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Leptotrema Montagne & R.B. van den Bosch in Miquel, 1855-1857(?)

1364149  (



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  1. Species Leptotrema aemulans (Kremp.) Müll. Arg., 1894
  2. Species Leptotrema aemulum Müll. Arg., 1895
  3. Species Leptotrema albocoronatum C. Knight, 1889
  4. Species Leptotrema argillaceum Szatala, 1955
  5. Species Leptotrema calathiforme (Vain.) Zahlbr., 1923
  6. Species Leptotrema endoxanthellum Zahlbr., 1936
  7. Species Leptotrema lithophila Oksner, 1960
  8. Species Leptotrema melanosporum (C. Knight) Zahlbr., 1923
  9. Species Leptotrema microglaenoides (Vain.) Zahlbr., 1923
  10. Species Leptotrema neozelandicum C.W. Dodge, 1970
  11. Species Leptotrema nitidulum Müll. Arg., 1895
  12. Species Leptotrema nuwarense (Hale) Nagarkar, Sethy & Patw., 1986
  13. Species Leptotrema oligosporum (Müll. Arg.) Patw. & Makhija, 1980
  14. Species Leptotrema oxysporum Redinger, 1933
  15. Species Leptotrema patulum (Nyl.) Müll. Arg., 1895
  16. Species Leptotrema polycarpum Müll. Arg., 1895
  17. Species Leptotrema polyporum Riddle, 1923
  18. Species Leptotrema schizoloma Müll. Arg., 1889
  19. Species Leptotrema africanum Hale, 1978 accepted as Thelotrema africanum (Hale) Hale, 1980
  20. Species Leptotrema allosporoides (Nyl.) Müll. Arg., 1894 accepted as Thelotrema allosporoides Nyl., 1873
  21. Species Leptotrema andamanicum (Nyl.) A.L. Sm., 1922 accepted as Ocellularia andamanica (Nyl.) Tat. Matsumoto & Deguchi, 1999
  22. Species Leptotrema arecae (Vain.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Ocellularia arecae (Vain.) Hale, 1980
  23. Species Leptotrema auberianum (Mont.) Fink, 1935 accepted as Ocellularia auberiana (Mont.) Hale, 1980
  24. Species Leptotrema bahianum (Ach.) Müll. Arg., 1887 accepted as Myriotrema bahianum (Ach.) Hale, 1980
  25. Species Leptotrema bisporum (Nyl.) Riddle, 1920 accepted as Thelotrema bisporum Nyl., 1891
  26. Species Leptotrema chiriquiense Hale, 1978 accepted as Ocellularia chiriquiensis (Hale) Hale, 1980
  27. Species Leptotrema compunctellum (Nyl.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Thelotrema compunctellum Nyl., 1868
  28. Species Leptotrema compunctum (Ach.) Müll. Arg., 1888 accepted as Myriotrema compunctum (Ach.) Hale, 1980
  29. Species Leptotrema crassum Müll. Arg., 1882 accepted as Ocellularia crassa (Müll. Arg.) Hale, 1980
  30. Species Leptotrema cubanum (Tuck.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Thelotrema cubanum Tuck., 1862
  31. Species Leptotrema deceptum Hale, 1974 accepted as Myriotrema deceptum (Hale) Hale, 1980
  32. Species Leptotrema desquamans (Müll. Arg.) Patw. & Makhija, 1980 accepted as Myriotrema desquamans (Müll. Arg.) Hale, 1980
  33. Species Leptotrema desquamescens (Vain.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Thelotrema desquamescens Vain., 1921
  34. Species Leptotrema elachistoteron (Leight.) Patw. & Kulk., 1977 accepted as Myriotrema elachistoteron (Leight.) Hale, 1980
  35. Species Leptotrema elatius (Stirt.) Müll. Arg., 1894 accepted as Thelotrema elatius (Stirt.) Hellb., 1896
  36. Species Leptotrema epitrypum (Nyl.) A.L. Sm., 1922 accepted as Ocellularia epitrypa (Nyl.) Hale, 1980
  37. Species Leptotrema farinaceum (C. Knight) Müll. Arg., 1894 accepted as Thelotrema farinaceum C. Knight, 1883
  38. Species Leptotrema fissum (Nyl.) Müll. Arg., 1882 accepted as Ocellularia fissa (Nyl.) Hale, 1980
  39. Species Leptotrema glaucescens (Nyl.) Müll. Arg., 1882 accepted as Myriotrema glaucescens (Nyl.) Hale, 1980
  40. Species Leptotrema hawaiiense Hale, 1974 accepted as Thelotrema hawaiiense (Hale) Hale, 1980
  41. Species Leptotrema hypoprotocetraricum Hale, 1978 accepted as Thelotrema hypoprotocetraricum (Hale) Hale, 1980
  42. Species Leptotrema inalbescens (Nyl.) Müll. Arg., 1892 accepted as Thelotrema inalbescens Nyl., 1890
  43. Species Leptotrema integrellum (Harm.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Thelotrema integrellum Harm., 1912
  44. Species Leptotrema jamesii Patw. & C.R. Kulk., 1977 accepted as Ocellularia jamesii (Patw. & C.R. Kulk.) D.D. Awasthi, 1991
  45. Species Leptotrema laevius (Vain.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Thelotrema laevius Vain., 1896
  46. Species Leptotrema laeviusculum (Nyl.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Myriotrema laeviusculum (Nyl.) Hale, 1980
  47. Species Leptotrema lepadodes (Tuck.) Zahlbr., 1912 accepted as Thelotrema lepadodes Tuck., 1862
  48. Species Leptotrema leucarpoides (Nyl.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Thelotrema leucarpoides Nyl., 1863
  49. Species Leptotrema mammiculum Hale, 1978 accepted as Myriotrema mammiculum (Hale) Hale, 1980
  50. Species Leptotrema manosporum (C. Knight) Müll. Arg., 1894 accepted as Thelotrema manosporum (C. Knight) Hellb., 1896
  51. Species Leptotrema marivelense (Vain.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Ocellularia marivelensis (Vain.) Hale, 1980
  52. Species Leptotrema meghalayense Patw. & Nagarkar, 1980 accepted as Myriotrema meghalayense (Patw. & Nagarkar) D.D. Awasthi, 1991
  53. Species Leptotrema metaphoricum (Nyl.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Ocellularia metaphorica (Nyl.) Hale, 1980
  54. Species Leptotrema microsporum Zahlbr., 1902 accepted as Ocellularia microspora (Zahlbr.) Hale, 1980
  55. Species Leptotrema monosporoides (Nyl.) Müll. Arg., 1894 accepted as Ocellularia monosporoides (Nyl.) Hale, 1980
  56. Species Leptotrema monosporum (Nyl.) Müll. Arg., 1892 accepted as Thelotrema monosporum Nyl., 1861
  57. Species Leptotrema monosporum sensu auct. brit., non (Nyl.) Müll. Arg. accepted as Thelotrema macrosporum P.M. Jørg. & P. James, 1995
  58. Species Leptotrema norstictideum Patw. & Nagarkar, 1980 accepted as Myriotrema norstictideum (Patw. & Nagarkar) D.D. Awasthi, 1991
  59. Species Leptotrema obturascens (Nyl.) Hale, 1970 accepted as Ocellularia obturascens (Nyl.) Hale, 1987
  60. Species Leptotrema occultum (Eschw.) Hale, 1974 accepted as Myriotrema occultum (Eschw.) Hale, 1980
  61. Species Leptotrema panamense Hale, 1978 accepted as Ocellularia panamensis (Hale) Hale, 1980
  62. Species Leptotrema pertusarioides Nagarkar, Sethy & Patw., 1986 accepted as Myriotrema pertusarioides (Nagarkar, Sethy & Patw.) D.D. Awasthi, 1991
  63. Species Leptotrema phaeosporum (Nyl.) Müll. Arg., 1882 accepted as Myriotrema phaeosporum (Nyl.) Hale, 1980
  64. Species Leptotrema reclusum (Kremp.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Myriotrema reclusum (Kremp.) Hale, 1980
  65. Species Leptotrema rhodothecium (Vain.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Thelotrema rhodothecium Vain., 1915
  66. Species Leptotrema rudius (Vain.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Thelotrema rudius Vain., 1915
  67. Species Leptotrema santense (Tuck.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Reimnitzia santensis (Tuck.) Kalb, 2001
  68. Species Leptotrema saxicola (Vain.) Redinger, 1936 accepted as Thelotrema saxicola (Vain.) G. Salisb., 1972
  69. Species Leptotrema sendaiense (Vain.) Yasuda, 1925 accepted as Thelotrema sendaiense Vain., 1918
  70. Species Leptotrema simplex (Tuck.) Riddle, 1920 accepted as Thelotrema simplex Tuck., 1866
  71. Species Leptotrema spondaicum (Nyl.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Thelotrema spondaicum Nyl., 1863
  72. Species Leptotrema stellatum Hale, 1978 accepted as Thelotrema stellatum (Hale) Hale, 1980
  73. Species Leptotrema subcompunctum (Nyl.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Myriotrema subcompunctum (Nyl.) Hale, 1980
  74. Species Leptotrema subgeminum (Nyl.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Thelotrema subgeminum (Nyl.) Nyl., 1891
  75. Species Leptotrema submicrosporoides Nagarkar, Sethy & Patw., 1987 accepted as Ocellularia submicrosporoides (Nagarkar, Sethy & Patw.) D.D. Awasthi, 1991
  76. Species Leptotrema subsphaerosporum (Harm.) Zahlbr., 1923 accepted as Thelotrema subsphaerosporum Harm., 1912
  77. Species Leptotrema tarmuguliense Sethy, Nagarkar & Patw., 1987 accepted as Myriotrema tarmaguliense (Sethy, Nagarkar & Patw.) D.D. Awasthi, 1991
  78. Species Leptotrema trypaneoides (Nyl.) Riddle, 1916 accepted as Myriotrema trypaneoides (Nyl.) Hale, 1980
  79. Species Leptotrema umbratum (Ach.) Müll. Arg., 1887 accepted as Thelotrema umbratum (Ach.) Fée, 1837
  80. Species Leptotrema urceolare (Ach.) Müll. Arg., 1887 accepted as Myriotrema urceolare (Ach.) Hale, 1980
  81. Species Leptotrema wightii (Taylor) Müll. Arg., 1882 accepted as Myriotrema wightii (Taylor) Hale, 1980
marine, brackish
recent only
Not documented
IRMNG (2021). Leptotrema Montagne & R.B. van den Bosch in Miquel, 1855-1857(?). Accessed at: on 2025-01-25
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2017-07-27 06:57:16Z
2020-01-02 00:15:28Z

basis of record Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

basis of record SN2000 unverified/Stang, 2004-present [details] 

basis of record Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

source of synonymy Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

name verified source Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

extant flag source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

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