Kulikovskiy, M.; Maltsev, Y.; Glushchenko, A.; Kuznetsova, I.; Kapustin, D.; Gusev, E.; Lange‐Bertalot, H.; Genkal, S.; Kociolek, J. P. (2020). Gogorevia, a new monoraphid diatom genus for Achnanthes exigua and allied taxa (Achnanthidiaceae) described on the basis of an integrated molecular and morphological approach. Journal of Phycology. 56(6): 1601-1613.
Kulikovskiy, M.; Maltsev, Y.; Glushchenko, A.; Kuznetsova, I.; Kapustin, D.; Gusev, E.; Lange‐Bertalot, H.; Genkal, S.; Kociolek, J. P.
Gogorevia, a new monoraphid diatom genus for Achnanthes exigua and allied taxa (Achnanthidiaceae) described on the basis of an integrated molecular and morphological approach