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CoL2006/Dip (authority adjusted)
2011-10-06 22:00:00Z
Rees, Tony
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Taxa (339)
Aagaardia longicalcis
Sæther, 2000
(basis of record)
Aagaardia protensa
Sæther, 2000
(basis of record)
Aagaardia triangulata
Sæther, 2000
(basis of record)
Acalcarella unnamedspecies
Sæther, 1977
(basis of record)
Acamptocladius reissi
Cranston & Sæther, 1981
(basis of record)
Adactylocladius rowensis
Sæther, 1969
(basis of record)
Adactylocladius unicalcar
Sæther, 1969
(basis of record)
Antillocladius antecalvus
Sæther, 1981
(basis of record)
Antillocladius arcuatus
Sæther, 1982
(basis of record)
Antillocladius pluspilalus
Sæther, 1982
(basis of record)
Antillocladius scalpellatus
Wang & Sæther, 1993
(basis of record)
Antillocladius zhengi
Wang & Sæther, 1993
(basis of record)
Apometriocnemus fontinalis
Sæther, 1985
(basis of record)
Baeoctenus bicolor
Sæther, 1976
(basis of record)
Bavarismittia reissi
Sæther, 1995
(basis of record)
Beardius aciculatus
Andersen & Sæther, 1996
(basis of record)
Beardius lingulatus
Andersen & Sæther, 1996
(basis of record)
Beardius triangulatus
Andersen & Sæther, 1996
(basis of record)
Brillia retifinis
Sæther, 1969
(basis of record)
Bryophaenocladius bicolor
Wang, Sæther & Andersen, 2002
(basis of record)
Bryophaenocladius cristatus
Wang, Sæther & Andersen, 2002
(basis of record)
Bryophaenocladius digitatus
Sæther, 1973
(basis of record)
Bryophaenocladius flagelligus
Wang, Sæther & Andersen, 2002
(basis of record)
Bryophaenocladius impectinus
Sæther, 1976
(basis of record)
Bryophaenocladius laticaudus
Sæther, 1973
(basis of record)
Bryophaenocladius psilacrus
Sæther, 1982
(basis of record)
Bryophaenocladius spinicaudus
Wang, Sæther & Andersen, 2002
(basis of record)
Buchonomyia brundini
Anderson & Sæther, 1995
(basis of record)
Buchonomyia burmanica
Brundin & Sæther, 1978
(basis of record)
Cardiocladius albiplumus
Sæther, 1969
(basis of record)
Chaoborus cooki
Sæther, 1970
(basis of record)
Chernovskiia macrocera
Sæther, 1977
(basis of record)
Colosmittia clavata
Andersen & Sæther, 1993
(basis of record)
Compteromesa oconeensis
Sæther, 1981
(basis of record)
Compterosmittia dentispina
Sæther, 1981
(basis of record)
Cressoniella montana
Sæther, 1970
accepted as
Philygria debilis
Loew, 1861
(basis of record)
Cricotopus canditiba
Sæther, 1981
(basis of record)
Cricotopus flannagani
Sæther, 1971
(basis of record)
Cricotopus macraei
Sæther, 1971
(basis of record)
Cricotopus nudisquamus
Sæther, 1981
(basis of record)
Cricotopus pilocapsulus
Sæther, 1981
(basis of record)
Cryptotendipes pilicuspis
Sæther, 1977
(basis of record)
Cyphomella cornea
Sæther, 1977
(basis of record)
Cyphomella gibbera
Sæther, 1977
(basis of record)
Diamesa khumbugelida
Sæther & Willassen, 1987
(basis of record)
Diamesa koshshimai
Sæther & Willassen, 1987
(basis of record)
Diamesa praecipua
Sæther & Willassen, 1987
(basis of record)
Diamesa spinacies
Sæther, 1969
(basis of record)
Diamesa valkanovi
Sæther, 1968
(basis of record)
Diamesa yalavia
Sæther & Willassen, 1987
(basis of record)
Diplosmittia carinata
Sæther, 1985
(basis of record)
Diplosmittia harrisoni
Sæther, 1981
(basis of record)
Diplosmittia recisa
Sæther, 1988
(basis of record)
Diplosmittia recisus
Sæther, 1988
(basis of record)
Doithrix amegabei
Sæther & Andersen, 1996
(basis of record)
Doithrix barberi
Sæther & Sublette, 1983
(basis of record)
Doithrix ensifer
Sæther & Sublette, 1983
(basis of record)
Doithrix hamiltoni
Sæther & Sublette, 1983
(basis of record)
Doithrix longipes
Sæther & Andersen, 1996
(basis of record)
Doithrix parcivillosa
Sæther & Sublette, 1983
(basis of record)
Doithrix villosa
Sæther & Sublette, 1983
(basis of record)
Doncricotopus bicaudatus
Sæther, 1981
(basis of record)
Eukiefferiella finsensis
Sæther, 1968
(basis of record)
Eukiefferiella oestbyi
Sæther, 1968
(basis of record)
Eukiefferiella paucunca
Sæther, 1969
(basis of record)
Eukiefferiella vitracies
Sæther, 1969
(basis of record)
Euryhapsis fuscipropes
Sæther & Wang, 1993
(basis of record)
Friederia villosa
Sæther & Andersen, 1998
(basis of record)
Georthocladius amakyei
Sæther & Andersen, 1996
(basis of record)
Georthocladius curticornus
Sæther, 1982
(basis of record)
Georthocladius fimbriosus
Sæther & Sublette, 1983
(basis of record)
Georthocladius longicalcaneum
Sæther & Andersen, 1996
(basis of record)
Georthocladius platystylus
Sæther & Sublette, 1983
(basis of record)
Georthocladius triquetrus
Sæther & Sublette, 1983
(basis of record)
Georthocladius wirthi
Sæther & Sublette, 1983
(basis of record)
Habrobaenus hudsoni
Sæther, 1977
(basis of record)
Hanocladius longipes
Wang & Sæther, 2002
(basis of record)
Heleniella curtistila
Sæther, 1969
(basis of record)
Heleniella hirta
Sæther, 1969
(basis of record)
Heleniella parva
Sæther, 1985
(basis of record)
Heterotanytarsus nudalus
Sæther, 1975
(basis of record)
Heterotanytarsus perennis
Sæther, 1975
(basis of record)
Heterotrissocladius boltoni
Sæther, 1993
(basis of record)
Heterotrissocladius brundini
Sæther & Schnell, 1988
(basis of record)
Heterotrissocladius changi
Sæther, 1975
(basis of record)
Heterotrissocladius cooki
Sæther, 1975
(basis of record)
Heterotrissocladius hirtapex
Sæther, 1975
(basis of record)
Heterotrissocladius latilaminus
Sæther, 1975
(basis of record)
Hydrobaenus calvescens
Sæther, 1976
(basis of record)
Hydrobaenus hudsoni
Sæther, 1976
(basis of record)
Hydrobaenus kondoi
Sæther, 1989
(basis of record)
Hydrobaenus labradorensis
Sæther, 1976
(basis of record)
Hydrobaenus laticaudus
Sæther, 1976
(basis of record)
Hydrobaenus martini
Sæther, 1976
(basis of record)
Hydrobaenus pilipodex
Sæther, 1976
(basis of record)
Hydrobaenus scapulapilosus
Sæther, 1976
(basis of record)
Hydrobaenus spinnatis
Sæther, 1976
(basis of record)
Hydrobaenus travisi
Sæther, 1989
(basis of record)
Hydrobaenus tumidistylus
Sæther, 1976
(basis of record)
Hydrobaenus virgo
Sæther, 1976
(basis of record)
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