Drumm, D.T. & Heard, R.W. (2022). Mexctenapseudes boeschi, a new tanaidacean genus and species (Crustacea: Peracarida: Apseudomorpha: Parapseudidae) from the Mexican coast of Campeche with the designation of a new related Australian genus to receive Longiflagrum caeruleus (Boesch, 1973). Zootaxa. 5116(2): 200-222.
Mexctenapseudes boeschi, a new tanaidacean genus and species (Crustacea: Peracarida: Apseudomorpha: Parapseudidae) from the Mexican coast of Campeche with the designation of a new related Australian genus to receive Longiflagrum caeruleus (Boesch, 1973)