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Newton, A. F. (2017). Nomenclatural and taxonomic changes in Staphyliniformia (Coleoptera). Insecta Mundi. 595: 1-52.
Newton, A. F.
Nomenclatural and taxonomic changes in Staphyliniformia (Coleoptera)
Insecta Mundi
595: 1-52
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2024-05-12 18:17:42Z

Bellatricides Newton, 2017 accepted as Pachylister Lewis, 1904 (source of synonymy)
Bellatricides Newton, 2017 accepted as Pachylister Lewis, 1904 (verified source for family)
Bellatricides Newton, 2017 accepted as Pachylister Lewis, 1904 (name verified source)
Bellatricides Newton, 2017 accepted as Pachylister Lewis, 1904 (extant flag source)
Bellatricides Newton, 2017 accepted as Pachylister Lewis, 1904 (original description)
Bellatricides Newton, 2017 accepted as Pachylister Lewis, 1904 (habitat flag source)
Bellatricides Newton, 2017 accepted as Pachylister Lewis, 1904 (basis of record)
Bellatrix Mazur, 2011 accepted as Bellatricides Newton, 2017 accepted as Pachylister Lewis, 1904 (source of synonymy)
Contipides Newton, 2017 (verified source for family)
Contipides Newton, 2017 (extant flag source)
Contipides Newton, 2017 (habitat flag source)
Contipides Newton, 2017 (basis of record)
Contipides Newton, 2017 (current name source)
Contipides Newton, 2017 (original description)
Contipides Newton, 2017 (name verified source)
Contipus de Marseul, 1853 accepted as Hister Linnaeus, 1758 (source of synonymy)
Euplectus Leach, 1817 (additional source)
Felda Blackwelder, 1952 accepted as Termitobiella Wasmann, 1916 (source of synonymy)
Foxia Pace, 2016 accepted as Foxiides Newton, 2017 (source of synonymy)
Foxiides Newton, 2017 (original description)
Foxiides Newton, 2017 (verified source for family)
Foxiides Newton, 2017 (name verified source)
Foxiides Newton, 2017 (current name source)
Foxiides Newton, 2017 (basis of record)
Foxiides Newton, 2017 (habitat flag source)
Foxiides Newton, 2017 (extant flag source)
Hemihesperosoma Hayashi, 2002 accepted as Paramichrotus Naomi, 1982 accepted as Hesperosoma Scheerpeltz, 1965 (source of synonymy)
Idolia Lewis, 1885 (current name source)
Idolia Lewis, 1885 (additional source)
Paramichrotus Naomi, 1982 accepted as Hesperosoma Scheerpeltz, 1965 (source of synonymy)
Paramichrotus Cameron, 1932 accepted as Thoracostrongylus Bernhauer, 1915 (status source)
Prolibia Newton, 2017 (verified source for family)
Prolibia Newton, 2017 (name verified source)
Prolibia Newton, 2017 (original description)
Prolibia Newton, 2017 (basis of record)
Prolibia Newton, 2017 (extant flag source)
Prolibia Newton, 2017 (current name source)
Prolibia Newton, 2017 (habitat flag source)
Rodwayia Lea, 1907 (additional source)
Sonoma Casey, 1886 (additional source)
Stanosthetus Dejean, 1821 accepted as Euplectus Leach, 1817 (source of synonymy)
Stenosthetus Griffith & Pidgeon, 1832 accepted as Stanosthetus Dejean, 1821 accepted as Euplectus Leach, 1817 (source of synonymy)
Stenosthetus Griffith & Pidgeon, 1832 accepted as Stanosthetus Dejean, 1821 accepted as Euplectus Leach, 1817 (status source)
Taplandria Pace, 2015 (current name source)
Taplandria Pace, 2015 (habitat flag source)
Taplandria Pace, 2015 (basis of record)
Taplandria Pace, 2015 (verified source for family)
Taplandria Pace, 2015 (name verified source)
Taplandria Pace, 2015 (extant flag source)
Taplandria Pace, 2015 [2] accepted as Taplandria Pace, 2015 (basis of record)
Taplandria Pace, 2015 [2] accepted as Taplandria Pace, 2015 (habitat flag source)
Taplandria Pace, 2015 [2] accepted as Taplandria Pace, 2015 (verified source for family)
Taplandria Pace, 2015 [2] accepted as Taplandria Pace, 2015 (extant flag source)
Taplandria Pace, 2015 [2] accepted as Taplandria Pace, 2015 (source of synonymy)
Taplandria Pace, 2015 [2] accepted as Taplandria Pace, 2015 (name verified source)
Termitobiella Wasmann, 1916 (current name source)
Throscidium Matthews, 1872 (current name source)
Throscidium Matthews, 1872 (additional source)
Xenaster Bierig, 1939 accepted as Xenasterides Newton, 2017 (source of synonymy)
Xenasterides Newton, 2017 (basis of record)
Xenasterides Newton, 2017 (original description)
Xenasterides Newton, 2017 (current name source)
Xenasterides Newton, 2017 (name verified source)
Xenasterides Newton, 2017 (habitat flag source)
Xenasterides Newton, 2017 (verified source for family)
Xenasterides Newton, 2017 (extant flag source)
 Taxonomic remark

Nomen novum for Pachylister (Bellatrix) Mazur, 2011, non Bellatrix Boie, 1831 (Aves). [details]

 Taxonomic remark

n.n. pro Asticta Wasmann 1916 (Nomen. Zool.). From Newton, 2017: Wasmann (1916b) described three new genera of ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Junior homonym of Foxia Ashmead, 1898 (Hymenoptera); replacement name is Foxiides Newton, 2017. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Newton, 2017: Schillhammer (2015) incorrectly concluded that Paramichrotus Cameron was an available name and ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

From Newton, 2017: A new pselaphine generic name Stanosthetus Dejean 1821: 25 was listed without description, but ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Misspelling of Stanosthetus Dejean, 1821, the latter a syn. (nov.) of Euplectus according to Newton, 2017. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Type species is Taplandria flava Pace. Not Taplandria Pace, 2015 [2], Beiträge zur Entomologie 65 (1): 78, type ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Type species is Taplandria guyanensis Pace. Not Taplandria Pace, 2015, Biodiversity of South America. II: 129, ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

n.n. pro Asticta Wasmann 1916 (Nomen. Zool.). From Newton, 2017: Wasmann (1916b) described three new genera of ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Junior homonym of Xenaster Simonwitsch, 1871 (fossil Echnodermata); replacement name is Xenasterides Newton, 2017. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Nomen novum for Xenaster Bierig, 1939, non Xenaster Simonwitsch, 1871 (fossil Echinodermata). [details]

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