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Lowry 2006
2011-10-06 22:00:00Z
Rees, Tony
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Taxa (181)
Acanthogammaridae Garjajewia, 1901
(habitat flag source)
Acanthonotozomatidae Stebbing, 1906
(habitat flag source)
Acanthonotozomellidae Coleman & Barnard, 1991
accepted as
Iphimediidae Boeck, 1871
(habitat flag source)
Aeginellidae Leach, 1814
accepted as
Caprellidae Leach, 1814
(habitat flag source)
Aetiopedesidae Myers & Lowry, 2003
(habitat flag source)
Allocrangonyctidae Holsinger, 1989
(habitat flag source)
Amaryllididae Lowry & Stoddart, 2002
(habitat flag source)
Amathillopsidae Pirlot, 1934
(habitat flag source)
Ampeliscidae Krøyer, 1842
(habitat flag source)
Amphilochidae Boeck, 1871
(habitat flag source)
Ampithoidae Stebbing, 1899
(habitat flag source)
accepted as
Leucothoidae Dana, 1852
(habitat flag source)
Anapronoidae Bowman & Gruner, 1973
(habitat flag source)
accepted as
Atylidae Lilljeborg, 1865
(habitat flag source)
Anisogammaridae Bousfield, 1977
(habitat flag source)
Aoridae Stebbing, 1899
(habitat flag source)
Archaeoscinidae Stebbing, 1904
(habitat flag source)
Argissidae Walker, 1904
(habitat flag source)
Aristiidae Lowry & Stoddart, 1997
(habitat flag source)
Artesiidae Holsinger, 1980
(habitat flag source)
Astyridae Pirlot, 1934
(habitat flag source)
Atylidae Lilljeborg, 1865
(habitat flag source)
Baikalogammaridae Kamaltynov, 2001
(habitat flag source)
Bateidae Stebbing, 1906
(habitat flag source)
Behningiellidae Kamaltynov, 2001
(habitat flag source)
Biancolinidae J.L. Barnard, 1972
(habitat flag source)
Bogidiellidae Hertzog, 1936
(habitat flag source)
Bolttsiidae Barnard & Karaman, 1987
(habitat flag source)
Bougisidae Zeidler, 2004
(habitat flag source)
Brachyscelidae Stephensen, 1923
(habitat flag source)
Caprellidae Leach, 1814
(habitat flag source)
accepted as
Caprellidae Leach, 1814
(habitat flag source)
Caprogammaridae Kudrjaschov & Vassilenko, 1966
(habitat flag source)
Carangoliopsidae Bousfield, 1977
(habitat flag source)
Cardenioidae Barnard & Karaman, 1987
accepted as
Synopiidae Dana, 1853
(habitat flag source)
Carinogammaridae Tachteew, 2001 sensu Kamaltynov, 2010
(habitat flag source)
Caspicolidae Birstein, 1945
(habitat flag source)
Ceinidae J.L. Barnard, 1972
(habitat flag source)
Cheidae Thurston, 1982
(habitat flag source)
Cheluridae Allman, 1847
(habitat flag source)
Chevaliidae Myers & Lowry, 2003
(habitat flag source)
Chuneolidae Woltereck, 1909
(habitat flag source)
Clarenciidae Barnard & Karaman, 1987
(habitat flag source)
Colomastigidae Stebbing, 1899
(habitat flag source)
Condukiidae Barnard & Drummond, 1982
(habitat flag source)
Corophiidae Leach, 1814
(habitat flag source)
Crangonyctidae Bousfield, 1973
(habitat flag source)
Cressidae Stebbing, 1899
(habitat flag source)
Crymostygidae Kristjánsson & Svavarsson, 2004
(habitat flag source)
Cyamidae Rafinesque, 1815
(habitat flag source)
Cyllopodidae Bovallius, 1887
(habitat flag source)
Cyphocarididae Lowry & Stoddart, 1997
(habitat flag source)
Cyproideidae J.L. Barnard, 1974
(habitat flag source)
Cystisomatidae Willemöes-Suhm, 1875
(habitat flag source)
Dairellidae Bovallius, 1887
(habitat flag source)
Dexaminidae Leach, 1814
(habitat flag source)
Didymocheliidae Bellan-Santini & Ledoyer, 1987
(habitat flag source)
Dikwidae Coleman & Barnard, 1991
(habitat flag source)
Dogielinotidae Gurjanova, 1953
(habitat flag source)
Dulichiidae Laubitz, 1983
(habitat flag source)
Endevouridae Lowry & Stoddart, 1997
(habitat flag source)
Eophliantidae Sheard, 1936
(habitat flag source)
Epimeriidae Boeck, 1871
(habitat flag source)
Eulimnogammaridae Kamaltynov, 1999
(habitat flag source)
Eurytheneidae Stoddart & Lowry, 2004
(habitat flag source)
Eusiridae Stebbing, 1888
(habitat flag source)
Exoedicerotidae Barnard & Drummond, 1982
(habitat flag source)
Gammaracanthidae Bousfield, 1989
(habitat flag source)
Gammarellidae Bousfield, 1977
(habitat flag source)
Gammaridae Leach, 1814
(habitat flag source)
Hadziidae S. Karaman, 1943
(habitat flag source)
Haustoriidae Stebbing, 1906
(habitat flag source)
Hyalellidae Bulycheva, 1957
(habitat flag source)
Hyperiidae Dana, 1853
(habitat flag source)
Hyperiopsidae Bovallius, 1886
(habitat flag source)
Iciliidae Dana, 1849
(habitat flag source)
Ingolfiellidae Hansen, 1903
(habitat flag source)
Iphigenellidae Kamaltynov, 2001
(habitat flag source)
Iphimediidae Boeck, 1871
(habitat flag source)
Isaeidae Dana, 1852
(habitat flag source)
Ischyroceridae Stebbing, 1899
(habitat flag source)
Kamakidae Myers & Lowry, 2003
(habitat flag source)
Kuriidae J.L. Barnard, 1964
(habitat flag source)
Lafystiidae Sars, 1893
(habitat flag source)
Lanceolidae Bovallius, 1887
(habitat flag source)
Laphystiopsidae Stebbing, 1899
(habitat flag source)
Lepechinellidae Schellenberg, 1926
(habitat flag source)
Lestrigonidae Zeidler, 2004
(habitat flag source)
Leucothoidae Dana, 1852
(habitat flag source)
Liljeborgiidae Stebbing, 1899
(habitat flag source)
Lycaeidae Claus, 1879
(habitat flag source)
Lycaeopsidae Chevreux, 1913
(habitat flag source)
Lysianassidae Dana, 1849
(habitat flag source)
Macrohectopidae Sowinsky, 1915
(habitat flag source)
Maxillipiidae Ledoyer, 1973
(habitat flag source)
Megalanceolidae Zeidler, 2009
(habitat flag source)
Megaluropidae Thomas & Barnard, 1986
(habitat flag source)
Melitidae Bousfield, 1973
(habitat flag source)
Melphidippidae Stebbing, 1899
(habitat flag source)
Metacrangonyctidae Boutin & Missouli, 1988
(habitat flag source)
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