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Index Nominum Genericorum (orthography adjusted)
2011-10-06 22:00:00Z

Acanthosperma Vellozo, 1831 accepted as Acantho-sperma Vellozo, 1831 (basis of record)
Acrolejeunea Stephani, 1890 accepted as Schiffneriolejeunea Verdoorn, 1933 (basis of record)
Adamboe Adanson, 1763 accepted as Lagerstroemia Linnaeus, 1759 (basis of record)
Adenoides E. Balech, 1956 (basis of record)
Aerangis H.G. Reichenbach, 1865 (basis of record)
Aerobryidium V.F. Brotherus in Engler & Prantl, 1906 (basis of record)
Aerobryopsis M. Fleischer, 1905 (basis of record)
Aerobryum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1851 (basis of record)
Aerope (Endlicher) H.G.L. Reichenbach, 1841 (basis of record)
Aetanthus (Eichler) Engler in Engler & Prantl, 1889 (basis of record)
Aetheolirion Forman, 1962 (basis of record)
Aetia Adanson, 1763 accepted as Combretum Loefling, 1758 (basis of record)
Aetoxylon (Airy Shaw) Airy Shaw, 1950 (basis of record)
Aglae Dulac, 1867 accepted as Najas Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Aidelus A. Sprengel in K.P.J. Sprengel, 1827 (basis of record)
Aiphanes Willdenow, 1807 (basis of record)
Aizodraba Fourreau, 1868 (basis of record)
Aloe Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Anacamptiplatanthera P. Fournier, 1927 (basis of record)
Anacamptorchis E.G. Camus, 1892 (basis of record)
Antheeischima P.W. Korthals in Temminck, 1842 accepted as Gordonia J. Ellis, 1771 (basis of record)
Anthemimatricaria P. Fournier, 1928 (basis of record)
Barbajovis Séguier, 1754 accepted as Barba-jovis Séguier, 1754 (basis of record)
Beluttakaka Adanson, 1763 accepted as Chonemorpha G. Don, 1837 (basis of record)
Bolleochondrorhyncha A. Cogniaux, 1902 accepted as Bolleo-chondrorhyncha A. Cogniaux, 1902 (basis of record)
Brassocattleya Hort., 1889 (basis of record)
Buchloe Engelmann, 1859 accepted as Bouteloua Lagasca, 1805 (basis of record)
Cainito Adanson, 1763 accepted as Chrysophyllum Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Calamochloe H.G.L. Reichenbach, 1828 accepted as Arundinella Raddi, 1823 (basis of record)
Carlostephania Bubani, 1899 accepted as Circaea Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Catuadamboe Adanson, 1763 accepted as Catu-adamboe Adanson, 1763 accepted as Lagerstroemia Linnaeus, 1759 (basis of record)
Catu-adamboe Adanson, 1763 accepted as Lagerstroemia Linnaeus, 1759 (basis of record)
Cephaelis O. Swartz, 1788 accepted as Psychotria Linnaeus, 1759 (basis of record)
Chamaealoe A. Berger, 1905 accepted as Aloe Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Chaseella Summerhayes, 1961 (basis of record)
Chlorotetraedron F.J. MacEntee, H.C. Bold & P.A. Archibald, 1978 (basis of record)
Cirsiocarduus P. Fournier, 1928 accepted as Cirsio-Carduus P. Fournier, 1928 (basis of record)
Cloezia A.T. Brongniart & Gris, 1864 (basis of record)
Coddapana Adanson, 1763 accepted as Codda-Pana Adanson, 1763 accepted as Corypha Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Complanatohypnum Hampe, 1878 accepted as Complanato-Hypnum Hampe in Warming, 1878 (basis of record)
Conceveibum A. Richard ex A.H.L. Jussieu, 1824 accepted as Conceveiba Aublet, 1775 (basis of record)
Crataegomespilus Simon-Louis ex Bellair, 1899 accepted as Crataegus Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Crepihieracium P. Fournier, 1928 (basis of record)
Cryptozoon J. Hall, 1883 † (basis of record)
Cymothoe H.K. Airy Shaw, 1935 accepted as Costera J.J. Smith, 1910 (basis of record)
Cyrtohypnum Hampe & P.G. Lorentz, 1869 accepted as Cyrto-Hypnum Hampe & P.G. Lorentz, 1869 (basis of record)
Danaephyllum O.A. Grebenca, 1928 † (basis of record)
Danais Commerson ex Ventenat, 1799 (basis of record)
Dauncontu Adanson, 1763 accepted as Paederia Linnaeus, 1767 (basis of record)
Dendrohypnum Hampe, 1872 accepted as Dendro-Hypnum Hampe, 1872 (basis of record)
Dendroleskea Hampe, 1869 accepted as Dendro-Leskea Hampe, 1869 (basis of record)
Dendrophthoe C.F.P. Martius, 1830 (basis of record)
Densleonis Séguier, 1754 accepted as Dens-leonis Séguier, 1754 (basis of record)
Diacrocattleya Hort., 1908 (basis of record)
Dictyocordaites Dawson, 1889 † accepted as Dictyo-cordaites Dawson, 1889 † (basis of record)
Dioscoroides P.-H. Fritel, 1904 † (basis of record)
Diploon Cronquist, 1946 (basis of record)
Diploophyllum van den Bosch, 1861 accepted as Hymenophyllum J.E. Smith, 1793 (basis of record)
Drakebrockmania Stapf, 1912 accepted as Drake-Brockmania Stapf, 1912 (basis of record)
Drepanohypnum Hampe, 1872 accepted as Drepanocladus (Müller Hal.) G. Roth, 1899 (basis of record)
Duboisreymondia H. Karsten, 1848 accepted as Dubois-Reymondia H. Karsten, 1848 accepted as Myoxanthus Poeppig & Endlicher, 1836 (basis of record)
Duvaljouvea Palla in W.D.J. Koch, 1905 accepted as Duval-jouvea Palla in W.D.J. Koch, 1905 (basis of record)
Echenais Cassini, 1818 (basis of record)
Epipolaia C.E. Bertrand, 1898 † (basis of record)
Eudiscoaster S.H. Tan, 1927 † accepted as Discoaster S.H. Tan, 1931 † (basis of record)
Eugeniaites A. Loubière, 1933 † (basis of record)
Eurycycadolepis (A.C. Seward) A.C. Seward, 1917 † accepted as Eury-Cycadolepis (A.C. Seward) A.C. Seward, 1917 † (basis of record)
Ferrumequinum Medikus, 1787 accepted as Ferrum-equinum Medikus, 1787 (basis of record)
Filixfoemina Hill ex Farwell, 1931 accepted as Pteridium Gleditsch ex Scopoli, 1760 (basis of record)
Filixmas Hill ex Farwell, 1931 accepted as Filix-mas Hill ex Farwell, 1931 accepted as Dryopteris Adanson, 1763 (basis of record)
Foenumgraecum Séguier, 1754 accepted as Foenum-Graecum Séguier, 1754 (basis of record)
Gemmamonocolpites T. van der Hammen & C. Garcia de Mutis, 1965 † (basis of record)
Genistaspartium Duhamel du Monceau, 1755 accepted as Genista-spartium Duhamel du Monceau, 1755 (basis of record)
Graellsia Boissier, 1841 accepted as Draba Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Graminoides N. Goubin, 1965 † (basis of record)
Habenariorchis R.A. Rolfe, 1892 accepted as Habenari-orchis R.A. Rolfe, 1892 (basis of record)
Haploesthes A. Gray, 1849 (basis of record)
Heliodiscoaster S.H. Tan, 1927 † accepted as Discoaster S.H. Tan, 1931 † (basis of record)
Hemidiscoaster S.H. Tan, 1927 † accepted as Discoaster S.H. Tan, 1931 † (basis of record)
Heracleites F. Kinkelin in H. Engelhardt & F. Kinkelin, 1908 † (basis of record)
Hierochloe R. Brown, 1810 (basis of record)
Hippophae Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Homaid Adanson, 1763 accepted as Biarum H.W. Schott in H.W. Schott & Endlicher, 1832 (basis of record)
Huber-Pestalozziamonas B.V. Skvortzov, 1969 accepted as Hueber-Pestalozziamonas B.V. Skvortzov, 1969 (basis of record)
Isoetella Gennari, 1862 accepted as Isoetes Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Isoetes Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Isoetopsis Turczaninow, 1851 accepted as Minuria A.P. de Candolle, 1836 (basis of record)
Karaangolam Adanson, 1763 accepted as Alangium Lamarck, 1783 (basis of record)
Katoutsjeroe Adanson, 1763 accepted as Holigarna F. [Buchanan] Hamilton ex Roxburgh, 1820 (basis of record)
Kingdonwardia Marquand, 1929 accepted as Kingdon-Wardia Marquand, 1929 accepted as Swertia Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Koddapail Adanson, 1763 accepted as Kodda-Pail Adanson, 1763 (basis of record)
Lachrymajobi Ortega, 1773 accepted as Lachryma-jobi Ortega, 1773 accepted as Coix Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Laennecia Cassini in F. Cuvier, 1822 (basis of record)
Lagoecia Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Lemonniera Lecomte ex Baehni, 1938 accepted as Neolemonniera Heine, 1960 (basis of record)
Leptaloe Stapf, 1933 accepted as Aloe Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Leptochloopsis H.O. Yates, 1966 accepted as Uniola Linnaeus, 1753 (basis of record)
Leptorrhynchohypnum Hampe, 1876 accepted as Leptorrhyncho-Hypnum Hampe, 1876 (basis of record)
Leucothoe D. Don, 1834 (basis of record)
Liliogladiolus C.J. Trew, 1754 accepted as Lilio-gladiolus C.J. Trew, 1754 (basis of record)

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