IRMNG taxon details
original description
Fischer von Waldheim, G. (1821-1822). Entomographia imperii Russici. Auctoritate societatis Caesareae Mosquensis naturae scrutatorum collecta et in lucem edita. Volumen I. Cum xxvi tabulis aeneis. Augusti Semen, Mosquae [= Moscow], viii, 210 pp. ["1820-1822" on title page; mostly published in 1822, but some plates and at least 36 pages available in November in 1821]., available online at page(s): 35 [details]
basis of record
Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details]
basis of record
SN2000 unverified/Stang, 2004-present [details]
verified source for family
Hallan, J. (2000-2017). Biology Catalog (2012 version), (as at 2012). [details]
name verified source
Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details]
current name source
CoL 2006 [details]
extant flag source
SN2000 unverified/Stang, 2004-present [details]
habitat flag source
as per family [details]
original description
(of Pedilus Fischer de Waldheim, 1821) Entom. Imp. Russ., 1 (Gen. Ins.) page(s): 44 [details]
original description
(of Neopedilus Abdullah, 1969 †) Dt. Ent. Z. (N. Folge) 16 page(s): 358 [details]
Descriptive info about 50-60 species, 30 in US (Hallan, 2000-) [details]
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