Between brackets is the number of accepted species
1 Click on "-" to collapse/hide all child taxa
2 Shows the number of accepted species within the taxon
3 The last expanded taxon is highlighted
4 Click on "+" to expand/show all child taxa
5 Click to see the taxon details page
- Biota
- Kingdom Animalia
- Kingdom Archaea
- Kingdom Bacteria
- Kingdom Chromista
- Subkingdom Hacrobia
- Subkingdom Harosa
- Infrakingdom Halvaria
- Superphylum Alveolata
- Phylum Acavomonidia
- Phylum Ciliophora
- Subphylum Intramacronucleata
- Class Armophorea
- Class Cariacotrichea
- Class Colpodea
- Class Kinetofragminophora accepted as Litostomatea
- Class Litostomatea
- Class Muranotrichea
- Class Nassophorea
- Class Oligohymenophora accepted as Oligohymenophorea
- Class Oligohymenophorea
- Class Parablepharismea
- Class Phyllopharyngea
- Subclass Chonotrichia
- Order Chlamydodontida
- Order Chonotrichida
- Order Cryptogemmida
- Order Cyrtophorida
- Family Chilododontidae Macalister, 1876 accepted as Chilodonellidae Deroux, 1970
- Family Chilodonellidae Deroux, 1970
- Family Chlamydodontidae Stein, 1859
- Family Crateristomatidae
- Family Dysteriidae Claparède & Lachmann, 1858
- Family Hartmannulidae Poche, 1913
- Family Hypocomidae Bütschli, 1889
- Family Lynchellidae Jankowksi, 1968
- Genus Atopchilodon accepted as Atopochilodon Kahl, 1933
- Genus Atopochilodon Kahl, 1933
- Genus Chlamydonella Deroux, 1970 accepted as Chlamydonella Petz, Song & Wilbert, 1995
- Genus Chlamydonella Petz, Song & Wilbert, 1995
- Genus Chlamydonellopsis Blatterer & Foissner, 1990
- Genus Coeloperix Deroux, 1976 accepted as Coeloperix Gong & Song, 2004
- Genus Coeloperix Gong & Song, 2004
- Species Coeloperix sleighi Gong & Song, 2004
- Genus Lynchella Kahl, 1933 accepted as Lynchella Kahl in Jankowski, 1968
- Genus Lynchella Kahl in Jankowski, 1968
- Genus Wilbertella Gong & Song, 2006
- Family Plesiotrichopidae Deroux, 1976
- Order Dysteriida
- Order Endogenida
- Order Evaginogenida
- Order Exogenida
- Order Rhynchodida
- Order Suctorida
- Family Suctoria (awaiting allocation)
- Class Plagiopylea
- Class Prostomatea
- Class Spirotrichea
- Subphylum Postciliodesmatophora
- Class Ciliatea accepted as Litostomatea
- Class Ciliophora (awaiting allocation)
- Class Polyhymenophora accepted as Postciliodesmatophora
- Phylum Dinophyta accepted as Miozoa
- Phylum Miozoa
- Order Chilovorida accepted as Colpodellida
- Order Chromerida accepted as Colpodellida
- Order Colpodellida
- Order Voromonadida accepted as Colpodellida
- Superphylum Heterokonta
- Infrakingdom Rhizaria
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae
- Kingdom Protista accepted as Protozoa
- Kingdom Protozoa
- Kingdom Viruses
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