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Plants of the World Online (2019 version).
Plants of the World Online (2019 version)
2019-07-14 22:14:37Z
2019-09-02 19:10:18Z

Aciphyllaea (A.P. de Candolle) A. Gray, 1849 accepted as Thymophylla Lagasca, 1816 (source of synonymy)
Algarobia (A.P. de Candolle) Bentham, 1839 accepted as Prosopis Linnaeus, 1767 (source of synonymy)
Anthora (A.P. de Candolle) Fourreau, 1868 accepted as Aconitum Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Capnites (A.P. de Candolle) Dumortier, 1827 accepted as Corydalis A.P. de Candolle in Lamarck & A.P. de Candolle, 1805 (source of synonymy)
Cardamon (A.P. de Candolle) Fourreau, 1868 accepted as Lepidium Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Carpopodium (A.P. de Candolle) Ecklon & Zeyher, 1835 accepted as Heliophila N.L. Burman ex Linnaeus, 1763 (source of synonymy)
Cryptolappa (A.H.L. Jussieu) O. Kuntze, 1891 accepted as Camarea A.F.C.P. Saint-Hilaire, 1823 (source of synonymy)
Cyphocarpa Lopriore, 1899 (current name source)
Deilosma (A.P. de Candolle) Besser, 1822 accepted as Hesperis Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Diplostemon (A.P. de Candolle ex R. Wight & Arnott) Miquel, 1856 accepted as Ammannia Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Distephana (A.P. de Candolle) A.L. Jussieu ex M.J. Roemer, 1846 accepted as Passiflora Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Drabella (A.P. de Candolle) Fourreau, 1868 accepted as Draba Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Echinodiscus (A.P. de Candolle) Bentham, 1837 accepted as Pterocarpus N.J. Jacquin, 1763 (source of synonymy)
Endocodon Rafinesque, 1838 accepted as Goeppertia C.G.D. Nees, 1831 (source of synonymy)
Erysimastrum (A.P. de Candolle) F.J. Ruprecht, 1869 accepted as Erysimum Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Goeppertia C.G.D. Nees, 1831 (current name source)
Hydatella Diels in Diels & Pritzel, 1904 accepted as Trithuria J.D. Hooker, 1858 (source of synonymy)
Irio (A.P. de Candolle) Fourreau, 1868 accepted as Sisymbrium Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Kyphocarpa Lopriore, 1899 accepted as Cyphocarpa Lopriore, 1899 (source of synonymy)
Leptormus (A.P. de Candolle) Ecklon & Zeyher, 1835 accepted as Heliophila N.L. Burman ex Linnaeus, 1763 (source of synonymy)
Lerouxia Mérat, 1812 accepted as Lysimachia Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Leucolaena (A.P. de Candolle) Bentham in Endlicher et al., 1837 accepted as Xanthosia Rudge, 1811 (source of synonymy)
Leucosinapis (A.P. de Canadolle) Spach, 1838 accepted as Sinapis Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Lindnera J.M. Fuss, 1866 accepted as Tilia Linnaeus, 1753 (extant flag source)
Lindnera J.M. Fuss, 1866 accepted as Tilia Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Lindnera J.M. Fuss, 1866 accepted as Tilia Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Lindnera J.M. Fuss, 1866 accepted as Tilia Linnaeus, 1753 (verified source for family)
Lindnera J.M. Fuss, 1866 accepted as Tilia Linnaeus, 1753 (name verified source)
Lindnera J.M. Fuss, 1866 accepted as Tilia Linnaeus, 1753 (habitat flag source)
Lycoctonum (A.P. de Candolle) Fourreau, 1868 accepted as Aconitum Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Monostiche Körnicke, 1858 accepted as Goeppertia C.G.D. Nees, 1831 (source of synonymy)
Myobranthus (current name source)
Ormiscus (A.P. de Candolle) Ecklon & Zeyher, 1835 accepted as Heliophila N.L. Burman ex Linnaeus, 1763 (source of synonymy)
Pachystylum (A.P. de Candolle) Ecklon & Zeyher, 1835 accepted as Heliophila N.L. Burman ex Linnaeus, 1763 (source of synonymy)
Physocarpum (A.P. de Candolle) Berchtold & J.S. Presl, 1823 accepted as Thalictrum Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Poeppigia C. Presl, 1830 (additional source)
Psydaranta Necker ex Rafinesque, 1838 accepted as Goeppertia C.G.D. Nees, 1831 (source of synonymy)
Pterotropis (A.P. de Candolle) Fourreau, 1868 accepted as Noccaea Moench, 1802 (source of synonymy)
Ramirezia A. Richard in Sagra, 1846 accepted as Poeppigia C. Presl, 1830 (source of synonymy)
Rosmarinus Linnaeus, 1753 accepted as Salvia Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Sauvagea Linnaeus, 1758 accepted as Sauvagesia Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Selenocarpaea (A.P. de Candolle) Ecklon & Zeyher, 1835 accepted as Heliophila N.L. Burman ex Linnaeus, 1763 (source of synonymy)
Sidanoda (A. Gray) Wooton & Standley, 1915 accepted as Anoda Cavanilles, 1785 (source of synonymy)
Struthia Linnaeus, 1758 accepted as Gnidia Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Symethus Rafinesque, 1838 accepted as Convolvulus Linnaeus, 1753 (verified source for family)
Symethus Rafinesque, 1838 accepted as Convolvulus Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Tetrandra (A.P. de Candolle & Alph. de Candolle) Miquel, 1858 accepted as Heliotropium Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Thymocarpus D.H. Nicolson, J.A. Steyermark & M. Sivadasan, 1981 accepted as Goeppertia C.G.D. Nees, 1831 (source of synonymy)
Trionum Linnaeus, 1758 accepted as Hibiscus Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Tripterium (A.P. de Candolle) Berchtold & J.S. Presl, 1823 accepted as Thalictrum Linnaeus, 1753 (source of synonymy)
Van-royena Aubréville, 1963 (current name source)
Xylon Linnaeus, 1758 accepted as Ceiba P. Miller, 1754 (source of synonymy)
Zelmira Rafinesque, 1838 accepted as Goeppertia C.G.D. Nees, 1831 (source of synonymy)
 Taxonomic remark

In Plants of the World Online (2019 version), the authority is given as "Tourn. ex L."; ING and Tropicos simply ... [details]

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