González-Miguéns, R.; Todorov, M.; Blandenier, Q.; Duckert, C.; Porfirio-Sousa, A. L.; Ribeiro, G. M.; Ramos, D.; Lahr, D. J.; Buckley, D.; Lara, E. (2022). Deconstructing Difflugia: The tangled evolution of lobose testate amoebae shells (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida) illustrates the importance of convergent evolution in protist phylogeny. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 175: a107557.
González-Miguéns, R.; Todorov, M.; Blandenier, Q.; Duckert, C.; Porfirio-Sousa, A. L.; Ribeiro, G. M.; Ramos, D.; Lahr, D. J.; Buckley, D.; Lara, E.
Deconstructing Difflugia: The tangled evolution of lobose testate amoebae shells (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida) illustrates the importance of convergent evolution in protist phylogeny