González-Miguéns, R.; Soler-Zamora, C.; Villar-Depablo, M.; Todorov, M.; Lara, E. (2021). Multiple convergences in the evolutionary history of the testate amoeba family Arcellidae (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida: Sphaerothecina): when the ecology rules the morphology. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 194(4): 1044-1071 [2022].
González-Miguéns, R.; Soler-Zamora, C.; Villar-Depablo, M.; Todorov, M.; Lara, E.
Multiple convergences in the evolutionary history of the testate amoeba family Arcellidae (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida: Sphaerothecina): when the ecology rules the morphology