Davis, D. R.; Farfán, J.; Cerdeña, J.; Huanca‐Mamani, W.; Vargas, H. A.; Vargas‐Ortiz, M.; Gonçalves, G. L.; Moreira, G. R. P. (2019). Adenogasteria leguminivora Davis & Vargas gen. et sp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae): a new seed-feeding micromoth associated with Fabaceae in Peru and Chile. Austral Entomology. 59(1): 37-51 [2020].
Davis, D. R.; Farfán, J.; Cerdeña, J.; Huanca‐Mamani, W.; Vargas, H. A.; Vargas‐Ortiz, M.; Gonçalves, G. L.; Moreira, G. R. P.
Adenogasteria leguminivora Davis & Vargas gen. et sp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae): a new seed-feeding micromoth associated with Fabaceae in Peru and Chile