× [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Aporocactus Lem., 1860 × Schlumbergera Lem., 1858). [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Echinocereus × Heliocereus × Nopalxochia). van der Meer, 1018 lists this genus as a syn. of ... [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Aporocactus × Epiphyllum × Heliocereus × Nopalxochia × Selenicereus). Listed in ... [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Disocactus Lindl., 1845 × Rhipsalis Gaertn., 1788). [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Disocactus Lindl., 1845 × Pfeiffera Salm-Dyck, 1845). [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Aporocactus Lem., 1860 × Selenicereus (A.Berger) Britton & Rose, 1909 × Disocactus Lindl., ... [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Echinocereus Engelm., 1848 × Disocactus Lindl., 1845). van der Meer, 2918 states that this ... [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Disocactus Lindl., 1845 × Cephalocereus Pfeiff., 1838). van der Meer, 2018 and POWO, 2024 ... [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Lobivia Britton & Rose, 1922 × Selenicereus (A.Berger) Britton & Rose, 1909 × Disocactus ... [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Disocactus Lindl., 1845 × Lobivia Britton & Rose, 1922). [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Arequipa Britton & Rose, 1922 × Disocactus Lindl., 1845). [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Opuntia (L.) Mill., 1754 × Disocactus Lindl., 1845). [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Epiphyllum Haw., 1812 × Lobivia Britton & Rose, 1922). [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Aporocactus Lem., 1860 × Disocactus Lindl., 1845 × Epiphyllum Haw., 1812 × Selenicereus ... [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Echinopsis × Epiphyllum × Heliocereus × Nopalxochia × Selenicereus). Listed by van der ... [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Aporocactus × Cryptocereus × Epiphyllum × Heliocereus × Selenicereus). Listed ... [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Selenicereus (A.Berger) Britton & Rose, 1909 × Disocactus Lindl., 1845 × Opuntia (L.) ... [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Selenicereus (A.Berger) Britton & Rose, 1909 × Epiphyllum Haw., 1812 × Echinopsis Zucc., ... [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Selenicereus (A.Berger) Britton & Rose, 1909 × Schlumbergera Lem., 1858). [details]
Inter-generic hybrid (Lobivia Britton & Rose, 1922 × Selenicereus (A.Berger) Britton & Rose, 1909). [details]