Joyce, W. G.; Rollot, Y.; Evers, S. W.; Lyson, T. R.; Rahantarisoa, L. J.; Krause, D. W. (2021). A new pelomedusoid turtle, Sahonachelys mailakavava, from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar provides evidence for convergent evolution of specialized suction feeding among pleurodires. Royal Society Open Science. 8(5): a210098.
Joyce, W. G.; Rollot, Y.; Evers, S. W.; Lyson, T. R.; Rahantarisoa, L. J.; Krause, D. W.
A new pelomedusoid turtle, Sahonachelys mailakavava, from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar provides evidence for convergent evolution of specialized suction feeding among pleurodires