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2011-10-06 22:00:00Z
Rees, Tony
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Taxa (266)
Alacrinella limnoriae
Manier & Ormières ex Manier, 1968
(basis of record)
Alacrinella sanjuanensis
Hibbits, 1979
(basis of record)
Allantomyces caenidarum
M.C. Williams & Lichtw., 1993
(basis of record)
Amoebidium australiense
Lichtw. & M.C. Williams, 1992
(basis of record)
Amoebidium colluviei
Lichtw., 1998
(basis of record)
Amoebidium fasciculatum
J.L. Licht., 1917
accepted as
Amoebidium parasiticum
Cienkowski, 1861
(basis of record)
Amoebidium parasiticum
Cienkowski, 1861
(basis of record)
Amoebidium poissonii
Duboscq, L. Léger & Tuzet, 1948
accepted as
Amoebidium parasiticum
Cienkowski, 1861
(basis of record)
Amoebidium recticola
Chatton, 1906
(basis of record)
Arundinella capitata
L. Léger & Duboscq, 1905
accepted as
Arundinula capitata
(L. Léger & Duboscq) L. Léger & Duboscq, 1906
(basis of record)
Arundinula abyssicola
Van Dover & Lichtw., 1986
(basis of record)
Arundinula capitata
(L. Léger & Duboscq) L. Léger & Duboscq, 1906
(basis of record)
Arundinula galatheae
Manier & Ormières ex Manier, 1968
(basis of record)
Arundinula hapalogaster
Hibbits, 1979
(basis of record)
Arundinula orconectis
Lichtw., 1962
(basis of record)
Arundinula washingtoniensis
Hibbits, 1979
(basis of record)
Asellaria armadillidii
Tuzet & Manier ex Manier, 1968
(basis of record)
Asellaria aselli
D. Scheer ex S.T. Moss & Lichtw., 1984
(basis of record)
Asellaria caulleryi
R. Poiss., 1932
(basis of record)
Asellaria gramenei
Tuzet & Manier ex Manier, 1968
(basis of record)
Asellaria ligiae
Tuzet & Manier ex Manier, 1968
(basis of record)
Asellaria unguiformis
Lichtw., 1984
(basis of record)
Astreptonema corophii
(Manier) Manier ex Manier, 1968
(basis of record)
Astreptonema gammari
(L. Léger & Duboscq) Manier ex Manier, 1970
(basis of record)
Astreptonema longisporum
Hauptfl., 1895
(basis of record)
Astreptonema pacificum
Hibbits, 1979
(basis of record)
Astreptonema typicum
Manier ex Manier, 1968
(basis of record)
Austrosmittium aussiorum
M.C. Williams & Lichtw., 1990
(basis of record)
Austrosmittium biforme
M.C. Williams & Lichtw., 1992
(basis of record)
Austrosmittium kiwiorum
M.C. Williams & Lichtw., 1990
(basis of record)
Austrosmittium norinsulare
Lichtw., 1990
(basis of record)
Bojamyces repens
Longcore, 1989
(basis of record)
Capillus intestinalis
Granata, 1909
accepted as
Enterobryus intestinalis
(Granata) L. Léger & Duboscq, 1929
(basis of record)
Capniomyces stellatus
S.W. Peterson & Lichtw., 1983
(basis of record)
Carouxella coemeteriensis
Lichtw., López-Lastra & Ferrington, 1999
(basis of record)
Carouxella scalaris
Manier, Rioux & Whisler ex Manier, Rioux & Whisler, 1965
(basis of record)
Caudomyces japonicus
Lichtw., Kobayasi & Indoh, 1988
(basis of record)
Coleopteromyces amnicus
Ferrington, Lichtw. & López-Lastra, 1999
(basis of record)
Eccrina flexilis
L. Léger & Duboscq, 1906
accepted as
Eccrinidus flexilis
(L. Léger & Duboscq) Manier, 1970
(basis of record)
Eccrina moniliformis
Leidy, 1852
accepted as
Enterobryus moniliformis
(Leidy) Lichtw., 1957
(basis of record)
Eccrinella corophii
Manier, 1961
accepted as
Astreptonema corophii
(Manier) Manier ex Manier, 1968
(basis of record)
Eccrinella gammari
L. Léger & Duboscq, 1906
accepted as
Astreptonema gammari
(L. Léger & Duboscq) Manier ex Manier, 1970
(basis of record)
Eccrinidus flexilis
(L. Léger & Duboscq) Manier, 1970
(basis of record)
Eccrinoides broelemannii
L. Léger & Duboscq, 1929
(basis of record)
Eccrinoides helleriae
Manier ex Lichtw., 1984
(basis of record)
Eccrinoides henneguyi
L. Léger & Duboscq, 1929
(basis of record)
Eccrinoides monticolae
(R. Poiss.) Manier, 1970
(basis of record)
Eccrinopsis attenuata
(Leidy) L. Léger & Duboscq, 1916
accepted as
Enterobryus attenuatus
Leidy, 1850
(basis of record)
Eccrinopsis helleriae
L. Léger & Duboscq, 1906
accepted as
Eccrinoides helleriae
Manier ex Lichtw., 1984
(basis of record)
Eccrinopsis hydrophilorum
L. Léger & Duboscq, 1916
accepted as
Enterobryus hydrophilorum
(L. Léger & Duboscq) Manier, 1970
(basis of record)
Eccrinopsis mercieri
R. Poiss., 1928
accepted as
Parataeniella mercieri
(R. Poiss.) R. Poiss., 1929
(basis of record)
Eccrinopsis monticolae
R. Poiss., 1931
accepted as
Eccrinoides monticolae
(R. Poiss.) Manier, 1970
(basis of record)
Ejectosporus magnus
S.W. Peterson, Lichtw. & M.C. Williams, 1991
(basis of record)
Enterobryus adjanohounii
Manier, Gasc & Bouix, 1975
(basis of record)
Enterobryus ahlesii
Lichtw., 1960
(basis of record)
Enterobryus apheloriae
Lichtw., 1954
(basis of record)
Enterobryus attenuatus
Leidy, 1850
(basis of record)
Enterobryus bifurcatus
Whisler, 1963
(basis of record)
Enterobryus borariae
Lichtw., 1958
(basis of record)
Enterobryus centroboli
G.J.M. Gorter, 1993
(basis of record)
Enterobryus chaleponci
G.J.M. Gorter, 1993
(basis of record)
Enterobryus cherokiae
Lichtw., 1960
(basis of record)
Enterobryus cingaloboli
C. Rajagop., 1967
(basis of record)
Enterobryus compressus
Thaxt., 1920
(basis of record)
Enterobryus cylindroiuli
Manier ex Manier, 1969
(basis of record)
Enterobryus dixidesmi
Lichtw., 1960
(basis of record)
Enterobryus elegans
Leidy, 1850
(basis of record)
Enterobryus euryuri
Lichtw., 1954
(basis of record)
Enterobryus halophilus
Cronin & T.W. Johnson, 1958
(basis of record)
Enterobryus hydrophilorum
(L. Léger & Duboscq) Manier, 1970
(basis of record)
Enterobryus intestinalis
(Granata) L. Léger & Duboscq, 1929
(basis of record)
Enterobryus isoporostrepti
Manier, Gasc & Bouix, 1975
(basis of record)
Enterobryus leptoiuli
Manier ex Manier, 1970
(basis of record)
Enterobryus moniliformis
(Leidy) Lichtw., 1957
(basis of record)
Enterobryus onychostrepti
Manier, Gasc & Bouix, 1975
(basis of record)
Enterobryus oxidi
Lichtw., 1960
(basis of record)
Enterobryus oxydesmi
Manier, Gasc & Bouix, 1975
(basis of record)
Enterobryus peridontopygei
Manier, Gasc & Bouix, 1975
(basis of record)
Enterobryus tuzetae
Manier, Gasc & Bouix, 1972
(basis of record)
Enterobryus zinophorae
G.J.M. Gorter, 1993
(basis of record)
Enteromyces callianassae
Lichtw., 1961
(basis of record)
Enteropogon sexuale
Hibbits, 1979
(basis of record)
Furculomyces boomerangus
(M.C. Williams & Lichtw.) M.C. Williams & Lichtw., 1992
(basis of record)
Furculomyces septentrionalis
J.K. Misra, M.M. White & Lichtw., 1999
(basis of record)
Furculomyces westraliensis
M.C. Williams & Lichtw., 1992
(basis of record)
Gauthieromyces microsporus
Lichtw., 1983
(basis of record)
Genistella chironomi
Tuzet & Manier, 1953
accepted as
Smittium chironomi
Manier, 1970
(basis of record)
Genistella microspora
M. Gauthier, 1960
accepted as
Gauthieromyces microsporus
Lichtw., 1983
(basis of record)
Genistella ramosa
L. Léger & M. Gauthier, 1932
accepted as
Legeriomyces ramosus
(L. Léger & M. Gauthier) Pouzar, 1972
(basis of record)
Genistelloides helicoides
M.C. Williams & Lichtw., 1987
(basis of record)
Genistelloides hibernus
S.W. Peterson, Lichtw. & B.W. Horn, 1981
(basis of record)
Genistellospora guanacastensis
Lichtw., 1998
(basis of record)
Genistellospora homothallica
Lichtw., 1972
(basis of record)
Genistellospora nubila
Lichtw., 1998
(basis of record)
Genistellospora tepidaria
Lichtw., 1998
(basis of record)
Glotzia centroptili
M. Gauthier ex Manier & Lichtw., 1969
(basis of record)
Glotzia coloradense
M.C. Williams & Lichtw., 1999
(basis of record)
Glotzia ephemeridarum
Lichtw., 1972
(basis of record)
Glotzia grassei
Tuzet & Manier, 1955
accepted as
Pennella grassei
Tuzet & Manier ex Manier, 1968
(basis of record)
Glotzia plecopterorum
Lichtw., 1990
(basis of record)
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