Takahashi, K.; Moestrup, Ø.; Wada, M.; Ishimatsu, A.; Nguyen, V. N.; Fukuyo, Y.; Iwataki, M. (2017). Dactylodinium pterobelotum gen. et sp. nov., a new marine woloszynskioid dinoflagellate positioned between the two families Borghiellaceae and Suessiaceae. Journal of Phycology. 53(6): 1223-1240.
Takahashi, K.; Moestrup, Ø.; Wada, M.; Ishimatsu, A.; Nguyen, V. N.; Fukuyo, Y.; Iwataki, M.
Dactylodinium pterobelotum gen. et sp. nov., a new marine woloszynskioid dinoflagellate positioned between the two families Borghiellaceae and Suessiaceae