Do, T. V.; Lu, N. T.; Le, A. T.; Lam, M. X. T.; Trinh, X. T.; Deguine, J.-P.; Hoang, T. T.; De Almeida, R. F. (2024). Chlorohiptage (Tetrapteroids, Malpighiaceae), a distinct new genus endemic to Vietnam based on morphological and molecular data. Plant Ecology and Evolution. 157(2): 125-136.
Do, T. V.; Lu, N. T.; Le, A. T.; Lam, M. X. T.; Trinh, X. T.; Deguine, J.-P.; Hoang, T. T.; De Almeida, R. F.
Chlorohiptage (Tetrapteroids, Malpighiaceae), a distinct new genus endemic to Vietnam based on morphological and molecular data
Plant Ecology and Evolution
157(2): 125-136
Unclear whether first author should be styled Van Do, T. (= formatting on header of printed work) or Do, T.V., as per taxonomic treatment in work ("Chlorohiptage T.V.Do, T.A.Le & R.F.Almeida, gen. nov"); Do is used at this time per that statement and IPNI.