species Xenos moutoni de Buysson, 1903
  24. Species Xenos myrapetrus (da Cunha Trois, 1988)
  25. Species Xenos niger Pasteels, 1950
  26. Species Xenos nigrescens Brues, 1903
  27. Species Xenos occidentalis (Kogan & Oliveira, 1966)
  28. Species Xenos pallidus Brues, 1903
  29. Species Xenos pecki Kirby, 1813
  30. Species Xenos peckii Kirby, 1813
  31. Species Xenos peruensis Kifune, 1979
  32. Species Xenos provesparum Kifune, 1986
  33. Species Xenos rostratus Cuhna-Trois, 1984
  34. Species Xenos rubiginosi (Pierce, 1909)
  35. Species Xenos stuckenbergi Pasteels, 1956
  36. Species Xenos vesparum Rossi, 1793
  37. Species Xenos zavattarii (Pierce, 1911)
  38. Species Xenos zikani (Kogan & Oliveira, 1966)
  39. Species Xenos bowditchi (Pierce, 1909) accepted as Xenos pecki Kirby, 1813
  40. Species Xenos bruesi (Pierce, 1909) accepted as Xenos pecki Kirby, 1813
  41. Species Xenos californicus (Pierce, 1918) accepted as Xenos pecki Kirby, 1813
  42. Species Xenos maximus (Pierce, 1909) accepted as Xenos pecki Kirby, 1813
  43. Species Xenos pecosensis (Pierce, 1909) accepted as Xenos pecki Kirby, 1813
  44. Species Xenos texani (Pierce, 1909) accepted as Xenos pecki Kirby, 1813
  45. Species Xenos wheeleri (Pierce, 1908) accepted as Xenos pecki Kirby, 1813
marine, brackish
recent only
Rossi, P. (1794). Mantissa insectorum, exhibens species nuper in Etruria collectas a Petro Rossio. Adiectis faunae Etruscae illustrationibus ac emendationibus. Vol. 2. Polloni, Pisa, 154 pp., available online at
page(s): 114 [details] 
Taxonomic remark Listed as Col[eoptera] in Nomen. Zool.  
Taxonomic remark Listed as Col[eoptera] in Nomen. Zool. [details]
IRMNG (2022). Xenos Rossi, 1794. Accessed at: on 2025-01-27
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2022-04-09 00:35:37Z

original description Rossi, P. (1794). Mantissa insectorum, exhibens species nuper in Etruria collectas a Petro Rossio. Adiectis faunae Etruscae illustrationibus ac emendationibus. Vol. 2. Polloni, Pisa, 154 pp., available online at
page(s): 114 [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

basis of record Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

verified source for family Benda, D.; Pohl, H.; Nakase, Y.; Beutel, R.; Straka, J. (2022). A generic classification of Xenidae (Strepsiptera) based on the morphology of the female cephalothorax and male cephalotheca with a preliminary checklist of species. <em>ZooKeys.</em> 1093: 1-134., available online at [details] 

current name source Benda, D.; Pohl, H.; Nakase, Y.; Beutel, R.; Straka, J. (2022). A generic classification of Xenidae (Strepsiptera) based on the morphology of the female cephalothorax and male cephalotheca with a preliminary checklist of species. <em>ZooKeys.</em> 1093: 1-134., available online at [details] 

extant flag source Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

original description (of Schistosiphon Pierce, 1908) Pierce, W.D. (1908). A preliminary review of the classification of the order Strepsiptera. <em>Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.</em> 9: 75-85., available online at
page(s): 80 [details] 

original description (of Vespaexenos Pierce, 1909) Pierce, W.D. (1909). monographic revision of the twisted winged insects comprising the order Strepsiptera Kirby. <em>Bulletin of the United States National Museum.</em> 66: 1-232., available online at
page(s): 133 [details] 

original description (of Belonogastechthrus Pierce, 1911) Pierce, W.D. (1911). Notes on insects of the order Strepsiptera, with descriptions of new species. <em>Proceedings of the United States National Museum.</em> 40: 487-511., available online at
page(s): 498 [details] 

original description (of Acroschismus Pierce, 1908) Pierce, W.D. (1908). A preliminary review of the classification of the order Strepsiptera. <em>Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.</em> 9: 75-85., available online at
page(s): 79 [details] 

original description (of Clypoxenos Brèthes, 1923) Brèthes, J. (1923). Primera contribución para el conocimiento de los "Strepsiptera" Argentinos. <em>Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía, La Plata.</em> 15: 41-56.
page(s): 46 [details] 

original description (of Xenus Agassiz, 1846) Agassiz, L. (1846). Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis. Jent & Gassman. viii + 393 pp. [1847]., available online at [details] 

original description (of Xenops Leach, 1815) Brewster's Edinburgh Encycl., 9
page(s): 117 [details] 
Descriptive info Rossius (Hallan, 2000-) [details]

Taxonomic remark Listed as Col[eoptera] in Nomen. Zool. [details]

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