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IRMNG source details

Guiry, M. D.; Guiry, G. M. AlgaeBase (2021 version).
Guiry, M. D.; Guiry, G. M.
AlgaeBase (2021 version).
2021-03-15 03:01:57Z
2021-09-16 19:26:21Z

Acanthocerataceae Round, Crawford & Mann, 1990 accepted as Chaetocerotaceae Ralfs, 1861 (source of synonymy)
Acetabulum Boehmer in Ludwig, 1760 accepted as Acetabularia J.V.F. Lamouroux, 1812 (verified source for family)
Acetabulum Boehmer in Ludwig, 1760 accepted as Acetabularia J.V.F. Lamouroux, 1812 (source of synonymy)
Achnanthaceae Kützing, 1844 (taxonomy source)
Achnanthales accepted as Mastogloiales (source of synonymy)
Achnanthidiaceae D.G. Mann (taxonomy source)
Actinochloridaceae Korshikov, 1953 (current name source)
Actinochloridaceae Korshikov, 1953 (taxonomy source)
Actinophaenia Shadbolt, 1854 accepted as Actinoptychus Ehrenberg, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Actinophryida (taxonomy source)
Agaraceae A. Postels & F. Ruprecht, 1840 (basis of record)
Agaraceae A. Postels & F. Ruprecht, 1840 (extant flag source)
Agaraceae A. Postels & F. Ruprecht, 1840 (current name source)
Agaraceae A. Postels & F. Ruprecht, 1840 (name verified source)
Agaraceae A. Postels & F. Ruprecht, 1840 (taxonomy source)
Akkesiphycaceae H. Kawai & H. Sasaki (current name source)
Akkesiphycaceae H. Kawai & H. Sasaki (taxonomy source)
Alloeoneis J. Schumann, 1867 accepted as Scoliopleura Grunow, 1860 (source of synonymy)
Alloeoneis Pantocsek, 1889 accepted as Scoliopleura Grunow, 1860 (source of synonymy)
Alloioneis K.M. Schumann ex P.T. Cleve, 1878 accepted as Scoliopleura Grunow, 1860 (verified source for family)
Alloioneis K.M. Schumann ex P.T. Cleve, 1878 accepted as Scoliopleura Grunow, 1860 (source of synonymy)
Alveolophora A.I. Moisseeva & T.L. Nevretdinova, 1990 † (current name source)
Amblypyrgus R. Gersonde & D.M. Harwood, 1990 † (verified source for family)
Amphiceratium Vanhöffen, 1896 accepted as Tripos Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1823 (source of synonymy)
Amphipentas Ehrenberg, 1840 † (verified source for family)
Amphitetras Ehrenberg, 1840 (verified source for family)
Amphitrite P.T. Cleve ex O. Kunze, 1891 accepted as Auricula Castracane, 1873 (verified source for family)
Amphitrite P.T. Cleve ex O. Kunze, 1891 accepted as Auricula Castracane, 1873 (habitat flag source)
Amphitrite P.T. Cleve ex O. Kunze, 1891 accepted as Auricula Castracane, 1873 (extant flag source)
Amylax Meunier, 1910 (verified source for family)
Ancylopyrgus R. Gersonde & D.M. Harwood, 1990 † (verified source for family)
Ankylonoton Pascher, 1932 (verified source for family)
Anthracochondrus Kusta, 1898 † (verified source for family)
Anuloplicata (Z.I. Glezer) Z.I. Glezer, 1992 † (verified source for family)
Apiococcus Korshikov, 1926 (verified source for family)
Arachnoidiscaceae accepted as Stictodiscaceae (source of synonymy)
Arachnoidiscales accepted as Stictodiscales (source of synonymy)
Archaegladiopsidaceae Nikolaev & Harwood, 1997 † (taxonomy source)
Archaegladiopsidales † (taxonomy source)
Archaegladiopsidales † (basis of record)
Ardissoneaceae Round (taxonomy source)
Ardissoneales accepted as Toxariales (source of synonymy)
Arthrogonium A. Braun, 1876 accepted as Hormidium Kützing, 1843 (verified source for family)
Arthrogonium A. Braun, 1876 accepted as Hormidium Kützing, 1843 (habitat flag source)
Arthrogonium A. Braun, 1876 accepted as Hormidium Kützing, 1843 (basis of record)
Arthrogonium A. Braun, 1876 accepted as Hormidium Kützing, 1843 (name verified source)
Arthrogonium A. Braun, 1876 accepted as Hormidium Kützing, 1843 (extant flag source)
Arthrogonium A. Braun, 1876 accepted as Hormidium Kützing, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Askenasya M. Möbius, 1887 accepted as Audouinella Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1823 (source of synonymy)
Askenasya M. Möbius, 1887 accepted as Audouinella Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1823 (verified source for family)
Asterocladales (current name source)
Asterocladales (taxonomy source)
Athroocystis W. West & G. West, 1897 (verified source for family)
Athroocystis W. West & G. West, 1897 (current name source)
Athroocystis W. West & G. West, 1897 (habitat flag source)
Auliscus Ehrenberg, 1843 (verified source for family)
Aureophycus H. Kawai, T. Hanyuda, M. Lindeberg & S.C. Lindstrom, 2008 (verified source for family)
Austrofilum A.F. Peters, 2003 (current name source)
Austrofilum A.F. Peters, 2003 (verified source for family)
Azpeitiopsis P.A. Sims, 1994 † (verified source for family)
Bacillariophyceae (current name source)
Bacillariophyta (current name source)
Bacilloporella V.P. Maslov, 1973 † (status source)
Bacilloporella V.P. Maslov, 1973 † (habitat flag source)
Bacilloporella V.P. Maslov, 1973 † (verified source for family)
Bacilloporella V.P. Maslov, 1973 † (extant flag source)
Bacilloporella V.P. Maslov, 1973 † (name verified source)
Bacilloporella V.P. Maslov, 1973 † (basis of record)
Baileya T. Marsson, 1901 accepted as Tryblionella W. Smith, 1853 (source of synonymy)
Bakalovaella I.I. Bucur, 1993 † (name verified source)
Bakalovaella I.I. Bucur, 1993 † (verified source for family)
Bakalovaella I.I. Bucur, 1993 † (basis of record)
Bakalovaella I.I. Bucur, 1993 † (extant flag source)
Bakalovaella I.I. Bucur, 1993 † (habitat flag source)
Basilicostephanus R. Gersonde & D.M. Harwood, 1990 † (verified source for family)
Bellerocheaceae Crawford, 1990 (taxonomy source)
Bergonia Tempère, 1891 † (verified source for family)
Biblarium C.C. Ehrenberg, 1943 accepted as Tetracyclus Ralfs, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Biceratium Vanhöffen, 1896 accepted as Tripos Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1823 (source of synonymy)
Bilingua R. Gersonde & D.M. Harwood, 1990 † (verified source for family)
Bilinguaceae Nikolaev & Harwood † (current name source)
Bilinguaceae Nikolaev & Harwood † (taxonomy source)
Bilinguaceae Nikolaev & Harwood † (basis of record)
Bilinguaceae Nikolaev & Harwood † (name verified source)
Bilinguales † (taxonomy source)
Bilinguales † (name verified source)
Bilinguales † (current name source)
Bilinguales † (basis of record)
Bipalla Z.I. Glezer, 1992 † (verified source for family)
Bolidomonadaceae L. Guillou & M.-J. Chrétiennot-Dinet in L. Guillou et al., 1999 accepted as Triparmaceae B.C. Booth & H.J. Marchant, 1988 (source of synonymy)
Bolidomonadales accepted as Parmales (source of synonymy)
Boodleaceae Børgesen, 1925 (taxonomy source)
Brachionococcus Naumann, 1919 (verified source for family)
Bretonia Derbès & Solier, 1851 (status source)
Bretonia Derbès & Solier, 1851 (extant flag source)
Bretonia Derbès & Solier, 1851 (habitat flag source)
Bretonia Derbès & Solier, 1851 (basis of record)
Bretonia Derbès & Solier, 1851 (name verified source)
Bretonia Derbès & Solier, 1851 (verified source for family)
Briggerales (current name source)

Currently subfamily Dasyoideae of Delesseriaceae, refer AlgaeBase (2021 version). [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From AlgaeBase, 2021 version: According to A.B. Doweld (International Fossil Plant Name Index), in an e-mail dated ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Junior homonym of Baileya W.H. Harvey & A. Gray ex J. Torrey in W.H. Emory, 1848 Magnoliopsida: Asteraceae) and ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From AlgaeBase: type illegitimate; intended combination of Conferva vesicata C. Agardh 1812 (illeg.), a superfluous ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

An emendation (attempted correction) of Carrodorus S.F. Gray, 1821, the latter listed as a nom. rejic. in ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Traditionally assigned to Xanthophyceae, however assigned to Synurophyceae (=Chrysophyceae in IRMNG) in AlgaeBase, ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Originally published as Chrysomerophycea [sic]; orthography corrected to Chrysomeridophyceae by Graf et al., 2020. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

A junior homonym of Cometes Linnaeus, 1767 (Caryophyllaceae), but no replacement name currently known. From ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From AlgaeBase: "nom. illeg. (ICBN Art. 52.1 & 52.2(b)); objectively invalid (ICZN Glossary under 'name: invalid ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Listed as Cyanophyta? in Index Nominum Algarum. Replacement name for Elaeococcus Thiessen, preoccupied by ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From AlgaeBase: Treated as [a validly published name] by Athansiadis (2016: 538). It is not included in ING or INA. ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

A nomen illegitimum according to AlgaeBase, 2021 version. Listed as a nomen nudum in Index Nominum Algarum. Type ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Invalid genus since the single included species is invalid (no type designated) (AlgaeBase). [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Listed in Eremosphaeraceae in AlgaeBase, 2021, however that family currently treated as a synonym of Oocystaceae in ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Replacement name for Bicornis Fenner, 1994, nom. inval. (coincides with a Latin technical term in use in morphology ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From AlgaeBase, 2021 version: Invalid: type species is invalid. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From AlgaeBase: This species has previously been placed in the Chaetophoraceae [i.e., Chlorophyta], but O'Kelly ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From AlgaeBase: Komárek & Fott (1983) suggest that this alga may be assignable to Chlorolunula P. Dangeard; if so, ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Listed in Eremosphaeraceae in AlgaeBase, 2021, however that family currently treated as a synonym of Oocystaceae in ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From AlgaeBase: This name is allegedly necessary because the original name (Tertiarius H. Håkansson & G. ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Included in Dictyochophyceae in Ruggiero et al., 2015, but accepted in AlgaeBase (2021 version). [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Treated as a chrysophyte at this time, following AlgaeBase/Kristiansen & Preisig, 2001, although Ekelund & ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Listed in Chrysosphaeraceae (Chrysophyceae) in AlgaeBase, 2021 version (basis not stated), although from other ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From AlgaeBase: This name is allegedly necessary because the original name (Corona Lefébure & Chenevière) ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

AlgaeBase, 2021 lists the type species, Phythelios viridis Frenzel 1891, as a synonym of Golenkinia in ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Originally placed in Cryptophyceae (Cryptomonadales), Pleuromastix is treated as Protista incertae sedis in Adl et ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From AlgaeBase: Invalid: not effectively published; apparently unpublished manuscript by Nakahara, M., Tsubota, H., ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Accepted as Pyrocystaceae subfamily Pyrophacoideae in AlgaeBase (2021 version). [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Originally described as a silicoflagellate, but treated as a diatom in most recent sources. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

The type genus Rocella Hanna was originally described as a silicoflagellate, but is considered to be a diatom in ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Listed as Pyramimonadophyceae in AlgaeBase, acritarch in Acritax ( [details]

 Taxonomic remark

The family name is illegitimate, based on Sphaerodictyon C.-C. Jao, 1978, a later homonym of Sphaerodictyon ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From AlgaeBase: Illegitimate: later homonym of Sphaerodictyon Geitler, 1925 [Cyanophyceae]. ... [The] genus ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Treated in AlgaeBase, 2021 as as subfamily Spyridioideae of Callithamniaceae, although some other recent sources ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From AlgaeBase: Not included in ING, but may have been validated by indirect reference to Eunotia cistula Ehrenberg ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

The generitype is invalid according to AlgaeBase, 2021 version. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From AlgaeBase: Invalid according to Gottschling & Socher (2013: 128, "ICN Art. 36.1b"). [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Family proposed as a "nom. prov". by E.J. Cox, 2015, thus invalid, however in use in AlgaeBase (2021 version) and ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

This name is listed in AlgaeBase (2021 version) but is untraced elsewhere e.g. Index Nominum Genericorum, Index ... [details]

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