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IRMNG source details

Distant, W.L. (1900-1911). Insecta Transvaaliensia: A Contribution to a Knowledge of the Entomology of South Africa. London: The author. 299 pp. [1-24: June 30, 1900; 25-48: March 10, 1902; 49-80: March 10, 1903; 81-96: December 9, 1903; 97-128: July 30, 1904; 129-158: December 9, 1904; 159-180:June 30, 1906; 181-204: August 31, 1907; 205-228: August 31, 1908; 229-252: March 30, 1910; 253-299: June 22, 1911].
Distant, W.L.
Insecta Transvaaliensia: A Contribution to a Knowledge of the Entomology of South Africa
London: The author. 299 pp. [1-24: June 30, 1900; 25-48: March 10, 1902; 49-80: March 10, 1903; 81-96: December 9, 1903; 97-128: July 30, 1904; 129-158: December 9, 1904; 159-180:June 30, 1906; 181-204: August 31, 1907; 205-228: August 31, 1908; 229-252: March 30, 1910; 253-299: June 22, 1911]
labelled Vol. 1, but no second volume issued.

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2011-10-06 22:00:00Z
2022-10-09 17:33:32Z

Abbalomba Distant, 1908 (original description)
Angelica Distant, 1903 (original description)
Athyllus Gahan in Distant, 1911 accepted as Zipoetes Fairmaire, 1898 (original description)
Atrichiana Distant, 1911 (original description)
Bantuana Distant, 1906 (original description)
Congellana Distant, 1908 (original description)
Gubela Distant, 1910 (original description)
Gunghuyana Distant, 1910 (original description)
Inxwala Distant, 1907 (original description)
Johannesburgia Distant, 1907 (original description)
Kombazana Distant, 1908 (original description)
Korana Distant, 1910 (original description)
Kosasia Distant, 1910 (original description)
Magama Distant, 1910 (original description)
Mapochia Distant, 1910 (original description)
Melebaeas Distant, 1903 (original description)
Neoranzania Distant, 1911 accepted as Rhamphorrhina Klug, 1855 (original description)
Nyanja Distant, 1908 (original description)
Polienus Distant, 1903 (original description)
Tambusa Distant, 1908 (original description)
Ulundia Distant, 1910 (original description)
Uysanus Distant, 1908 (original description)

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