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Calothrix C.A. Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886

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  1. Species Calothrix adscedens (Nägeli) Bornet & Flahault
  2. Species Calothrix adscendens Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  3. Species Calothrix aeruginea Thuret, 1875
  4. Species Calothrix aeruginosa Woronichin, 1923
  5. Species Calothrix africana Schmidle, 1901
  6. Species Calothrix alternans Y.-Y. Li, 1984
  7. Species Calothrix anomala Mitra, 1965
  8. Species Calothrix antarctica F.E. Fritsch, 1912
  9. Species Calothrix atricha Frémy, 1930
  10. Species Calothrix australiensis A.M. Scott & Prescott
  11. Species Calothrix baueriana (Grun.) Hansgirg
  12. Species Calothrix bharadwajae J. De Toni, 1939
  13. Species Calothrix bossei Frémy, 1930
  14. Species Calothrix braunii Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  15. Species Calothrix brebissonii Kützing, 1847
  16. Species Calothrix breviarticulata W. West & G.S. West, 1897
  17. Species Calothrix brevissima G.S. West, 1907
  18. Species Calothrix calida P. Richter, 1908
  19. Species Calothrix candelii P. González, 1930
  20. Species Calothrix capitularis Uher, 2007
  21. Species Calothrix castellii (Massalongo) Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  22. Species Calothrix caulerpae Zanardini, 1851
  23. Species Calothrix centarenii (Zanard.) Born.
  24. Species Calothrix clausa Setchell & N.L. Gardner, 1930
  25. Species Calothrix clavata G.S. West, 1914
  26. Species Calothrix clavatoides Ghose, 1927
  27. Species Calothrix codicola Setchell & N.L. Gardner, 1930
  28. Species Calothrix columbiana G.S. West, 1914
  29. Species Calothrix compacta Margalef, 1953
  30. Species Calothrix compacta C.-C. Jao, 1939
  31. Species Calothrix confervicola (Dillwyn) C. Agardh, 1824
  32. Species Calothrix confervicola C. Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  33. Species Calothrix conica Garner, 1927
  34. Species Calothrix consociata Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  35. Species Calothrix contarenii (Zanardini) Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  36. Species Calothrix crustacea Schousboe ex Thuret, 1876
  37. Species Calothrix cylindrica Frémy, 1924
  38. Species Calothrix desertica Schwabe
  39. Species Calothrix divergens C.L. Sant'Anna, L.H.Z. Branco & S.M.F. Silva
  40. Species Calothrix dolichomeres Skuja, 1949
  41. Species Calothrix elenkinii Kossinskaja, 1924
  42. Species Calothrix endophytica A.D. Cotton, 1912
  43. Species Calothrix epiphytica W. West & G.S. West, 1897
  44. Species Calothrix evanescens Gardner, 1927
  45. Species Calothrix fasciculata C. Agardh, 1824
  46. Species Calothrix flahaultii Frémy, 1927
  47. Species Calothrix flamulorum C.L. Sant'Anna, S.M.F. Silva & L.H.Z. Branco
  48. Species Calothrix floccosa (Woronichin) Geitler, 1925
  49. Species Calothrix fullerbornii Schmidle, 1902
  50. Species Calothrix fusca (Kützing) Bornet & Flahault, 1885
  51. Species Calothrix fuscoviolacea P.L. Crouan & H.M. Crouan ex Bornet & Flahault, 1859
  52. Species Calothrix galpinii K. Cholnoky-Pfannkuche
  53. Species Calothrix gardneri J. De Toni, 1934
  54. Species Calothrix geitonos Skuja, 1949
  55. Species Calothrix gelatinosa F.E. Fritsch, 1923
  56. Species Calothrix ghosei Bharadwaja, 1935
  57. Species Calothrix gloeocola Skuja, 1949
  58. Species Calothrix goetzei Schmidle, 1901
  59. Species Calothrix gracilis F.E. Fritsch, 1912
  60. Species Calothrix gypsophila (Kützing) Thuret, 1875
  61. Species Calothrix indica Montagne, 1849
  62. Species Calothrix intorta C.-C. Jao, 1939
  63. Species Calothrix intricata F.E. Fritsch, 1912
  64. Species Calothrix javanica De Wildeman, 1897
  65. Species Calothrix kawraiskyi Schmidle, 1897
  66. Species Calothrix kosinskajae Elenkin
  67. Species Calothrix kossinskajae Poljansky, 1927
  68. Species Calothrix kuntzei P. Richter, 1898
  69. Species Calothrix linearis Gardner, 1927
  70. Species Calothrix linearis Gardner, 1926
  71. Species Calothrix longifila W.R. Taylor, 1928
  72. Species Calothrix luteofusca C. Agardh, 1827
  73. Species Calothrix marchica Lemmermann, 1914
  74. Species Calothrix membranacea Schmidle, 1901
  75. Species Calothrix minima Frémy, 1924
  76. Species Calothrix minuscula Weber van Bosse, 1913
  77. Species Calothrix nidulans Setchell & N.L. Gardner, 1924
  78. Species Calothrix nodulosa Setchell & N.L. Gardner, 1924
  79. Species Calothrix orsiniana Thuret
  80. Species Calothrix parasitica (Chauvin) Thuret, 1875
  81. Species Calothrix parietina (Nägeli) Thuret, 1875
  82. Species Calothrix parva Ercegovic, 1925
  83. Species Calothrix pilosa Harvey, 1858
  84. Species Calothrix plana (Harv.) V. Poljanskij
  85. Species Calothrix polymorpha Y.-Y. Li, 1984
  86. Species Calothrix prolifera Flahault, 1886
  87. Species Calothrix pulvinata Kützing, 1824
  88. Species Calothrix pulvinata (Mertens) C. Agardh, 1824
  89. Species Calothrix ramenskii Elenkin, 1922
  90. Species Calothrix rectangularis Setchell & Gardner, 1918
  91. Species Calothrix rhizosoleniae Lemmermann, 1899
  92. Species Calothrix robusta Setchell & N.L. Gardner, 1918
  93. Species Calothrix rosea W.R. Taylor, 1928
  94. Species Calothrix sandvicensis (Nordstedt) Schmidle, 1897
  95. Species Calothrix scopulorum (F. Weber & D. Mohr) C. Agardh, 1824
  96. Species Calothrix scytonemicola Tilden, 1910
  97. Species Calothrix simplex Gardner, 1927
  98. Species Calothrix simulans Gardner, 1927
  99. Species Calothrix stagnalis Gomont, 1895
  100. Species Calothrix stellaris Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  101. Species Calothrix stellulata Zanardini
  102. Species Calothrix tenella Gardner, 1927
  103. Species Calothrix thermalis (Schwabe) Hasngirg, 1884
  104. Species Calothrix variegata Zanardini
  105. Species Calothrix viguieri Frémy, 1930
  106. Species Calothrix vivipara Harvey, 1858
  107. Species Calothrix weberi Schmidle, 1899
  108. Species Calothrix wembaerensis Hieronimus & Schmidle, 1898
  109. Species Calothrix wrangelii C. Agardh
  110. Species Calothrix agardhii P.L. Crouan & H.M. Crouan, 1867 accepted as Leibleinia agardhii Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988
  111. Species Calothrix balearica Bornet & Flahault ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886 accepted as Homoeothrix balearica (Bornet & Flahault) Lemmermann, 1910
  112. Species Calothrix balearica Bornet & Flahault, 1886 accepted as Phormidiochaete balearica (Bornet & Flahault ex Bornet & Flahault) Komárek, 2001
  113. Species Calothrix caespitosa Rabenhorst, 1873 accepted as Homoeothrix caespitosa (Rabenhorst) Kirchner, 1900
  114. Species Calothrix caespitula Harvey, 1833 accepted as Lyngbya caespitula (Harvey) Rabenhorst, 1865
  115. Species Calothrix cartilaginea G.S. West, 1907 accepted as Homoeothrix cartilaginea (G.S. West) Lemmermann, 1910
  116. Species Calothrix comoides Harvey accepted as Blennothrix comoides (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988
  117. Species Calothrix comoides Harvey ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886 accepted as Blennothrix comoides (Gomont) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988
  118. Species Calothrix creswellii Harvey, 1846 accepted as Schizothrix creswellii (Harvey) Harvey, 1847
  119. Species Calothrix hansgirgi Schmidle, 1900 accepted as Homoeothrix hansgirgi (Schmidle) Lemmermann, 1910
  120. Species Calothrix hydnoides Harvey, 1833 accepted as Symploca hydnoides (Harvey) Kützing, 1849
  121. Species Calothrix interrupta Carmich. ex Hook., 1833 accepted as Dictyonema interruptum (Carmich. ex Hook.) Parmasto, 1979
  122. Species Calothrix janthiphora Fiorini-Mazzanti, 1857 accepted as Phormidium janthiphorum (Fiorini-Mazzanti ex Gomont) Elenkin, 1949
  123. Species Calothrix juliana (Meneghini) Bornet & Flahault ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886 accepted as Homoeothrix juliana (Bornet & Flahault) Kirchner, 1898
  124. Species Calothrix juliana (Meneghini) Bornet & Flahault, 1885 accepted as Homoeothrix juliana (Meneghini) Kirchner, 1898
  125. Species Calothrix limbata Harvey, 1863 accepted as Microcoleus limbatus (Harvey) Bornet, 1888
  126. Species Calothrix luteola Carmichael, 1827 accepted as Lyngbya luteola (Carmichael) P.L. Crouan & H.M. Crouan ex Gomont, 1892
  127. Species Calothrix lutescens Meneghini, 1843 accepted as Lyngbya lutescens Hansgirg, 1892
  128. Species Calothrix lutescens Meneghini ex Hansgirg, 1892 accepted as Phormidium lutescens (Hansgirg) Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 accepted as Lyngbya lutescens Hansgirg, 1892
  129. Species Calothrix meneghiniana (Kützing) Kirchner accepted as Dichothrix meneghiniana (Kützing) Forti, 1911
  130. Species Calothrix mucor (C. Agardh) C. Agardh, 1824 accepted as Lyngbya mucor (C. Agardh) Kützing ex Forti, 1907
  131. Species Calothrix obscura P.L. Crouan & H.M. Crouan, 1852 accepted as Lyngbya obscura (P.L. Crouan & H.M. Crouan) P.L. Crouan & H.M. Crouan ex Gomont, 1892
  132. Species Calothrix radiosa Schiedermann accepted as Plectonema radiosum Gomont, 1892
  133. Species Calothrix rubra Bornet & Flahault, 1886 accepted as Homoeothrix rubra (P.L. Crouan & H.M. Crouan) Frémy, 1926
  134. Species Calothrix semiplena C. Agardh, 1827 accepted as Lyngbya semiplena (C. Agardh) J.G. Agardh, 1842
  135. Species Calothrix sordida Zanardini ex Kützing, 1849 accepted as Lyngbya sordida Gomont, 1892 accepted as Lyngbya polychroa (Meneghini) Rabenhorst, 1847
  136. Species Calothrix tenuis (C. Agardh) Ainé, 1863 accepted as Oscillatoria tenuis C. Agardh ex Gomont, 1892
  137. Species Calothrix tomasiniana Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886 accepted as Plectonema tomasinianum (Kützing) Gomont ex Gomont, 1892
  138. Species Calothrix tomasiniana Kützing, 1843 accepted as Plectonema tomasinianum (Kützing) Gomont ex Gomont, 1892
recent only
Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 3
page(s): 345 [details] 
Taxonomic remark Includes some species now assigned to Fungi.  
Taxonomic remark Includes some species now assigned to Fungi. [details]
IRMNG (2024). Calothrix C.A. Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886. Accessed at: on 2025-01-17
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2016-11-22 08:30:58Z

original description Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 7, 3
page(s): 345 [details] 

basis of record Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

basis of record SN2000/Komárek & Hauer, 2004 [details] 

verified source for family WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

verified source for family CyanoDB (May 2011) [details] 

current name source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

extant flag source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

habitat flag source Aphia 2006 [details] 

habitat flag source Whitton et al., 2003 (FW species) [details] 

original description (of Desmarestella Bory de Saint Vincent, 1824) Dict. class. Hist. Nat. 5
page(s): 438 [details] 

original description (of Leibleinia Endlicher, 1836) Gen. plant., p
page(s): 5 [details] 

original description (of Dillwynella Bory de St.-Vincent ex Kuntze, 1891) Dict. class. 1
page(s): 593 [details] 

original description (of Rivulariopsis (O. Kirchner) N.N. Woronichin, 1923) Bot. Mat. Inst. Spor. Rast. Gl. Bot. Sada Petrohrad 1(8)
page(s): 115 [details] 

original description (of Leibleinia Meneghini, 1838) Cenni Algh., p
page(s): 31 [details] 
Descriptive info Includes marine species (Aphia 2006). Includes FW species (Whitton et al., 2003) [details]

Habitat Marine and nonmarine [details]

Taxonomic remark Includes some species now assigned to Fungi. [details]

Type species as cited Calothrix confervicola Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault 1886 [details]

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