Gleser, S. I.; Makarovai, V.; Moisseeva, A. I.; Nikolaev, V. A. (1988). The Diatoms of the USSR. Fossil and Recent. Vol. II, Fasc. 1. Pyxidiculaceae, Thalassiosiropsidaceae, Triceratiaceae, Thalassiosiraceae. Nauka, Leningrad, 124 pp.
Gleser, S. I.; Makarovai, V.; Moisseeva, A. I.; Nikolaev, V. A.
The Diatoms of the USSR. Fossil and Recent. Vol. II, Fasc. 1. Pyxidiculaceae, Thalassiosiropsidaceae, Triceratiaceae, Thalassiosiraceae. Nauka, Leningrad, 124 pp.