Between brackets is the number of accepted species
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2 Shows the number of accepted species within the taxon
3 The last expanded taxon is highlighted
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- Biota
- Kingdom Animalia
- Kingdom Archaea
- Kingdom Bacteria
- Kingdom Chromista
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae
- Phylum Acritarcha †
- Phylum Algae (awaiting allocation)
- Phylum Algae incertae sedis
- Phylum Anthocerotophyta
- Phylum Bryophyta
- Phylum Calcitarcha †
- Phylum Charophyta
- Phylum Chlorophyta
- Subdivision Chlorophytina
- Class Bryopsidophyceae accepted as Ulvophyceae
- Class Chlorodendrophyceae
- Class Chlorophyceae
- Order Chaetopeltidales
- Order Chaetophorales
- Order Chlamydomonadales
- Family Actinochloridaceae Korshikov, 1953
- Family Asteromonadaceae
- Family Astrephomenaceae accepted as Goniaceae (Pascher) Pascher, 1931
- Family Carteriaceae Pascher accepted as Chlamydomonadaceae
- Family Centromonadaceae accepted as Chlamydomonadaceae
- Family Chaetochloridaceae accepted as Tetrasporaceae V.B. Wittrock, 1872
- Family Characiochloridaceae Skuja, 1948
- Family Characiosiphonaceae
- Family Chlamidomonadidae accepted as Chlamydomonadaceae
- Family Chlamydomonadaceae
- Family Chlamydomonadales (awaiting allocation)
- Family Chlorangiaceae Lemmermann accepted as Chlorangiellaceae Bourrelly ex Fott
- Family Chlorangiellaceae Bourrelly ex Fott
- Family Chlorangiopsidaceae accepted as Chlorangiellaceae Bourrelly ex Fott
- Family Chlorcoronaceae accepted as Spondylomoraceae Korshikov, 1923
- Family Chlorochytriaceae
- Family Chlorococcaceae
- Family Chlorosarcinaceae Bourrelly ex Groover & Bold, 1969
- Family Chlorosphaeraceae accepted as Chlorosarcinaceae Bourrelly ex Groover & Bold, 1969
- Family Dunaliellaceae T. Christensen, 1967
- Family Endosphaeraceae accepted as Chlorochytriaceae
- Family Gloeococcaceae accepted as Palmellopsidaceae Korshikov, 1953
- Family Gloeodendraceae Korshikov, 1953 accepted as Palmellopsidaceae Korshikov, 1953
- Family Goniaceae (Pascher) Pascher, 1931
- Family Haematococcaceae
- Genus Balticola Droop, 1956
- Genus Chlamidococcus A. Braun, 1850 accepted as Haematococcus J. von Flotow, 1844
- Genus Chlamydococcus A. Braun, 1850 accepted as Haematococcus J. von Flotow, 1844
- Genus Chlorogonium Ehrenberg, 1837
- Genus Disceraea A. Morren & C. Morren, 1841 accepted as Haematococcus J. von Flotow, 1844
- Genus Gungnir T. Nakada in T. Nakada, H. Nozaki & T. Pröschold, 2008
- Genus Haematococcus J. von Flotow, 1844
- Genus Hyalogonium Pascher, 1927
- Genus Rusalka T. Nakada in T. Nakada, H. Nozaki & T. Pröschold, 2008
- Species Rusalka fusiformis (Matvienko) Nakada, 2008
- Genus Stephanoma Werneck in Ehrenberg, 1841
- Genus Stephanosphaera Cohn, 1852
- Genus Trochogonium C.G. Ehrenberg, 1846
- Family Heleochloridaceae Fott, 1974 accepted as Sphaerocystidaceae
- Family Hormotilaceae
- Family Hypnomonadaceae
- Family Nautococcaceae accepted as Chlorococcaceae
- Family Palmellaceae Decaisne, 1842
- Family Palmellopsidaceae Korshikov, 1953
- Family Phacotaceae Francé, 1894
- Family Pleurastraceae K.R. Mattox & K.D. Stewart, 1984
- Family Protosiphonaceae
- Family Raciborskiellaceae accepted as Wislouchiaceae E.A. Molinari-Novoa & M.D. Guiry, 2021
- Family Rhodochytriaceae accepted as Chlorochytriaceae
- Family Sphaerocystidaceae
- Family Sphaerodictyaceae
- Family Spondylomoraceae Korshikov, 1923
- Family Spondylomoridae accepted as Spondylomoraceae Korshikov, 1923
- Family Stephanosphaeraceae accepted as Haematococcaceae
- Family Tetrabaenaceae H. Nozaki & M. Itoh, 1994
- Family Tetracystaceae accepted as Chlorococcaceae
- Family Tetrasporaceae V.B. Wittrock, 1872
- Family Volvocaceae
- Family Wislouchiaceae E.A. Molinari-Novoa & M.D. Guiry, 2021
- Genus Adglutina D. Barcytė, M. Pusztai, P. Škaloud & M. Eliáš, 2022
- Genus Chloropteridella P.C. Silva, 1970
- Genus Chloropteris Pascher, 1932 accepted as Chloropteridella P.C. Silva, 1970
- Genus Diplochloris Korshikov, 1939
- Genus Edaphochlamys T. Pröschold & T. Darienko, 2018
- Genus Ettlia J. Komárek, 1989
- Genus Hapalochloris T. Nakada in Nakada & Tomita, 2017
- Genus Latisphaera G.R. Licari, 1978 †
- Genus Lobosphaeropsis H. Reisigl, 1969
- Genus Maculosphaera G.R. Licari, 1978 †
- Genus Muriellopsis Reisigl, 1964
- Genus Palaeastrum N.J. Butterfield in Butterfield et al., 1994 †
- Genus Tetraflagellochloris L. Barsanti & A. Barsanti in Barsanti et al., 2013
- Genus Tetrapteromonas J. Ruinen, 1938
- Order Chlorococcales accepted as Chlamydomonadales
- Order Chlorophyceae (awaiting allocation)
- Order Chlorophyceae incertae sedis
- Order Chlorosarcinales accepted as Chlamydomonadales
- Order Microsporales accepted as Sphaeropleales
- Order Oedogoniales
- Order Receptaculitales †
- Order Receptaculitida † accepted as Receptaculitales †
- Order Sphaeropleales
- Order Tetrasporales accepted as Chlamydomonadales
- Order Volvocales accepted as Chlamydomonadales
- Genus Gloeocystoides [author?] †
- Genus Kahfia A. Le Hérissé, H. Al-Tayyar & H. van der Eem, 1995 †
- Class Pedinophyceae
- Class Pleurastrophyceae accepted as Chlorophyceae
- Class Trebouxiophyceae
- Class Ulvophyceae
- Subdivision Prasinophytina
- Class Chlorophyta (awaiting allocation)
- Class Chloropicophyceae
- Class Picocystophyceae
- Class Prasinophyceae accepted as Prasinophytina
- Genus Archaeochaeta K.M. Maloney, D.P. Maverick, J.D. Schiffbauer, G.P. Halverson, S. Xiao & M. Laflamme, 2023 †
- Genus Archaeophycus F. Wang, X. Zhang & R. Guo, 1983 †
- Genus Characrhynium Krings, 2024 †
- Genus Chordecystia C.B. Foster, 1979 † accepted as Reduviasporonites L.R. Wilson, 1962 †
- Genus Dictyosphaera Y. Xing & K. Liu, 1973 †
- Genus Harpericystis Krings, 2024 †
- Genus Jiuqunaoella M. Chen & Z.Z. Xiao, 1991 †
- Genus Menieria Y. Wang, J. Jin & R. Zhan, 2014 †
- Genus Palambages O. Wetzel, 1961 †
- Genus Paratetraphycus Z. Zhang, 1985 † accepted as Archaeophycus F. Wang, X. Zhang & R. Guo, 1983 †
- Genus Reduviasporonites L.R. Wilson, 1962 †
- Genus Sarcinophycus S. Xiao & A.H. Knoll, 1999 †
- Genus Shuiyousphaeridium Yan in Yan & Zhu, 1992 †
- Genus Sphaerosiphon Schussnig, 1915
- Genus Tympanicysta B.E. Balme, 1980 † accepted as Reduviasporonites L.R. Wilson, 1962 †
- Genus Yunnanospirellus Li, Wei, Guo & Cong, 2024 †
- Phylum Eophyta †
- Phylum Glaucophyta
- Phylum Gymnospermophyta accepted as Tracheophyta
- Phylum Horneophyta †
- Phylum Magnoliophyta accepted as Tracheophyta
- Phylum Marchantiophyta
- Phylum Picozoa
- Phylum Plantae (awaiting allocation)
- Phylum Prasinodermatophyta
- Phylum Pteridophyta accepted as Tracheophyta
- Phylum Rhodelphidia
- Phylum Rhodophyta
- Phylum Sporae dispersae †
- Phylum Tracheophyta
- Phylum Vendophyta † accepted as Algae incertae sedis
- Class Nematophyceae † accepted as Nematophyta †
- Kingdom Protista accepted as Protozoa
- Kingdom Protozoa
- Kingdom Viruses
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