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Nitecki, M. H.; Mutvei, H.; Nitecki, D. V. (1999). Receptaculitids: a phylogenetic debate on a problematic fossil taxon. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers.
Nitecki, M. H.; Mutvei, H.; Nitecki, D. V.
Receptaculitids: a phylogenetic debate on a problematic fossil taxon. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers.
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2011-10-06 22:00:00Z
2019-04-11 19:10:19Z

Apidiaceae † (taxonomy source)
Apidiaceae † (extant flag source)
Apidiaceae † (habitat flag source)
Apidiaceae † (basis of record)
Apidiaceae † (current name source)
Blumenbachium König, 1825 † (basis of record)
Calathella Rauff, 1894 † (basis of record)
Calathella Rauff, 1894 † (verified source for family)
Calathium Billings, 1865 † (verified source for family)
Calathrium Chronic, McCallum, Ferris & Eggler, 1969 † accepted as Calathium Billings, 1865 † (basis of record)
Coelosphaeridiaceae † (taxonomy source)
Coelosphaeridiaceae † (extant flag source)
Coelosphaeridiaceae † (habitat flag source)
Coelosphaeridiaceae † (basis of record)
Coelosphaeridiaceae † (current name source)
Coelosphaeridium F. Roemer, 1885 † (current name source)
Coelosphaeridium F. Roemer, 1885 † (verified source for family)
Coscinopora Goldfuss, 1826 † (basis of record)
Cyclocrinaceae † (taxonomy source)
Cyclocrinaceae † (extant flag source)
Cyclocrinaceae † (habitat flag source)
Cyclocrinaceae † (basis of record)
Cyclocrinaceae † (current name source)
Cyclocrinales † (additional source)
Cyclocrinites C.E.I. von Eichwald, 1840 † (verified source for family)
Cyclocrinus C.E.I. von Eichwald, 1860 † accepted as Cyclocrinites C.E.I. von Eichwald, 1840 † (verified source for family)
Dictuocrinites Conrad, 1841 † accepted as Receptaculites Deshayes in Bory de St.-Vincent, 1828 † (verified source for family)
Dictuocrinites Conrad, 1841 † accepted as Receptaculites Deshayes in Bory de St.-Vincent, 1828 † (basis of record)
Dictuocrinites Conrad, 1841 † accepted as Receptaculites Deshayes in Bory de St.-Vincent, 1828 † (name verified source)
Dictuocrinites Hall, 1859 † accepted as Receptaculites Deshayes in Bory de St.-Vincent, 1828 † (verified source for family)
Dictyocrinus Hall, 1859 † accepted as Receptaculites Deshayes in Bory de St.-Vincent, 1828 † (basis of record)
Echinosphaerites Wahlenberg, 1821 † (basis of record)
Ehlersospongia Fagerstrom, 1961 † (basis of record)
Eschadites Richardson, 1851 † accepted as Ischadites R.I. Murchison, 1839 † (extant flag source)
Eschadites Richardson, 1851 † accepted as Ischadites R.I. Murchison, 1839 † (basis of record)
Eschadites Richardson, 1851 † accepted as Ischadites R.I. Murchison, 1839 † (name verified source)
Eschadites Richardson, 1851 † accepted as Ischadites R.I. Murchison, 1839 † (verified source for family)
Eschadites Woodward, 1856 † accepted as Ischadites R.I. Murchison, 1839 † (verified source for family)
Escharites Schlotheim, 1820 † (basis of record)
Fisherites Finney & Nitecki, 1979 † accepted as Receptaculites Deshayes in Bory de St.-Vincent, 1828 † (verified source for family)
Fisherites Finney & Nitecki, 1979 † accepted as Receptaculites Deshayes in Bory de St.-Vincent, 1828 † (basis of record)
Goldsonia Shrock & Twenhofel, 1939 † (verified source for family)
Goldsonia Shrock & Twenhofel, 1939 † (basis of record)
Heiskellites Sandberg in Bory de St.-Vincent, 1967 † (verified source for family)
Heiskellites Sandberg in Bory de St.-Vincent, 1967 † (name verified source)
Heiskellites Sandberg in Bory de St.-Vincent, 1967 † (basis of record)
Hexabactron Campbell, Holloway & Smith in Bory de St.-Vincent, 1974 † (name verified source)
Hexabactron Campbell, Holloway & Smith in Bory de St.-Vincent, 1974 † (basis of record)
Hexabactron Campbell, Holloway & Smith in Bory de St.-Vincent, 1974 † (verified source for family)
Ischadites R.I. Murchison, 1839 † (verified source for family)
Leptopoterion Ulrich, 1889 † (verified source for family)
Leptopterion Hennig, 1932 † (basis of record)
Leptopterion Hennig, 1932 † (name verified source)
Leptopterion Hennig, 1932 † (verified source for family)
Leptoterion Moret, 1952 † (verified source for family)
Leptoterion Moret, 1952 † (basis of record)
Leptoterion Moret, 1952 † (name verified source)
Marcevia Head, 1895 † (name verified source)
Marcevia Head, 1895 † (verified source for family)
Marcevia Head, 1895 † (basis of record)
Neoischadites Byrnes, 1968 † accepted as Ischadites R.I. Murchison, 1839 † (basis of record)
Neoischadites Byrnes, 1968 † accepted as Ischadites R.I. Murchison, 1839 † (verified source for family)
Neoischadites Byrnes, 1968 † accepted as Ischadites R.I. Murchison, 1839 † (name verified source)
Orbitolites Lamarck, 1801 † (basis of record)
Palaeospongia d'Orbigny, 1849 † (basis of record)
Pasceolaceae † (taxonomy source)
Pasceolaceae † (current name source)
Pasceolaceae † (basis of record)
Pasceolaceae † (extant flag source)
Pasceolaceae † (habitat flag source)
Pasceolus Billings, 1857 † (verified source for family)
Petropolissia Gnilovskaya & Nitecki in Nitecki & Gnilovskaya, 1987 † (name verified source)
Petropolissia Gnilovskaya & Nitecki in Nitecki & Gnilovskaya, 1987 † (extant flag source)
Petropolissia Gnilovskaya & Nitecki in Nitecki & Gnilovskaya, 1987 † (verified source for family)
Petropolissia Gnilovskaya & Nitecki in Nitecki & Gnilovskaya, 1987 † (basis of record)
Phaseolus Hennig, 1932 † (verified source for family)
Phaseolus Hennig, 1932 † (name verified source)
Phaseolus Hennig, 1932 † (basis of record)
Phaseolus Hennig, 1932 † (extant flag source)
Polygonosphaerites F. Roemer, 1880 † (verified source for family)
Polygonosphaerites F. Roemer, 1880 † (basis of record)
Receptaculites Deshayes in Bory de St.-Vincent, 1828 † (verified source for family)
Receptaculites Blainville, 1830 † (verified source for family)

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