Kawai, H.; Hanyuda, T.; Draisma, S. G. A.; Wilce, R. T.; Andersen, R. A. (2015). Molecular phylogeny of two unusual brown algae, Phaeostrophion irregulare and Platysiphon glacialis, proposal of the Stschapoviales ord. nov. and Platysiphonaceae fam. nov., and a re-examination of divergence times for brown algal orders. Journal of Phycology. 51(5): 918-928.
Kawai, H.; Hanyuda, T.; Draisma, S. G. A.; Wilce, R. T.; Andersen, R. A.
Molecular phylogeny of two unusual brown algae, Phaeostrophion irregulare and Platysiphon glacialis, proposal of the Stschapoviales ord. nov. and Platysiphonaceae fam. nov., and a re-examination of divergence times for brown algal orders