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2011-10-06 22:00:00Z

Aalius androgyna (L.) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr. (basis of record)
Aalius assimilis (Thwaites) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus assimilis Thwaites (basis of record)
Aalius brevipes (Müll. Arg.) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus brevipes Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Aalius ceratogynum Kuntze accepted as Sauropus quadrangularis (Willd.) Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Aalius compressa (Müll. Arg.) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus quadrangularis (Willd.) Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Aalius forcipata (Hook. f.) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus macranthus Hassk. (basis of record)
Aalius lanceolata (Hook. f.) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus rhamnoides Blume (basis of record)
Aalius macrantha (Hassk.) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus macranthus Hassk. (basis of record)
Aalius macrophylla (Hook. f.) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus macranthus Hassk. (basis of record)
Aalius oblongifolia (Hook. f.) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus oblongifolius Hook. f. (basis of record)
Aalius pubescens (Hook. f.) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus quadrangularis (Willd.) Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Aalius quadrangularis (Müll. Arg.) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus quadrangularis (Willd.) Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Aalius retroversa (Wight) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr. (basis of record)
Aalius rhamnodes (Blume) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus rhamnoides Blume (basis of record)
Aalius rigida (Thwaites) Kuntze (basis of record)
Aalius rostrata (Miq.) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus rostratus Miq. (basis of record)
Aalius spectabilis (Miq.) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus macranthus Hassk. (basis of record)
Aalius stipitata (Hook. f.) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus stipitatus Hook. f. (basis of record)
Aalius sumatrana (Miq.) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr. (basis of record)
Aalius trinervia (Hook. f. & Thomson ex Müll. Arg.) Kuntze accepted as Sauropus trinervius Hook. f. & Thomson ex Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Abebaia fasciculata (Warb.) Baehni accepted as Manilkara fasciculata (Warb.) H.J. Lam & Maas Geest. (basis of record)
Acalypha abingdonii Seberg (basis of record)
Acalypha abortiva Hochst. ex Baill. accepted as Acalypha crenata Hochst. ex A. Rich. (basis of record)
Acalypha acapulcensis Fernald (basis of record)
Acalypha accedens Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Acalypha acmophylla Hemsl. (basis of record)
Acalypha acrogyna Pax (basis of record)
Acalypha acuminata Benth. (basis of record)
Acalypha acuminata Vahl ex Baill. accepted as Cleidion spiciflorum (Burm. f.) Merr. (basis of record)
Acalypha acuminata Baill. accepted as Cleidion spiciflorum (Burm. f.) Merr. (basis of record)
Acalypha acuta Thunb. accepted as Adenocline acuta (Thunb.) Baill. (basis of record)
Acalypha adamsii Rob. accepted as Acalypha parvula Hook. f. (basis of record)
Acalypha adenophora Griseb. accepted as Acalypha membranacea A. Rich. (basis of record)
Acalypha adenostachya Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Acalypha adenotricha A. Rich. accepted as Acalypha ornata Hochst. ex A. Rich. (basis of record)
Acalypha adscendens Hornem. accepted as Acalypha chamaedrifolia (Lam.) Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Acalypha affinis Klotzsch accepted as Acalypha amentacea Roxb. (basis of record)
Acalypha agrestis Morong ex Britton accepted as Acalypha communis Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Acalypha agrimonioides D. Dietr. accepted as Acalypha anemioides Kunth (basis of record)
Acalypha akoensis Hayata (basis of record)
Acalypha albemarlensis Rob. accepted as Acalypha parvula Hook. f. (basis of record)
Acalypha albicans B. Heyne ex Hook. f. accepted as Acalypha lanceolata Willd. (basis of record)
Acalypha alchorneoides Rusby (basis of record)
Acalypha aldabrica Pax & K. Hoffm. (basis of record)
Acalypha alexandrii Urb. (basis of record)
Acalypha aliena Brandegee (basis of record)
Acalypha allenii Hutch. (basis of record)
Acalypha alnifolia Wall. accepted as Acalypha alnifolia Klein ex Willd. (basis of record)
Acalypha alnifolia Poir. accepted as Acalypha poiretii Spreng. (basis of record)
Acalypha alnifolia Klein ex Willd. (basis of record)
Acalypha alopecuroides Jacq. (basis of record)
Acalypha ambigua Pax (basis of record)
Acalypha amblyodonta (Müll. Arg.) Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Acalypha amboinensis Benth. accepted as Acalypha amentacea Roxb. (basis of record)
Acalypha amentacea Roxb. (basis of record)
Acalypha amphigyne Moore accepted as Acalypha communis Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Acalypha amplexicaulis A.C. Sm. (basis of record)
Acalypha ampliata Pax & K. Hoffm. (basis of record)
Acalypha amplifolia Rusby accepted as Acalypha macrostachya Jacq. (basis of record)
Acalypha anadenia Standl. (basis of record)
Acalypha andina Müll. Arg. accepted as Acalypha padifolia Kunth (basis of record)
Acalypha andringitrensis Leandri (basis of record)
Acalypha anemioides Kunth (basis of record)
Acalypha angatensis Blanco accepted as Acalypha amentacea Roxb. (basis of record)
Acalypha angolensis Müll. Arg. accepted as Acalypha welwitschiana Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Acalypha angustata Sond. (basis of record)
Acalypha angustifolia Sw. (basis of record)
Acalypha angustissima Pax (basis of record)
Acalypha anisodonta Müll. Arg. accepted as Acalypha insulana Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Acalypha annobonae Pax & K. Hoffm. (basis of record)
Acalypha apetiolata Allem & J.L. Wächt. (basis of record)
Acalypha apicalis N.E. Br. accepted as Acalypha communis Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Acalypha apodanthes Standl. & L.O. Williams (basis of record)
Acalypha arciana (Baill.) Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Acalypha arcuata Urb. accepted as Acalypha angustifolia Sw. (basis of record)
Acalypha argomuelleri Briq. (basis of record)
Acalypha aristata Kunth (basis of record)
Acalypha aronioides Pax & K. Hoffm. (basis of record)
Acalypha arvensis Poepp. accepted as Acalypha aristata Kunth (basis of record)
Acalypha aspericocca Pax & K. Hoffm. (basis of record)
Acalypha asterifolia Rusby accepted as Acalypha cuspidata Jacq. (basis of record)
Acalypha australis Linnaeus (basis of record)
Acalypha baenitzii Pax accepted as Acalypha stenoloba Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Acalypha bailloniana Müll. Arg. accepted as Acalypha indica Linnaeus (basis of record)
Acalypha bakeriana Baill. (basis of record)
Acalypha balansae Guillaumin (basis of record)
Acalypha baronii Baker (basis of record)
Acalypha baurii B.L. Rob. & Greenm. accepted as Acalypha sericea Andersson (basis of record)
Acalypha benensis Britton (basis of record)
Acalypha benguelensis Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Acalypha bequaertii Staner accepted as Acalypha psilostachya Hochst. ex A. Rich. (basis of record)
Acalypha berteroana Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Acalypha betulifolia Sw. accepted as Acalypha scabrosa Sw. (basis of record)
Acalypha betulina Sond. accepted as Acalypha glabrata Thunb. (basis of record)
Acalypha betulina Retz. accepted as Acalypha fruticosa Forssk. (basis of record)
Acalypha betulina Schweinf. accepted as Cephalocroton cordofanus Hochst. (basis of record)
Acalypha betulodes Klotzsch ex Baill. accepted as Acalypha communis Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Acalypha betuloides Klotzsch ex Baill. accepted as Acalypha communis Müll. Arg. (basis of record)
Acalypha betuloides Pav. ex Klotzsch accepted as Acalypha diversifolia Jacq. (basis of record)
Acalypha billbergiana Klotzsch accepted as Acalypha diversifolia Jacq. (basis of record)

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