Smith, G. F.; Figueiredo, E. (2020). ×Bacurio, a new nothogenus for the hybrid ×B. delphinatifolius (Baculellum articulatum × Curio rowleyanus), with notes on the nomenclature of Kleinia ×peregrina, Senecio peregrinus, S. ×peregrinus, and Curio ×peregrinus (Asteraceae: Asteroideae: Senecioneae). Phytotaxa. 458(1): 115-119.
×Bacurio, a new nothogenus for the hybrid ×B. delphinatifolius (Baculellum articulatum × Curio rowleyanus), with notes on the nomenclature of Kleinia ×peregrina, Senecio peregrinus, S. ×peregrinus, and Curio ×peregrinus (Asteraceae: Asteroideae: Senecioneae)