Egi, N.; Holroyd, P.A.; Tsubamoto, T.; Shigehara, N.; Takai, M.; Soe Thura Tun; Aye Ko Aung; Aung Naing Soe (2004). A new genus and species of hyaenodontid creodont from the Pondaung Formation (Eocene, Myanmar). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 24 (2), 502-506
Egi, N.; Holroyd, P.A.; Tsubamoto, T.; Shigehara, N.; Takai, M.; Soe Thura Tun; Aye Ko Aung; Aung Naing Soe
A new genus and species of hyaenodontid creodont from the Pondaung Formation (Eocene, Myanmar).